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The History of Kiliana

By Ltin

The beginning

The first recorded nations were, in no particular order, Cariando, Erbana, Kavash, Gimin, Mushshire, Konigreich, Hypox, Sirilstadt, and Lampohznya.

The 1250s

The first solid records of the world regard a trade dispute between two countries. Erbana controlled all of the waterways Lampozhnya could take to get to the sea, and charged a tax on ships passing through their waters. Lampohznya was very hostile about this, and although their ships paid the tax, Vladimir Svyatoslavich, the leader of Lampohznya, declared a "permanent embargo" against Erbana, and any nations which attempted to sell Lampohznyan goods to Erbana. Lampohznya eventually negotiated access to the ocean via land owned by the expanding Konigreich. The first recorded actual conflict occurred between Kongreich and Kavash. A small battle on the border between the two countries occurred. Kavash troops had more casualties, but a winner was never really declared.

Timber was a commonly traded commodity at the time. A number of nations, including Mushshire and Cariando, were heavily building up their navies.

The First Major War
The Great War
[1]Mobilized troops, but backed out before engaging in conflict.
Invader victory
Kavash and Melisia lose lands to the invaders
Mushshire occupies cities on the French coast.

Cariando wanted lands in Spain that belonged to Melisia. Numerous attempt to purchase the land failed, with Melisia increasingly threatening to escalate to war. Collectively the nations of Cariando, Mushshire, Konigreich, Lampohznya, and Erbana prepared to invade Melisia. Konigreich soldiers were the first to invade. Cariando invaded from the south, and Mushshire and Erbana prepared to invade from the north. Since Melisia was a Catholic nation, and Konigreich was officially Orthodox, Kavash declared holy war on the invaders, and directly opened a front with Konigreich. A deal was quickly reached between Konigreich and Melisia, where Konigreich would get the Rhineland, and would pull out of the war, alongside Lampohznya.

Now able to focus on the rest of the nation, the Kavash military set out to defend Melisia. When Mushshire launched the invasion of Melisia from the north, Erbana did not join in, instead turning back, likely because Erbana was officially a Catholic nation. Mushshire pushed on without them, while Melisia began to engage Cariando's forces in the mountains of Spain. Fighting was brutal and costly. As fighting escalated in Spain, Konigreich and Lampohznya once again began fighting in Kavash, at the request of Cariando. The Mushshirian fleet, meanwhile began reinforcing Cariando at Gibraltar, and their armies in the north began to move towards the capital of Melisia. The second time around, Konigreich and Lampohznya made significant gains into Kavash territory, while the Kavash were busy fighting in Spain. In particular, the Cossacks of Lampohznya were very effective.

A treaty negotiated primarily between Konigreich and the Kavash ended the war in victory for the invaders. According to the treaty, small border changes occurred between Cariando and Melisia in Spain, with more noticeable border changes occurring between other countries. Kavash ceded Crimea to Lampohznya, and Dalmatia and northern Italy to Konigreich, the latter of which was gifted to the nation of Sirilstadt, which until now had only occupied the island of Corsica and Sardinia. Mushshire, also occupied cities on the French coast, though they were officially still Melisia's.


Also in this time was the first real attempt at spreading religion. Konig Markgraf sent an orthodox missionary team into Cariando, successful converting them. The next attempt at "peaceful" conversion, Pashila, however, failed miserably. In response of the Pashilian resistance, they began to prepare an army to convert them forcefully.

The 1260s-The 1290s

The Initial events of the 1260s seemed like they would be important, but were dwarfed by what was to come. Konigreich, having invaded Kavash, began looting. The Kavash however rather than fight, simply left them be, and in boredom the Konigreich troops returned to their lands. Other than a minor border dispute between Konigreich, Lampozhnya, and Erbana regarding troop placement, nothing else notable really happened.

The Zombie Apocalypse

Nations were not prepared for the zombies to rise from the dead. Nearly all external politics ceased, as nations attempted to deal with the zombies in various ways. Not much is actually known about what happened during the fact, or in the 30 years approaching 1300 as nations dealt with the aftermath, other than the fact that the nation of Hypox managed to develop a cure. After millions had died, however, a lot of work had to be done.

The 1300s

On the onset of a new decade, the world became incredibly chaotic. A Kavash fleet departed along the Mediterranean Sea for a unknown location, an action which caused much chaos in itself. Before reaching an potential destination however, the fleet disbands.

Tensions between Konigreich and The Kavash were high. So much so, that the leaders of two countries had a duel, to the death. Charles, the leader of Konigreich, was killed in the duel, leading his son, Otto, to take control of the country. Otto attracted controversy when he re-forged the Spear of Destiny into a glaive. Ultimately, Otto came into Kavash lands to duel the Kava as well, and once again the leader of Konigreich was killed in duel, leading Otto's brother to take power.

Henry himself went next into Kavash lands, and this time, the Kava was defeated. Walking out with the mask of the Kavash on, he was effectively the leader of a new superstate.

In this timespan, two other nations began to form. A large empire in east asia, called Tibhom formed, and, on the other side of the world, in the Americas, the continuation of the Kavash.

The Region Erupts Into War Once Again
The Holy Roman War
The Trade Federation
The Holy Roman Empire
Other Nations
Melisia split between Cariando, Mushshire, and Konigreich.
Lampohznya and Kavash lands within Konigreich fall to unrest and anarchy.

The initial belligerents in The Holy Roman War were not involved with the self christened Holy Roman Empire, which consisted of the holdings of Konigreich, Kavash, and for a short time, Lampohznya. In fact, that empire didn't even exist yet. Rather, the war began as a part of the ongoing conflict between North Melisia and Cariando. North Antaria, having sided with Melisia, began to attack Cariando's holdings in Africa. Konig Markgraf joined in as well, declaring war on North Antaria. Mushshire, which was still occupying cities on the Atlantic coast of Melisia, began a march toward Paris. Mushshire, also at this time, had an embargo enacted on them, as by now the Holy Roman Empire had begun to be formed, over a rather petty dispute in which the leader of Mushshire kept asking for the mask of the Kava.

This was the time when the war really got into swing. Forces from the Holy Roman Empire marched towards the northern African lands of Cariando. In response, Erbana launched an invasion of Lampohznya, and Mushshire began to send its fleets to Erbana's border with Konigreich in Denmark, and the Cariando held Gibraltar. Finally, Tibhom soldiers working in the lands of Cariando began fighting for Cariando. By wars end, save for in Melisia, little progress by any side had actually been made. Ultimately the effects of the war were felt in the collapse of the Holy Roman Empire.

The rule of Henry did not prove popular with the newer members of the Holy Roman Empire. Rebellion and riots led to relative anarchy and the collapse of Konigreich's control in the newly acquired regions. With the lost of control of those lands, and the resources and armies that came with them, Konigreich had not choice but to arrange peace. Most nations readily accepted, with the final holdout being Mushshire.

The 1400s

Packing Up and Moving Entire Empires

During the war a Kavash fleet had left, leaving even the Mediterranean. A significant portion of the fleet was civilian in nature, and while some of the fleet did disband before they left the Mediterranean Sea, much of it did leave. The fleet was effectively lost for an incredibly long time. As it turns out, the fleet had gone to America, forming a new Kavash, holding all of South America, and a significant amount of North America.

After the Holy Roman War, Konigreich abandoned what remained of their empire, and left for America as well. While the Kavash had taken the south, Konigreich established themselves in the north. Unlike the Kavash however, a number of troops were left behind, and took upon themselves the defense of the previously held land. The Austrian Old Guard consisted of some of the most experienced forces of the Holy Roman Empire, and although some pilgrims were allowed through, other nation's militaries were not, and anyone who tried to take these lands would have to meet the Old Guard in battle.

Holy Artifacts and Territorial Expansion

After the fall of the Holy Roman Empire, areas not under the control of the Old Guard were claimed by many nations, such as the Holy Land, which was claimed by Sirilstadt, and Constantinople, which was claimed by Cariando. The first inklings of battle occurred when Erbana, which had taken upon itself to claim lands previously held by Lampohznya, uncovered Konigreich's stash of holy relics. Now holding an incredibly large stash, around 40% of the relics were sent, under guard, to Rome, alongside missionaries hoping to convert those remaining in Austrian lands. The Old Guard protested, and while the relics took the long way to Rome, around Old Guard lands, the missionaries, after being threatened, were sent home. Acquiring an audience with the general of the Old Guard, the king of Erbana asked if some lands west of Lampohznya he wanted to claim were under Old Guard protection. According to the Old Guard, they were, and troops from both nations began to march toward Denmark.

Erbana managed to recruit to its side Mushshire, after heavy questioning about whether Mushshire was really Catholic. Mushshire requested a Holy Nail as payment, so Erbana sent one of the claimed nails to Mushshire, on the condition Erbanan soldiers guard it at all hours. The Old Guard was not happy about this, believing a mushroom should not be trusted with such a holy artifact. Against these protests, a mostly Erbanan army, with the fleet of Mushshire waiting behind them and a few archers reinforcing Erbanan troops, engaged the Old Guard in a battle in which Erbanan troops intentionally lit a wild fire, and despite severely outnumbering the Old Guard troops, experienced significantly higher casualties than the Old Guard, in part due to the Old Guard's firearms, resulting in a retreat.

For Erbana, the battle actually resulted in a sort of Pyrrhic victory for the Old Guard. The Old Guard lost nearly half of their troops in the battle, and so a new agreement made the Old Guard become a client state of Erbana. Their militaries were united, and the Old Guard was integrated into the Erbana military as special forces, and the Benelux region would be ceded to Mushshire, exchange for Erbana not allowing Mushshire to obtain the Holy Nail. The land was never ceded however, as upon hearing of the treaty, the Mushshirian forces boarded the ship and killed the guards. Hoping to use the nail for their own diabolical purposes, they were incredibly disappointed to find that the nail was actually not authentic.

Mushshire's mushroom leader's now clearly evil plans also caused its once close ally of Cariando to close trade with it.

American Powers

Once in America, the Kavash formed the American Confederation. Soon after Austria arrived. A new republic north of lands held by Austria, called Mohogan also formed. This nation managed to maintain a very friendly relationship with Austria.

Austria went about making their lands in America their own. A Caribbean island called Cuba was split between Austria and Cariando, and transformed into a tropical resort, with opportunities for Mohogan as well. This included the jointly owned resort Paradise, a project between Austria and Cariando, with additional investment from Mohogan.

Relations between Austria and Mohogan, and the American Confederation started to sour rather quickly. Apparent racism and drug use created conflict at diplomatic talks. A unknown event caused massive destruction in confederate held Panama.

Also around this time, the leader of North Antaria died. His son had no idea how to proceed, and held significant disdain for how his father had led the country. Breaking down, and painting a red X over every flag in the nation, he was sent help from Austria to bring his nation back into order.

The Mushshirian Inquisition, and the Fall of Mushy

Nobody expected the Mushshirian Inquisition. Almost out of nowhere, Mushy's cultists were brought into the streets and executed. A gift of gold from Austria appeared in a Mushshirian port, though Austria never publically acknowledged this. In response, Mushy fled Mushshire.

The inquisition was headed by Grand Inquisitor Gregory, who, upon the fleeing of Mushy, took control of the nation. The Inquisition killed many of those it deemed heretics, and constructed or rebuilt many churches in the nation, ensuring it would become fully Catholic.

The rumor of the time, which was proven correct, was that Mushy had fled to Australia, and had begun indoctrinating new cultists and cursing items with unholy power. Cariando had already had some settlements in western Australia, but the eastern portions began to be heavily corrupted by Mushy's evil presence. The land was dark purple, and the ocean had turned black. The first to respond to these rumors was Mohogan, who blockaded the corrupted areas, hoping to prevent Mushy's escape. Cariando closed off its borders in Australia, and evacuated non-essential residents as well.

Mohogan planned a secret project called Project Velar Emitter. Rumors of strange lights, chanting, and lightning bolts in the capital city, and other cities, which had been evacuated, reverberated around the world. This caught the eye of Grand Inquisitor Gregory, but he was pre-occupied with Mushy. Receiving funding and supplies from nations such as Austria, which had also sent supplies to Cariando, the Inquisition went to Australia, hoping to find and kill Mushy, supported by Pashila, who had been offered the areas of Algeria and Crete. They didn't need to however, as Mushy ended up dying from an opiate overdose. This cultists either died or were scattered. The world had been cleansed of a severe evil. One of Gergory's last acts was restoring a monarchy to Mushshire. James was crowned king.

The Dictatorship of Hypoxia

Around the same time Mushy was forced to flee Mushshire, an uprising took place in Hypoxia. A tyrannical dictator calling himself Saint Salvador took power, and executed all the high ranking government officials. Refugees fled into nearby Erbana and Cariando, hoping to flee the regime. In response, Hypoxian forces went into those nations, raiding known safe houses, and rounding up refugees. This direct violation of national sovereignty resulted in Austria and Cariando denouncing Hypoxia, while the former goes so far as to offer payment to whoever "hangs and quarters" the "Maniac of Africa". The Hypoxian response was to execute a number of Cariondan immigrants and their families. A number of paintings of the execution were produced, one of which contained a code pleading for "rescue and solace."

The response from Cariando was to send much of the parts of its military not occupied securing Australia towards the Hypoxian border. Austria sent an army of its own into Africa for the same reason.

It was at this time that Henry, the leader of Austria, abdicated. He left the country, and was replaced by William, a well known merchant. Salvador went out to sea to meet with William, and there decided to walk out. After showing an obscene hand gesture to a group massed outside his villa, he left the country, and was eventually replaced.

Also replaced was Salvador, who, after making an obscene hand gesture to citizens outside of his palace, abdicated his throne. His replacement was a man named Aberdene Jerhu, who quickly began to undo the injustices of Salvador.

The Legacy of Henry's Abdication

After the conflict in Hypox was over, Austria underwent a reorganization into a Federal Thalassocracy (an empire at sea), and placed a sizable bounty of 500 tonnes of gold on Henry. Cariando, Mohogan, and Mushshire (by way of the Grand Inquisitor) began to search for Henry, and in response, the bounty was doubled to 1000 tonnes of gold. Erbana also joined into the search, and Mohogan spread its troops for and wide, searching for Henry in Asia. Cariandon troops attempted to search the Caucasus region, but were turned back by some local Cossacks. Sirilstadt tried to open a diplomatic dialogue with these Cossacks, but they refused.

While the search was ongoing, Austria and Mohogan merged into The Confederation of American States, led by both a president and a monarch.

Meanwhile, the Erbanan grip on The Old Guard had weakened, and a series of peasant revolts led to the nation splitting into the Ulmic Empire in the north, and Svitava in the south. Unable to react in time the Erbanan Empire imprisoned existing officers from the Old Guard, who were eventually released.

Also at this time, North Antaria's leader, who had broken down years before, reorganized the nation into New Adrylia, saying "Let us usher forth a new age."

Henry was eventually found by Mohogan mercenaries in the Arctic Cricle. Many of the mercenaries died, but they eventually retuned, having killed Henry. His body was returned to Austria, where it was buried in a large tomb.
