Flag of Diadochia

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The Flag of Diadochia(Greek: Θετραγράμμα Αγίου Γεωργίου Σημαία) also called the Tetragrammic Saint George Flag is the national flag of Diadochia. The flag has existed for centuries and was adopted by Emperor Michael IV of Diadochia, after it supposely appeared to him on the battlefield.

List of flags



Imperial Standards

Flag Date Use
120px 1832–present Standard of the Emperor of Diadochia

The Imperial Banner of Diadochia also called the imperial Standard of Diadochia, features the most prevalent symbol of the Diadochian empire, and that is the double headed eagle first associated with the Byzantine Emperors and later the Diadochian Emperors. It also includes the Vergina Sun and Diadochi lions. This version of the Imperial Standard was adopted by George VII of Diadochia

120px 12th century–present Standard of the Emperor, as King of Magaria
120px 12th century–present Standard of the Emperor, as King of Dalmatia
120px 12th century–present Standard of the Emperor, as King of Odrysia
120px 12th century–present Standard of the Emperor, as King of Illyría
120px 12th century–present Standard of the Emperor, as King of Pannonia
120px 12th century–present Standard of the Emperor, as King of Moesia
120px 12th century–present Standard of the Emperor, as King of Galicia
120px 12th century–present Standard of the Emperor, as King of Amnion
120px 18th century–present Standard of the Emperor, as King of Kolchida
120px 12th century–present Standard of the Emperor, as King of Iberia
120px 12th century–present Standard of the Emperor, as King of Aquitania

Diplomatic flags

Local Government areas

