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Freedom of Political Expression Act


It is legal for any member of the House of Commons to express his, her or the opinions of those he/she represents within the confines of the Assembly Hall. Opinions may be expressed regarding:

  1. Public matters of concern, including - but not limited to - public safety, transport and crime rates.
  2. Legal matters of concern, including - but not limited to - laws, procedures and regulations.
  3. Constitutional matters of concern, including - but not limited to - Declarations* and constitutional rulings by the House of Commons and other bodies of the government.
  4. Political matters of concern, including - but not limited to - the structure of the House of Commons, the political freedom of members of the House of Commons and the larger government and the stance of the House of Commons on matters of concern.
  5. Royal matters of concern, including - but not limited to - the current state of the Royal Family, the stance of the Royal Family on matters of concern, actions and statements made by the Royal Family and its affiliates and the influence and/or legal powers of the Royal Family and His Majesty, King Unue Masuo.
  • Declarations are defined as the Declarations passed by the House of Commons and enshrined in the Law of the People.