Universal Standard Dollar

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Universal Standard Dollar
NationStates Dollar
NationStates currency
Used in International exchange
Introduced ~2002
ISO code USD / NSD
Exchange rate $1USD

The Universal Standard Dollar (USD) or NationStates Dollar (NSD) is a vaguely defined currency rarely used directly but often used to compare currencies especially in documents and discussions not specific to any one nation or group of nations. For many, its only use is as such a meaningless abstraction as no real government stands behind any such currency. Its value is imaginary and essentially exists to provide a medium of exchange between nations who cannot agree on which currency to use or in contexts designed to be as non-specific as possible.

Sometimes, but not always, its value is considered roughly equal to the real life USD, the U.S. Dollar. Less common comparisons are the Euro, the British Pound, and the Australian or Canadian dollar. Often times when one player gives a price in "USD" meaning "U.S. Dollar," another player may interpret it as a "Universal Standard Dollar" or "NationStates Dollar" to avoid confusion or conflict.

Currencies of NationStates
Universal Standard Dollar / NationStates Dollar
Active International Currencies: Christian Dollar · Euro
Active National Currencies: Canadorian Veykå · Kelssek thaler · Mhuvalja-Ainguximoqrunian Rhuli · Nicoleizian Pound · Redentran Dollar · Sornian Hermel · Yulisian Endo
For a full list of NationStates currencies, please see Category:Currencies.