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The Confederate Kingdom of West Phoenicia
West Phoenicia
Flag of Nation/West Phoencia
Motto"Followers of the True Path"
Anthem"Praise to our leader"
"World Assembly Member"
Region West Phoenicia
and largest city
Melbourne Haven
Official languages Phoenician English
Recognised national languages English (de facto)
Demonym Phoenician
Government Confederate Constitutional Monarchy
 -  Head of State King Glenton Bush II Philometar
 -  Head of State Queen Angelique De Baroda-Bush
 -  Head of State Queen Alotta Diesel-Bush
 -  Prime Minister Countess Tia High
 -  Deputy Prime Minister Jack Portland
 -  Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Justice Sophia Sinnethopia
 -  Head of State Church Pontifex Angelika I
Legislature Congress
 -  Upper house Senate
 -  Founding 1st of January 1601 
 -  Total 7,692,024km km2
2,969,907 sq mi 
 -  Water (%) 10%
 -  2016 estimate 3.683 billion
GDP (PPP) 2016 estimate
 -  Total NS$417 trillion
Currency Phoenician Dollar
Time zone Phoenician Continental Time (UTC+2 to +8)
Date format dd ˘ mm ˘ yyyy
Drives on the left
Calling code 61


West Phoenicia is a Confederate Kingdom comprising of 30 city states that unified to form a single nation committed to common defence, politics, culture and religion.

Each city-state has their own Governor and city-state Congress. But all power and final decisions lie with the royal family and the West Phoenician government


West Phoenicia derived its name from an ancient seafaring people who resided in the Mediterranean. Like these ancient people the founding Fathers too travelled over the seas to found a new land. Originally called Greater Phoenicia until a split created West Phoenicia.

The standard way to refer to a citizen of West Phoenician is as a Phoenician Elite. Unless the citizen is of nobility and they must be addressed by their royal


The Beginning of a nation

The nation of West Phoenicia has a rich and colourful history. In 1580 after 10 years of civil war. 50 provinces seceded from its motherland Greater Phoenicia.

Initially each set up their own state and each had its own form of government. Some were friendly with each other while others were hostile, numerous wars and battles begun as a number of the city states vied for supremacy.

Over the next 5 years a number of conferences known as the Dove of Peace Conferences were held to discuss talks of unity and mutual assistance. By 1586 ten states had agreed to form what would be called the Nation of West Phoenicia. The city of Melbourne Haven in the city-state of Jackson was designated as the nations capital and the wealthy Dorcas family were decreed the first royal family of the Kingdom of West Phoenicia in 1586.

The nation's independence day is Jan 1st 1590

By 1599 an additional 5 city-states had joined the new nation. Which sparked the War of Greater Phoenicia aggression ( 1601 to 1615) which defeated 5 city states which were still independent and drew them back into Greater Phoenicia during the chaos a further 5 nations united with West Phoenicia to protect themselves against invasion.

After countless deaths on both sides an uneasy ceasefire was agreed upon, where Greater Phoenicia declared West Phoenicia to be a separate kingdom

During reconstruction a further 10 independent city-states that had originally seceded in 1580 merged with West Phoenicia seeing it as a greater opportunity to work together in unity and peace and for protection against Greater Phoenicia which still had designs to unify both nations again.

The remaining 10 independent city-states from the original split in 1580 carried on as 8 individual kingdoms and 2 republics.

With an influx of rich and wealthy citizens who boosted the economy a referendum was held by the population to choose a working government model. 70% of the population supported by the clergy and nobility class voted for a monarchy model. The wealthy Bush family who were of the nobility class in Greater Phoenicia but who had been exiled due to their support of the kingdom of West Phoenicia quickly deposed the Dorcas Royal Family in 1616 who had ruled for only 30 years. With the blessing of the State church and the aristocratic class of the nation which supported them were elevated as the new royal family.



West Phoenicia covers over 7,692,024km ². Comprising of 30 city states and 1 external territory island. Each has their own unique identity and culture while at the same time encompassing all the virtues of West Phoenicia.

West Phoenicia is surrounded by oceans with the Oceania Ocean on the West Coast and Phoenician ocean on the east coast.

The nation has rich fertile land in the south and east of the nation which is used for the growing of tobacco, cotton, cofee and tea planted on vast plantations.

Gold, silver and sapphire mines are located in the areas of Lower and Upper West Phoenicia in the Western parts of the nation.

Melbourne-Haven in Jackson is the West Phoenician capital. A thriving metropolis of large man made lakes, Towering skylines and the prime centre of government, trade and commerce.

The Headquarters of the state church is located to the city-state of Agape. A booming religious city-state famous for their wine, cheese exports and religious icons.

While the headquaters of the Pagan faiths is located in the city-state of Selene Valley.

The western coast city-states have  humid subtropical climate, with the exception of some of the higher elevations in the Mt Ethabaal mountains which are classified as having a mountain temperate climate or a humid continental climate due to cooler temperatures. While the east coast city-states have a more temperate climate with large amounts of rainfall.

Generally, the country has warm summers and mild to cold winters with generous precipitation throughout the year.

Summers in the state are generally hot and humid, with most of the state averaging a high of around 30 degrees during the summer months.

Winters tend to be mild to cool especially on the east coast, increasing in coolness at higher elevations. Generally, for areas outside the highest mountains, the average overnight lows are near freezing for most of the state. East coast city-states tend to have high annual rain fall between May to September.  



West Phoenicia has a healthy booming population of 3.683 Billion citizens. West Phoenician families are encouraged to have large families.

The growth is due to policies that make abortion illegal except in cases of rape or where the mother's life would be in peril if she gave birth. Birth control is frowned upon for married couples and polygamous lifestyle's are encouraged for those families who can financially support the lifestyle.


The national language of West Phoenicia is Phoenician English.


  • 1) Jackson

Capital City: Melbourne Haven

  • 2) Immaculata

Capital City: Sacred Heart City

  • 3) New Tudor

Capital City: Hampton Court

  • 4) Upper West Phoenicia

Capital City: New Sidon

  • 5) Brigham Territory

Capital City: Nephi

  • 6) Lower West Phoenicia

Capital City: New Tyre

  • 7) Olympia Hills

Capital City: New Elysium

  • 8) Bast County

Capital City: Nephthys Heights

  • 9) Baal Territory

Capital City: Asherah Grove

  • 10) Agape

Capital City: Blessed City

  • 11) New Dixie

Capital City: Confederate Town

  • 12) Deception Bay

Capital City: Sunset

  • 13) Antebellum Territory

Capital City: New Montgomery

  • 14) Selene Valley

Capital City: Asteria

  • 15) St Mary's

Capital City: New Bethlehem

  • 16) Ptolemaic Haven

Capital City: Pharos

  • 17) Helios Territory

Capital City: Eos

  • 18) Tallahassee Central

Capital City: Florida City

  • 19.Savannah Grove

Capital City: Magnolia Way

  • 20. Herodian Valley

Capital City: Herodium

  • 21. Titania

Capital City: Ocean Waves

  • 22.Fort Blackfoot

Capital City: Arapaho City

  • 23.Nova Texas

Capital City: New Dallas

  • 24. East Eden

Capital City: Morning Star

  • 25. New Rome

Capital City: Octavian

  • 26. Africana Territory

Capital City: Ivory City

  • 27. New Egypt

Capital City: Memphis Free City

  • 28. Autumn Falls

Capital City: Winter Meadows

  • 29. Bourbon-Versailles

Capital City: Saint Cloud

  • 30. Polytheisa Heaven

Capital City: Free Love

  • 31. The Colony*

Capital City: Nod

  • The Colony is not an official city-state. The Colony is 68,401 km in size. And under the leadership of Governess Susan Hann. The Colony is a place for those who choose not to follow the culture and laws of West Phoenicia. It is not a prison island, vast cities have been set up with public transportation, schools, hospitals, prisons etc.

The Colony is for those who follow banned religions, are morally bankrupt or deemed unsuitable to be in West Phoenicia society. The citizens enjoy all freedoms except the ability to travel to the mainland unless under the permission of the Governess.


Due to strict Citizenship and Immigration policies 99% of the population are classed as West Phoenician.

Permanent residents are required to renouce citizenship of there former nation of residence and becoming citizens of West Phoenicia upon one year of residency in the country or face deportation. West Phoenicia does not recognize dual citizenship.

Only West Phoenicans are allowed to vote and voting is compulsory in most city-states except for New Eden and Polytheisa Heaven where it is optional.


West Phoenicia has a unicameral parliament consisting of 300 senators. 10 senators from each city-state who serve for 6 years. The Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister chair the Congress and they are voted in for 3 years, where they have the ongoing ability to be reelected. The royal family need to approve every new law that the government wishes to enact and has the power to veto any law.

Citizens are able to vote from the age of 16.

All political parties are to be registered with the West Phoenician electoral commission and signed off by the sitting Prime Minister as an officially recognized political party.

City state parliaments retain all residual legislative powers, including those over schools, state police, the state judiciary, roads, public transport and local government. But concede all other rights and responsibilities to the Confederate Kingdom of West Phoenicia government. 

Each city state has its own unicameral parliament consisting of 10 sitting members who are elected for 3 years.


  • Prime Minister:Countess Tia High
  • Deputy Prime Minister: Jack Portland
  • Minister of Religion: Pontifex Angelika I
  • Minister of Pagan Faiths: Margie Brixton
  • Minister of the Treasury:Hon Trevor Rushworth
  • Speaker of the House: Hon Brad Atin
  • Attorney General: Thuy Swanson
  • Minister of Truth: Hon Tanya Thorne
  • Minister of Defence: Gen. Aaron Townsville
  • Minister of Homeland Security: Hon Babs Towers
  • Minster of Education: Hon Martina Rose
  • Minster of Health: Dr Kiri Alfred
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs:Grace Atin
  • Minister of Employment: Hon Scott Cumber-Blue
  • Minister of Aged Care: Hon Inga Horne
  • Minister of the Arts: Hon Baroness Honey Baroda
  • Minister of Industry: Hon Rowena Roxborough
  • Minister to of Agriculture:Hon Diane Sheets
  • Minister of Social Services: Hon Janice Norris
  • Minister of Transportation :Hon Jason Millerton
  • Minister of Small Businesses:Hon Jason Blackburn
  • Minister of Communications:Hon Fau Telstra
  • Minister of Trade:Hon Casey Chapps
  • Minister of the Environment:Hon Amanda Chatterman
  • Minister of Finance: Prof Michael Norris
  • Minister of Immigration:Hon Harry Heniel
  • Minister of Border Protection:Hon Count Merry Travancore
  • Minister for Veteran Affairs:Hon Matthew Bradie
  • Minister of Justice: Hon. Jimmy Bain
  • Minister of Human Services: Duchess Puddy Springvale
  • Minister of Corrective Services: Gov Joan Wentworth
  • Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Devel:Hon Jonathan Sydney
  • Minister of Womens Affairs: Hon Tuvan Sydney
  • Minister of Youth Affairs:Hon Renee Curran
  • Minister of Energy and Resources: Hon Jacob Prosper
  • Minister of Housing:Hon Amber Dances
  • Minister of Morality: Dr Cheryl Pisaccio
  • Minister of Manufacturing: Hon Tim Bain
  • Minister of Sports and Recreation:Hon Maximillan Dogg
  • Minister of Disability and Sports: Hon. Robyn Mells
  • Minister of Police and Emergency Response:Hon Laura Lamb
  • Minister of Disability Services: Hon. Bernadette Drama
  • Minister of Technology:Hon Emanuel Florida
  • Minister of Tourism: Hon Lara Komma
  • Minister of Liquor, Gaming and Firearms: Hon.Vanessa Defence
  • Minister of Community Services:Hon Elaine Staurt
  • Minister of Early Childhood Development:Hon Karen Woods
  • Minister of Mental Health:Hon Vanessa Wizard
  • Minister of Innovation:Hon Lucas Haggerty
  • Minister of Industrial Relations: Hon Wayne Shetland
  • Minister of Science, : Hon Allan Konrad
  • Minister of Aviation: Hon James Chapperaux
  • Minister of Indigenous Affairs: Hon. Anna Tram

Foreign Relations and Military

All citizens from the age of 18 are conscripted into either The West Phoenician Army, Air force, Navy, Coast guard for a period service of 4 years for men and 2 years for women.

The West Phoenician Marine Corps has no conscription.

Combat roles are open to both genders in all services except the West Phoenician Marine Corps where women are eligible for all roles except direct combat.

Mandatory retirement age is 60 excluding high ranking military officals which can continue until 70.


West Phoenicia Congress debates on proposed laws. Once passed through the Senate it first needs the approval of the Royal Family of West Phoenicia before it can become law.

Each City-state has the ability to make their own laws, but these laws can be overturned by the national senate or the royal family.

"""Controversial Laws"""

Government Agencies

  • The West Phoenician Security Intelligence Organisation (WPSIO)
  • The Un-West Phoenician Activities Committee.
  • The Ministry of Faith
  • The Inquisition Tribunal

Political Parties

  • West Phoenician First Party

Seats in Congress: 138/ 300 Political Spectrum: Centrist Party Leader: Hon. Grace Atin

  • Conservative Party

Seats in Congress: 50 / 300 Political Spectrum: Right Wing Party Leader: Hon Jimmy Bain

  • The Antebellum Party

Seats in Congress: 47 / 300 Political Spectrum: Right Wing Party Leader: Cardinal Jack Portland

  • The Aristocracy Party

Seats in Congress: 22 / 300 Political Spectrum: Right Wing Party Leader: Baroness Honey Baroda

  • The Segregation Party

Seats in Congress: 16/ 300 Political Spectrum: Far Right wing Party Leader: Hon. Martina Rose

  • The Socialist Party

Seats in Congress: 10 / 300 Political Spectrum: Left to far left wing Party Leader: Hon. Eddie Roxi-Indi

  • Christian Democratic Alliance

Seats in Congress: 7/ 300 Political Spectrum: Centrist to Religious right Party Leader: Hon. Karen Woods

  • Animal Justice Party

Seats in Congress: 3 /300 Political Spectrum: Centrist to left wing Party Leader: Amanda Chatterman

  • West Phoenicia Green Party

Seats in Congress: 3 /300 Political Spectrum: Left to far left wing Party Leader: Hon. Violet Hungary

  • Nationalist Party

Seats in Congress: 3 /300 Political Spectrum: Far right Party Leader: Hon Thomas Dunedin

The West Phoenician Communist Party Seats in Congress: 1 /300 Political Spectrum: Left to far left wing Party Leader: Hon Lucas Haggerty

Defunct Political Parties

Line of Succession


Succession to the West Phoenician throne is determined by descent, legitimacy, and religion. Under West Phoenician law, the crown is inherited by an individual's children and by a childless individual's nearest collateral line.  Currently polygamous King Glenton Gryphon-Bush II is on the throne, his children will inherit it after he has died or abdicated. After his children, his older siblings and their children will than fall into the line of secession.

The current royal family in West Phoenicia is the House of Bush

King Glenton Gryphon- Bush Philopator Philometar II is the current monarch.


Supreme Court


  • Established:1900
  • Location:Melbourne-Haven
  • Composition Method:Prime Minister nomination with Senate confirmation. Signed off by reigning monarch.
  • Judge Term Length:Life Tenure
  • Number of positions: 9


  • Chief Justice: Sophia Sinnethopia ( M )
  • Justice 1: Glen Gryphon ( C )
  • Justice 2: Bradley Curran ( C )
  • Justice 3: Alan Narre ( M )
  • Justice 4: Thuy Swanston ( C )
  • Justice 5: Rev Rob Church ( C )
  • Justice 6: Inga Horne ( C )
  • Justice 7: Amber Trustee ( L )
  • Justice 8: Cate de Vutton ( L )

""Political Key""

  • C= Conservative
  • M= Moderate
  • L= Liberal


The Supreme Court of the Confederate Kingdom of West Phoenicia is the highest federal court in West Phoenicia.

It has ultimate appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and over state court cases involving issues of West Phoenicia federal law, plus original jurisdiction over a small range of cases. In the legal system of West Phoenicia, the Supreme Court is the final interpreter of federal constitutional law, although it may only act within the context of a case in which it has jurisdiction.

The Court normally consists of the Chief Justice of West Phoenicia and eight associate justices who are nominated by the Prime Minister confirmed by the Senate the nomination is than presented to the king who has power to veto the nomination. Once appointed, justices have life tenure unless they resign, retire, take senior status, or are removed after impeachment. In modern discourse, the justices are often categorized as having conservative, moderate, or liberal philosophies of law and of judicial interpretation. Each justice has one vote, and while many cases are decided unanimously, the highest profile cases often expose ideological beliefs that track with those philosophical or political categories. The Court meets in the West Phoenicia Supreme Court Building in Melbourne-Haven, Jackson, West Phoenicia


West Phoenicia strieves to democratically connect with other nations around the world.

Below is a list of nations that West Phoenicia has embassies in;

  • Carolina Alliance


West Phoenicia is a wealthy country; it generates its income from various sources spread throughout the nation.

  • The city state of Upper West Phoenicia is the leading producers of gold and sapphires accounting for 52% of all mining related exports.
  • Lower West Phoenicia has a booming cotton and hops industry. The state has multiple plantations. The hops are used to produce West Phoenician beer which is sold and exported.
  • Immaculata with its rich fertile flatlands has an abundance of tobacco plantations.
  • Agape the Headquarters of the State Church has flourishing vineyards in the south of the region, producing wine from their grapes. Agape is a leading exporter of wine and religious icons.
  • Bast County is an oil producing city-state . Production capabilities enable it to supply the nation of West Phoenicia and export large amounts. Currently as a nation we are producing 600, 000 bbl/d
  • New Tudor is the leading exporter of tea which is grown abundantly in the farm lands of the northern part of New Tudor. It is also the home of the automobile manufacturer industry in the southern region.
  • Jackson, the seat of the state capital is home to the government, The First National West Phoenicia bank and the telecommunications industry, major television and radio broadcasting both in West Phoenicia and to the NeoConfederate States of America. It also houses The West Phoenician Supreme Court and The High Court of West Phoenicia.
  • Olympia Hills is the home to the West Phoenician entertainment industry consisting of a thriving movie and pop and rock music industry.
  • Deception Bay is the city-state in charge of ship building both for the state of West Phoenicia and other clients of the Neo Confederate State of America. It is made up of large industrial cities. It is also a key sea trading port.
  • Savannah Grove is one of the key trading port city states. Enabling sea trade with other states. In the Western region it is home to orchards of peaches and oranges which are also exported.
  • East Eden is strong on agricultural. It is the other key state in regards to cotton, silk and tobacco production.
  • Nova Texas is home to the Cattle and Beef Industry with its large cattle ranches. It also breeds horses.
  • Herodian Valley boasts a booming Cheese and Dairy industry. As well as Olives and salted fish.
  • Baal Territory has a thriving economy with its numerous pagan temples devoted to temple prostitution. The city has high tourism and home to numerous gambling establishments, fortune tellers and mediums.
  • Brigham Territory is one of two states that has multiple munition factories it holds Defence contracts to build aircraft and tanks and other military equipment for West Phoenicia and the world.
  • New Dixie, is the seat of the defacto Government if Jackson was too fall during time of war. Its heavily involved in the political environment as has prestigious law firms and colleges. As well as a large banking sector second to Jackson. It is also a producer of art works and boasts the largest number of art galleries per capita. It is home to some of the more wealthy West Phoenician residents.
  • St Mary's is a coastal city-state heavily involved in the fishing industry. St Mary's also produces and exports wooden furniture and antiques.
  • Selene Valley takes pride in vast wheat fields. Supplying grain to the nation. As well as pagan religious icons and tourism.
  • Helios Territory is is home to saw mills supplying lumber to West Phoenicia and other nations.
  • Antebellum Territory is another wealthy city state home to a large number of Government agencies. And has the largest IT companies in the state.
  • Ptolemaic Haven boasts that it is the centre of knowledge. Housing multiple first class universities, and home to The Great Library of West Phoenicia. A hub of cultural wonderment. It is also home to the Government and Military Research and Development department.
  • Tallahassee Central claim to fame is its the sporting hub of West Phoenicia famous for its horse races. It also has more casinos than any other city state and relies heavily on gambling for its revenue.
  • Titania is West Phoenicia's largest producer of silver. The West Phoenician Mint is located here. Titania also exports ceramics and pottery.
  • Fort Blackfoot is a producer of rugs, cloth, pottery and basket weaving and natural honey.
  • New Rome has a thriving oil and wine industry as well as home to Gladiator training.
  • New Egypt is home to diamond and emerald mines and a thriving jewellery industry because of it. It also produces glass and glassware.
  • Africana Territory relies heavily on tourism for its revenue, it has numerous wildlife reserves and safari reserves. The eastern part of the region is famous for their chocolate companies and their cocoa exports.
  • Bourbon-Versailles is a wealthy city-state. The home of the Ultra weathy and nobility. Many expensive business and boutiques have their headquaters in this city-state. The city also has a high number of spa retreats as it home to the make up and perfume industries and expensive chocolates.
  • Autumn Falls is a quaint city-state which has focus on a flourshing pharmaceutical industry as well as the number one publishing firms in the nations. It is also a producer of clocks and watches.
  • Polytheisa Heaven is home to alternative medicines and organic produce. It is also involved in the manufacturing of alternative energy schemes such as solar power and wind lower construction. It also boasts a successful Folk and Country music industry.



West Phoenicia has a strong thrieving economy. The nation imports from a number of friendly and allied states. As has a strong export industry.

""West Phoenicia exports""

  1. Cotton
  2. Tobacco
  3. Cloth
  4. Tea
  5. Sapphires
  6. Luxury Automobiles
  7. Oranges
  8. Peaches 
  9. Fish
  10. Ships
  11. Pottery
  12. West Phoenician literature
  13. Religion Icons and Charms 
  14. West Phoenician Wine and Beer
  15. Cheese
  16. Silks
  17. Silver



West Phoenicians are passionate about their music. They are fans of bluegrass, jazz, southern gospel, classic rock, country music from the 60's.

Rap and Heavy rock is banned in the city-state of Agape by orders of Pontifex Angelika I who has deemed it the Devils music.

Opera is also a favourite among the upper classes and West Phoenicia boasts some of the most opulent Opera houses in the world.

""Famous West Phoenician musicians include""

  • Holly Farton: Country singer born in New Dixie. 
  • The Insects: 4 man band from New Tudor.
  • Dixie Goodrem: Pop singer from Jackson.
  • Jade: Famous Opera singer from Upper West Phoenicia. 
  • Gene Campbell: Country and Western singer, Upper West Phoenicia
  • Magdalene: Pop Star from Olympia Hills.
  • 4 Privates: Quarter of current serving West Phoenician military members[/box]


There is a big art culture in the city-states of Ptolemaic Haven,  Bourbon-Versailles, Baal Territory, Olympia Hills  and Helios Territory. These city states are big fans of native art and art deco and home to numerous art galleries, opera houses,  dance studios and theatres.  West Phoenicia  supports arts in the form of painting, pottery sculptures, literature,  dance, theatre, literature  and basket weaving among others.

""Famous West Phoenician artists include:""

  • Karen Melton: Basket Weaver from Fort Blackfoot
  • Phoenix: Artist from Titania
  • Angel Baroda: Dancer from Antebellum Territory
  • Anton Fountain: Poet from Polytheisa Heaven
  • Karen Ascot: Native potter from Polytheisa Heaven
  • Glenton Gryphon: Novelist from Bourbon-Versailles
  • Babs Abozz: Burlesque Performer from New Egypt
  • Nicolette Cruz: Actress from Olympia Hills

Sports Culture:

West Phoenicia enjoys a healthy sporting culture. West Phoenicia is active in shooting, archery, swimming, sailing,  water polo, fencing, volleyball,  Equestrian and tennis. West Phoenicia has also participated in a number of International sports including the IX Winter Olympics and Astyrian Tennis Grandslam.

TV or Radio Shows

""Popular T.V Shows in West Phoenicia include""

  • Melrose Beach: Long Running West Phoenician night-time drama
  • The Dead Shall Walk: Popular Zombie t.v show
  • Big Brother West Phoenicia. 
  • West Phoenicia's next top model.
  • Wheel of Destiny: West Phoenician gameshow
  • Generations Feud: Game Show
  • 90 Minutes: News program
  • My Opinions: Left wing talk show
  • Rikki Springer: Talk show
  • As lives Entwine: Soap Opera
  • Jackson: Night Time Soap opera
  • WP News.
  • Olympia Hills: Reality t.v program
  • Plastic is fantastic: Beauty reality program.
  • West Phoenicia Idol: Reality music program
  • WPMC: Popular music channel
  • Devoted: West Phoenician State Church Christian Program
  • My 10 Wives: Reality Program.
  • Real Housewives of West Phoenicia: Reality Program
  • WP Sports
  • Waterscape: Daytime soap opera
  • The Right Way: Right wing talk show
  • Sleepers: Thriller T.V Series
  • Harp has Strings: Drama
  • WP Sports II
  • Three men and a poodle: Sitcom
  • What's that on my plate?: Cooking program
  • The Great West Phoenician Bakeoff: Cooking Reality Program
  • No room at the inn: Sitcom



West Phoencia's major utilities include a collection of brown-coal-fired power stations located in the western regions to supply energy to the north, east and west regions of West Phoencia's. While in the Southern regions of West Phoenicia alternative energy schemes such as wind power and solar power have been implemented to reduce the carbon emission and reliance on brown coal.


West Phoenician water infrastructure includes a series of dams and reservoirs, predominantly in Central West Phoenicia that hold and collect water for much of the nation. The water collected is of a very high quality and requires little chlorination treatment, giving the water a taste more like water collected in a rainwater tank. In regional areas however, such as in the west of the state, chlorination levels are much higher.The West Phoencia Water Grid consists of a number of new connections and pipelines being built across the nation. This allows water to be moved around West Phoencia to where it is needed most and reduces the impact of localized droughts in an era thought to be influenced by climate change. In New Rome and New Egypt vast mega modern aqueducts also exists to assist in non city areas.


The West Phoenician road network services the population centres, with highways radiating from Melbourne-Haven to all major cities and rural centres with secondary roads interconnecting the highways to each other.

All populated capital cities and outlining suburbs have an extensive train, trams and bus services run by private operators. Train and tram services in all major cities are run 24 hours a day.

While rural areas are connected by public and private bus services.

There are many airports around West Phoenicia paved or unpaved. The number of airports at 499. The busiest airports in West Phoenicia are:

  • Melbourne-Haven International- Jackson
  • Melbourne-Haven Domestic - Jackson
  • Olympia Hills Airport
  • Agape Faith Airport


West Phoenician's are hard workers but they also enjoy there numerous holidays. Below is a list of the national holidays but each city-state also has their own public holidays.

These have been declared National Holidays by the government of The Confederate Kingdom of West Phoenicia.

  • Jan 1st: New Years Day
  • Jan 26th: West Phoenicia Day
  • Feb 4th: King Glenton Bush II Birthday
  • Apr 3rd: Good Friday
  • Apr 5th: Resurrection Sunday
  • Apr 20th: Pontifex Birthday
  • May 8th: Queen Angelique Birthday
  • Jun 10th: Parents Day
  • June 21: Winter Solstice Day
  • Aug 10th: Queen Alotta Birthday
  • Nov 4th: Royal Phoenicia Cup
  • Nov 11th: West Phoenicia Defence Force Day
  • Dec 25th: Christmas Day
  • Dec 26th: Boxing Day


  • Animal: Scorpion
  • Bird: Hummingbird
  • Fish: Sword fish
  • Fruit: Peach
  • Flower: Deadly Nightshade
  • Mineral: Gold
  • Gemstone: Sapphire


Praise to him the font of all our wisdom Long to live, the ruler of our land Glenton Bush, mighty leader Mighty leader watching over us. Glenton Bush, mighty leader Mighty leader watching over us.

Friend on high, you guide us with your smile Teach us how to be as kind as you Glenton Bush, mighty leader Mighty leader watching over us. Glenton Bush, mighty leader Mighty leader watching over us.

Perfect King, you bless us with your beauty, Hallowed divine, how wonderous is your glow, Glenton Bush, mighty leader Mighty leader watching over us.


  • Famed West Phoenician Opera Star and ardent Antebellum Party member Jade sings the national anthem in honour to King Glenton Bush II and the royal family of West Phoenicia.)


The Confederate Kingdom of West Phoenicia is a God fearing nation.

It formally recognizes The True Path as the state religion. The 2015 census had between 80 to 85% of the citizens identified as followers of the faith. Ministry of Faith however reports registered True Path faith followers at 59%. As registration is only voluntary total figure is unknown.

Of Christianity the main branches formally recognised by the Ministry of Faith are Catholicism, Protestantism, Eastern Orthodox and Mormonism which unified to form the True Path faith the dominant faith in the nation.

Citizens are free to practice any faith in this devout nation as long as its not deemed banned by the Ministry of Religion. Citizens who follow banned religions or who proselytize a banned doctrine face exile to The Colony, an island under the jurisdiction of West Phoenicia where morally bankrupt citizens are sent to rehabilitate.

Banned Religions

The practice of Religion is overseen by the Ministry of Faith. The ministry follows strict guidelines to determine which religious groups are suitable and which are a danger to the citizens and need to be banned. The following are banned religions.

  • Islam
  • Atheism
  • Jehovah Witnesses
  • Scientology
  • Gnosticism
  • Satanism


Paganism is a recognised faith in the Confederate Kingdom of West Phoenicia. The city-states of Baal Territory, New Egypt, Bast County, Selene Valley, New Rome, Polytheisa Heaven and Helios Region boasts large numbers of pagan adherents.

Asherah Grove, the capital city of Baal Territory holds the residence of High Priestess Margie Brixton, the head of the pagan faiths.

These city-states are lined with temples dedicated to a pantheon of gods, goddesses and animal deities. As well as countless shops and markets dedicated to witchcraft, charms, potions, mediums, temple prostitutes and fortune tellers.

Other Faiths

  • Judaism has a strong number of adherents and synagogues in the City-states of Herodian Valley and New Egypt
  • Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and Shintoism have a number of temples and adherents in Polytheisa Heaven and Titania.
  • Hinduism, Jainism and Sikhism have small communities of followers and a scattering of worship centres in Deception Bay and Fort Blackfoot.

Current Religious Statistics of West Phoenicia

  • True Path 85%
  • Paganism 10%
  • Other 05%

The Supreme Head of the State Church in West Phoenicia is Pontifex Angelika I Deo deuotus ( devoted to God) A title that is bestowed for life. A title she claimed in Jan 2013 after the death of her predecessor.

Former Clergy of the State Church of West Phoenicia

  • 1983 to 2013: Most High Reverend Darius Mckay
  • 1981-1983: Archbishop Dave McCross
  • 1960- 1981: Holy Mother Cherice Liverpool
  • 1951- 1960: Pontifex Michael Vessel
  • 1946- 1951: Pontifex Peter Humility
  • 1941-1946: Pontifex Samuel Pascoe
  • 1940-1941: Archbishop Robert Swanston
  • 1938-1940: Most High Sister Christine Kenya
  • 1930-1938: Most High Brother Kevin Kenya
  • 1900-1930: Pontifex Nigel the Healer

  • High Priestess Margie Brixton assumed the role of Spiritual leader of the Pagan faiths in 2010 unifying all pagan and wiccan groups. Before than the pagan faiths were not united but ran independently of each other.


West Phoenicia is home to a large variety of fauna. West Phoenicia boasts large numbers of zoo's, circuses; wildlife reserves; aquariums.