List of cities in the Oan Isles

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The following is a list of the cities in The Oan Isles. There are 36 human settlements in the Oan Isles covering 35 islands. 21 of those are cities. 15 of those are towns. Every island is either a city or a town.

Comparison between a city and a town

- City Town
Demographics Population ranges from 250,000 to 7,950,000 people. High population density. More diverse and liberal. Population ranges from 20,000 to 10,000 people. Low population density. Less diverse and conservative.
Economics Economy ranges from 9 billion to 298 billion dollars. Economy is more diverse. Economy hovers around a few billion dollars. Economy is less diverse.
Geographics Usually located on reasonable islands. Usually more elevated or uneven terrain. Usually in Oan Aurora. Usually located on very small islands. Usually have more even terrain. Usually located in the Oan Pacific.
Police Has more independent police. Relies more on province and nation for help.
Health Has more responsibilities for clinics and hospitals Relies more on province and nation for help
Education Higher number of secular state schools and creches. Has universities and colleges. Has no university or college. High number of religious private schools and creches.
Justice At least one regional court. At least 5 local courts. No regional court. Maximum three local courts.
Transport Has more responsibilities. Relies more on the state.
Amenities Has at least one professional football or rugby stadium. Has at least one museum or art gallery. Has at least three professional theatres. Has at least two large shopping malls. Has underground trains. Has no professional stadium.
Elections Has at least two electoral districts Sometimes grouped into multiple electoral districts.

Complete list of cities in the Oan Isles

The populations of cities range from 250,000 to 7,950,000 people. The area of cities ranges from 325 to 2,325 square kilometres. The GDP of cities ranges from 9 to 298 billion dollars. GDP per capita ranges from 31,000 to 39,500 dollars. The list of cities as described above is as follows:

Rank Name Oan Name Island Area Population GDP Per capita
1 Port of the Rock Namirokaeni Rock Island 2,325 7,950,000 298 billion 37,500
2 La Rochelle Rokaeni Rock Island 2,075 5,950,000 235 billion 39,500
3 Heavenly City Iaoaeni Heaven Island 1,826 5,450,000 208 billion 38,250
4 Serenity City Salaeni Serenity Island 1,550 4,950,000 188 billion 38,000
5 Crystal City Kalaeni Crystal Island 1,325 4,450,000 171 billion 38,500
6 Grace City Noaeni (usually Tukanoaeni) Grace Island 1,075 3,950,000 134 billion 34,000
7 Mercy City Anaeni Mercy Island 1,025 3,450,000 113 billion 33,000
8 Providence City Matoeni Providence Island 975 2,950,000 101 billion 34,500
9 Peace City Suaeni Peace Island 925 2,450,000 82 billion 33,500
10 Pristine City Launaeni Pristine Island 875 1,950,000 64 billion 32,500
11 Mountain City Rotueni Mountain Island 825 1,450,000 46 billion 31,500
12 Waterfall City Wākitikaeni Water Fall Island 775 950,000 30 billion 32,000
13 Hill City Uanoeni Hill Island 725 650,000 22 billion 34,250
14 Valley City Hanuirotueni Valley Island 675 600,000 20 billion 33,250
15 Cave City Honaureaeni Cave Island 625 550,000 19 billion 34,750
16 Modesty City Anāutueni Modesty Island 575 500,000 17 billion 33,750
17 Kindness City Noamautueni Kindness Island 525 450,000 15 billion 32,250
18 Silence City Silaeni Silence Island 475 400,000 13 billion 31,250
19 Songbird City Lalalaona Song Bird Island 425 350,000 12 billion 34,200
20 Lovebird City Naonalaona Love Bird Island 400 300,000 11 billion 35,200
21 Paradisebird City Noawawulaona Paradise Bird Island 375 250,000 9 billion 36,200
Total - - - 20,550 49,550,000 1.808 trillion 33,230

Brief Summary

The Oan Isles is the only fully urbanised nation state in the world. Although Emberwood Coast and Tivot are fully urbanised, they are simply polities their respective ecumenical cities: Aura ans Tarov. This process of rapid urbanisation is not new. The Oan Isles' process of industrialisation was consistent for 500 years. Although countries in the west experienced a period of 150 years of invention, discovery and growth, the process had commenced earlier, but stretched longer over the Oan Isles.

The changes that were undergone were gradual. The population increased incrementally. The economic output increased incrementally. The boundaries of the urban areas were stretched over islands incrementally. Upward social mobility increased incrementally. The standard of living increased incrementally. The demand for space and resources increased incrementally. As such the long term urban planning absorbed the demographic, environmental, economic and political shock of a rapid period of accelerated industrial growth.

Although pollution, inequality and the total destruction of Oan natural forests are not trivial matters, they certaing are neither new nor shocking. The Oan Isles was able to counter these effects by mitigating some of the more immediate effects of industrialisation (and the urban development that follows): poverty, inequality, inadequate amenities to accommodate a ballooning population or uneven development. This is reflected in the modest but high standard of living, consistent density, consistent cost of living, generally even income distribution per capita between classes and cities.