George Dimitriadis

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George Dimitriadis (Greek: Γιώργος Δημητριάδης; born 10 January 1962) is a Diadochian politician who has been Minister for Foreign Affairs since 2010. Dimitriadis previously served as Leader of the Conservative Party from 1998 to 2002. He has also been member of Parliament for Messenia since 1990)

Early Life

Dimitriadis was born in Kalamata, Messenia. During his childhood years Dimitriadis boarded at Néstora Grammer School, before entering Kalámai College. Dimitriadis' parents Andreas and Irene own a successful wine maufacturing business in the area.

From the early age of 15, Dimitriadis was a strong suppporter of the Conservative party and has showed himself to be strongly against most of the view of the Liberal party and other far left or radical parties. Dimitriadis studied politics and economics at the University of Olympias.

Political Career

In 1990, at age 28 Dimitriadis was one of the yongest conervative members of parliament to ever sit in the House of Dynatoi. Dimitriadis was appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs in 2010 by Andreas Karistinos, the current Prime Minister of Diadochia.