Main Page
Welcome to NSWiki. is the successor to the original, and contains encyclopedic information on thousands of different nations, regions and other interesting NationStates-related content. If you are visiting for the first time, you will notice that unlike the old site, regions are already here! Our bot has already scoured NationStates for information about your region, made some calculations as well as some educated guesses, and has produced the first draft of your NSWiki entry.
Welcome back to NSWiki. is the successor to the original, and contains encyclopedic information on thousands of different nations, regions and other interesting NationStates-related content. You will notice that unlike the old site, your regions are already here! Our bot has already scoured NationStates for information about your region, made some calculations as well as some educated guesses, and produced the first draft of your NSWiki entry.
In many cases, this is enough, but if you want to make changes, or add more information and content about your nation or region's history, culture, military, economy, or any other subject that takes your fancy, log in via your NationStates account and you can start editing straight away. Simply use the panels below to find your nation, region or other article and click 'Edit' to start editing. (Please see this short guide before editing bot-written material.)
NOTE TO NEW USERS: The red link at the top of the page with your nation name is a link to your user page, not your nation article. To start your nation article, search for your nation in the "Browse Nations" field below, or go to "Nation/YOURNATIONNAME". Please do not use the "User:" namespace for nation articles.
If you're stuck or need any help, check in at the Help Center for tips on formatting, click the "?" bubble and submit a ticket on the bottom right, or if you're an IRC user, join us on #NSWiki on
- The MediaWiki version was updated to v1.23 on June 24th, 2014.
- Google Advertisements were removed from NSWiki, the ads generated very little revenue and the site costs are fairly low ($5/month).
- A backup system for complete copies of the wiki site text and database was introduced at
- The MediaWiki version was updated to v1.22.6 on May 3rd, 2014.
- NSWiki is now live! NationStates++ now has links on nation and region pages linking to their NSWiki articles. The bot will soon be creating pages for every nation. Don't worry if you have already created your own page - the bot won't overwrite your articles.