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The nation of Brasilistan was a medium-sized island nation responsible for the temporary slavery of hundreds of thousands of people from nations around the world. It was subjected to heavy military attack from many nations, and its military put under siege.

From its 2135 seige and dissolution until its annexation by Consigahria in 2136, the nation was thought to be completely uninhabited, until satellite imagery showed people cleaning up the streets as if business as usual.

Today, Brasilistan is a disputed territory. Many nations claim ownership of at least one Brasilistani island; but the majority is claimed by Consigahria.


Before 2135

Brasilistan was a lush and productive island nation and world-renowned paradise, until their economy completely collapsed in the early 2100s. They began to opportunistically steal from other nations to sate their own population, a move that wouldn't be noticed until 2135.

After 2135

Brasilistan was previously an autonomous nation, until their war in 2135. The land was thought uninhabited, so the land was sold to the government of Lordaguard. Post-purchase, the government forsook the island. A hidden populace recovered the Brasilistani government, and they claimed autonomy once again, until their subsequent war in 2136 during which their government was forcibly dissolved.


Original article: Consigahrian-Brasilistani War.

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