The Dread Overlord

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The Infinite Dominion of the Dread Overlord
Motto"What Would Sauron Do?"
and largest city
New New Barad-dûr
Official languages Black Speech
Recognised national languages Modern Orcish, Haradi
Ethnic groups Orcs (69%)

Men (22%)

Trolls (9%)
Demonym Overlordian
Government Absolute Monarchy
 -  Supreme Leader The Dark One
 -  Prime Minister Er-Murazor
Legislature The Council of Nazgul
 -  Foundation of Barad-dûr SA 1000 
 -  Total 610,103 km2
235,562 sq mi 
 -  Water (%) 4.73%
 -  2014 census 16,207,864,811
GDP (nominal) 2014 [1] estimate
 -  Total $653.8 trillion
 -  Per capita $40,341
Currency the Dread Overlord Precious (₱) (DOP)
Drives on the left
Calling code +850
ISO 3166 code DO
Internet TLD .do

The Infinite Dominion of the Dread Overlord is a large, despotic domain in the eastern reaches of Middle Earth. It's bordered by a number of countries, who consider themselves extremely unlucky to be anywhere near the Dread Overlord. The territory stretches over half a million square kilometres of wastelands, barrens, moors and badlands, punctuated by an occasional swamp and surrounded by forbidding mountain ranges. The climate has been described as temperate crappy. Sixteen billion citizens call the Dominion home; and not just because of the sturdiness of their shackles and leg irons.

The Dominion has a long, proud, and rather gruesome history of ill-advised military adventures, foolhardy offensives, and overly ambitious attempts to 'Conquer The World™', having at one time or another attacked and pillaged most every nearby nation. The retaliatory raids by its neighbours have occasionally decimated the population, but the optimistic survivors have stoically gone forth and multiplied, knowing that the next time will be the one.

The nation is a totalitarian dictatorship, currently under the wise and stern guardianship of the Dark One, a being of such enormous talent and exceptional ability, that no elections are necessary to confirm his unanimous support amongst the population. The Dark One's awesome spiritual presence has led to his appointment as High Priest of the Dominion's state religion, Reformed Melkorism.

The Dominion is an economic powerhouse. Numerous mining operations dot the landscape, while a myriad of impressively grotesque factories churn out quantities of industrial merchandise and consumer goods. The low wages and long working hours of the nation's labour force ensure that the Dread Overlord's export sector remains highly competitive, and its currency, the Precious, is a notable medium of exchange throughout the region.

The government shrewdly balances its large budget between the the twin pillars of the War Department and the Department of Internal Security. The self-reliant populace scorns at the mere thought of government handouts for petty concerns like health and welfare. It is this astute spending policy, and its belligerent attitude, that has made the Dominion's military machine the object of stark terror that it is today.





The territory of The Dread Overlord covers 610,103 km². It is enclosed by three extensive mountain ranges: the Shadow Mountains curve around to form the nation's western and southern border, to the north the Mountains of Ash form a formidable barrier, while the Mountains of Sorrow protect the Dominion's eastern flank. The Gorgoroth Plateau in the west gives way to a dry grassland that accounts for the major part of the country and contains a large active volcano, Orodruin; the eastern marches are dominated by Lake Nurnen and its drainage system.


The Dominion lies in the north temperate zone. The climate over a large portion of the country is semi-arid due to a rain shadow formed by the western and northern mountain ranges. The Gorgoroth Plateu is in a subalpine zone and is cold all year round, though snowfall is rare. Out on the plain, the foothills of the northern and western mountain ranges are the coolest, with temperatures rising further east and south. Summers are long, hot and dry, with short and bitterly cold winters. The northern parts of the plain are intermittently covered with ashfall from Orodruin; the volcanic plume along with heavy concentration of industry in the north-west creates a dense blanket of choking smog. Further south the lack of cloud cover can create great extremes of temperature between day and night. Rainfall increases towards the east with the region around Lake Nurnen enjoying a humid continental climate.

Flora & Fauna

The central plain is characterised by tough grasses and low-lying shrubs. Small furtive mammals and reptiles are the main forms of animal life here, while a few scavening birds circle above. On the Gorgoroth Plateau stunted conifers grow in isolated spots, creeping moss and lichen cover the stony surfaces, and an odd mountain goat can be spotted precariously balancing on a rocky ledge. The area around Lake Nurnen is devoted to agriculture, providing most of the Dominion's food; to the south the land becomes a patchwork of bogs and fens, the foul reek of the decaying vegetion hanging in the air, while the north holds the last vestiges of The Dread Overlord's forests, where a few vicious Hobbit-eating Wargs lurk in the shade of the trees.


His Tyrannical Majesty, The Dark One (B.Sc., Th.D.), Master of the Land of Shadows, Supreme Warlord of the Dominion Armed Forces and Pontifex Maximus of the Reformed Church of Melkor is the Head of State.


The nation is governed by the Council of Nazgul. Current Chairman of the Council and Prime Minister is the Honourable Er-Murazor, the Witch-King. All political parties are banned.

Legal System

Foreign Relations




Ethnic Groups














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