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Christian Republic of Luziyca
Luziycan: Kristen Respublika i Luziyca
Lombardian: Repubblica cristiana della Lusazia
Swedish: Kristen republiken Lausitz
Namorese: Luzeyika Jiduminguk
Geadish: Christenrepublik Lausits
Azena: Kristau Errepublika Lausitz
Flag of Luziycan Coat of Arms of Luziycan
MottoIsta terra promissionis, quam dedit nobis Dominus
And this is the promised land, which the Lord hath given us
AnthemHymni Luziyca
Hymn of Luziyca
Outline of Luziyca
Region [[Region/Esquarium|Esquarium]]
Largest city Gijirokastra
Official languages Azena, Lombardian Luziycan, Swedish, English, Geadish, Namorese
Recognised regional languages Latin (former official language of Luziyca until 1976), Pavon
Ethnic groups (2010) Luziycans (54%)
Swedes (17.6%)
Lombardians (3.8%)
Other Whites (4.4%)
Black Luziycans (11%)
Asians (7%)
Hispanic (0.7%)
Other (1.5%)
Demonym Luziycan
Government Presidential federal republic
 -  President Breuvi Shjoraski
 -  Party Whig Party
 -  Christian Republic of Luziyca March 25th, 1868 
 -  Reunification August 28th, 1997 
 -  Total 10,280,388 km2
3,969,280 sq mi 
 -  2015 census 504,742,248
 -  Density 49.097584/km2
127.2/sq mi
GDP (PPP) estimate
 -  Total $24,708,129,603,840 (PPI)/$26,341,250,573,835 (Nominal)
 -  Per capita $58,112 (PPI)/$61,953 (Nominal)
Gini (2012)39.6
HDI (2015)0.937
very high
Currency Lira (₤) (=100 senti) (LUL)
Time zone (GMT-6, GMT-7, GMT -8)
 -  Summer (DST) (GMT-7, GMT-6, none for GMT-6) (UTC{{{utc_offset_DST}}})
Date format mm-dd-yyyy
Drives on the right
Calling code +1
ISO 3166 code LUZ
Internet TLD .luz

The Christian Republic of Luziyca (pronounced /luzaɪ.ikə/]) is a nation of around four hundred thirty million people located in Esquarium. Led by President Breuvi Shjoraski, it is a new sovereign state in terms of current regime, united in 1991 with the DPR of Luziyca, existing between 1934 and 1989; and prior to that, a conservative Christian Republic following the Christian Republic ideology, based on Republicanism and Lutheran Catholicism which was followed in the east until 1976, and west until 1934. It is bordered to the east by nation/Geadland and nation/Namor, and to the south by nation/Hravedia, nation/Wolfmanne, nation/Kamchastkia and nation/Katranjiev, and has Ostrov City enclaved within it, and it shares naval borders with nation/Britanno, and nation/Nevanmaa, thus bordering nine total countries.


The Luziycan civilization is one of the most ancient civilizations in Esquarium, and arguably one of the more ancient in the western part of Esquarium. The first specks of civilization originated around the Sprska River, Shiloh River and the Kirk River, and as time progressed turned into tribes, kingdoms, and then empires. Luziyca did not become a unified country until 1863, when it was united by Huswa Varanken.

Ancient Period

Prehistoric Period

The earliest evidence of a Luziycan is the Shiloh Man, located near Shilo, Luziyca, was a Homo Ergaster, with carbon dating and the fossil record tracing it to 1.1 million years ago. The Shiloh Man, many Luziycans claim, are the direct ancestor of Luziycans, Iglesians, Swilatians, Geads, Swedes, and other white races. The first evidence of a settlement was dated to 19,500 years ago, on the Sprska River, near Semprihevosk, based off of agriculture and fishing.

By around 9,500 years ago, Luziyca began to be more dependent on agriculture. At that point, the first written record could be found, in 8500 BC (AM 1000), providing evidence that Judaism was established, in what is now Jerusalem. By that point, it is widely considered that modern civilization began, and was ruled by a "Prester" (Nihim: פרקדהןאקר, presviter), Moses, who spread Judaism.

Judaic Era

During that time, Old Luziycan was seen, written in both the Nihim script, and the Noah script. A temple was built in Jerusalem, in 7500 BC (AM 2000), to celebrate two thousand years of the world being created. Despite Namorese trying to expand, the various Jewish chieftains fought off the Namorese. By 3000 BC, the "Great Flood" occurred, when levels of the Sprska Sea (due to runoff) rose rapidly by as much as 100 meters, submerging some formerly arable land. Both written and fossil records stated that it lasted for ten years, before it lowered. Today, the current level is 30 meters higher than the level on the eve of the flood.

As a result, in 2800 BC, a new Prester reunited the country, Noah, who strengthened Judaism. After his death, it was loosely held together by the Jewish faith and the clergy, known by the believers as "Nihim." By 10 BC, there were multiple states following Judaism.

Early Christian Era

On 1 BC, Jesus Christ was born. While his birthday has been accepted to be Dec. 25th, many argue it is earlier. In AD 14, he was exiled from Bethlehem, and walked for 40 days and nights to Jerusalem, where at the Temple, he confronted money-changers and cleansed them from the temple. In 25 AD, he was returned to the Kingdom of Bethlehem and the king renounced Judaism, accepting Jesus as his savior, and abdicated the throne. He took power, and abolished the title of King, but rather, issuing "Prester" as his own title.

During the next few years, he spread the Gospel, travelling far and wide, and appointing the Nihim (by that point, the h became more of a y) to govern his country according to the Gospel. In AD 32, while visiting Lombardia, he was taken by soldiers, and was crucified near Yerevan. After a day, his body went missing, and soon, people in Mount Tatra saw him rise from the dead, to heaven.

In AD 53, Saint Luther standardized the faith, and convinced the chieftain of Oteki to convert to Christianity. He promptly did so, as well as the people. Over the next few hundred years, Christianity spread like wildfire, displacing Judaism. By AD 525, the Nihim were "found only in valleys of the great wall dividing this holy land," and in Inleda, where by that point, they had to accept Christianity. In AD 570, the First Temple was ransacked by a mob of Christians, having stood for nearly 8,100 years. A Second Temple was immediately built, to serve both as a temple for the Nihim, and a cathedral for the Christians, under the rule of the last Nihim ruler, who converted to Christianity, Saint Anthony, who later contributed the practices still used in Lutheran Catholicism today.

Middle Ages

In AD 781, the Council of Albardia was convened to establish a Papacy, to standardize Christianity once and for all. After it was standardized, Judaism began falling out of favor for all except the Nihim living in the Nihim Valley in present-day Alto Luziyca. In AD 799, the first wave of Vikings, of Swedes, invaded Inleda, and ransacked Jerusalem, including its Second Temple, before killing all the remaining Jews in Jerusalem. In AD 1004, Geadish tribes invaded present-day Danzig and Geadland. In both attempts, they established Viking kingdoms, and colonized the regions, at the expense of the locals. In 1084, the Crusades against Astoria begin, which they called Archelaus, and forming various monarchies in an attempt to obtain the Holy Grail and failing to. Despite almost reaching Larena, eventually, they were driven back by Iglesian forces. However, it succeeded in the sense that it spread Lutheran Catholicism to Iglesiantis, which would not end until the 20th century. During the Crusader Era, the Spice Road (known in modern times as the Golden Spice Road) blossomed, forming major trade networks as Jerusalem, Bondhaven, Gusev and Bethlehem grew rich.

In 1277, the Geads broke away from the Lutheran Catholic Church over an issue of bread, and the location of where Jesus is born. As a result, the Pope ordered a holy war to liberate Geadland. As a result, Robert I united Geadland, and defeated the coalition of forces in 1294. That same year, after infighting caused a civil war in what was left of Luziycan controlled Archelaus, over the Lutheran Catholic Church and the Geadish church, the last stronghold, Aedes fell to the Iglesians.

In 1365, the Black Death came after fleas on rats from ships trading with Namor and other regions of Esquarium came to a harbor in Jerusalem, and was estimated to have decimated around 40% of the population, but in some regions, especially York, as high as 90%. As a result, it would give incentive to develop the various states, and their economies. Thus, within the next 20 years, many mergers were made, often with "rotten baronies" merging with prosperous countries.

The Black Death struck again in 1388, 1423, and 1449, but they did not kill as many as the Black Death in 1365 (it killed only 21% of the population altogether, compared to 40% in 1365). A few more rotten baronies merged, but it was not as much as it was. By the 1460s, it was largely static, with a few tributary states, corresponding with the Patriarchates, to the major Empires (Inleda, and Lombardia, as well as the Kingdom of Bethlehem). At this point, many referred to the entire collection, plus the only non-tributary country or country with any tributary states (Geadland) as Luziyca.

In 1462, the Council of Dansk was convened, which reformed the Papacy, due the fact that some conclaves went on for years, meaning elections can only go on for a maximum of two months, as well as ban anyone younger than 35 (the minimum age to become a Priest) from becoming Pope. After the Council closed in 1467, the Lutheran Catholic Church had been reformed.


Countries in present-day Luziyca from 1857-1860

The Renaissance has been argued to have begun as early as 1365, when the Black Death struck, but the traditional view, agreed by most scholars was that the renaissance of Luziycan culture began in 1501, when Abraham Wilhelm, noted author and painter, released the first major book in Luziycan not religious-related or anything mundane: "The Fault in our Culture," a critique of how rudimentary Luziycan culture is, being overshadowed in favor of Germanic culture. This book virtually encouraged Luziycan revival, and led to a renaissance.

In 1524, the King of Bethlehem commissioned artists, with a pay of ten lira per month (a stipend), and a two hundred lira payment for every work of art done. As a result, artists began flocking to Bethlehem. Paintings began appearing en masse, and by the 1540s, Lombardia and Jerusalem also offered similar offers. However, by 1550, the artist craze died down, although the economy picked up. In 1563, the Papacy was relocated from Bethlehem to Jerusalem, after Pope Gregory XXX visited the new quarters and declared that it was too corrupt and decadent for such a holy institution, which surprised and angered many church-goers, as well as Luziycan intellectuals for "enforcing Germanic influence" over Luziycan culture. The schism is nearly averted, by a treaty with Bethlehem, Lombardia and Inleda in 1566.

In 1601, Latin started to die out in the elite, as Luziycan and Swedish took over as common languages. Lombardia intellectuals began comparing their language with Luziycan, and noted that it has its own script, but most of its vocabulary was shared with Luziycan, which meant it was a dialect, but many locals said Lombardian was its own language, thus leading to a debate that still rages on in the present day.

During the 17th century, colonies by Lombardia, Inleda and Bethlehem began forming colonies in new lands, some of which became sovereign states (such as Kofeiya). At that time, slavery was common, and many black slaves came form the new colonies. White settlers were lured into the colonies in promise of free land, and missionaries started flowing into the colonies. These colonies enriched the metropoles, which in turn, increased the standards of living in Bethlehem, Lombardia and Inleda.

By the 18th century, feudalism was gradually chopped away, with Inleda emancipating serfs in 1713, except those under the control of the church. Their tributary states abolished serfdom from 1713 to 1739. In 1742, Lombardia abolished serfdom and emancipated them, and its tributary states were required to do the same, or get annexed by Lombardia. Bethlehem's tributary states began abolishing serfdom as early as 1736, but Bethlehem itself did not abolish serfdom until 1806, while the church only abolished it in 1873. At the same time, however, the ideas of republicanism took ground, and by the mid-1800s, many seriously began considering a Republic, with a failed Republican revolution in Lombardia and Bethlehem in 1848, but after the failure, many began incorporating republicanism into the Greater Luziyca ideology. As time wore on though, the monarchies cracked down on republicanism, and began repressing the intellectuals, leading to the start of a revolution in 1860 that would change Luziyca.

Unification and early years of the Christian Republic

In 1860, discontent in Lombardia led to a revolution that on August 19th, 1860, deposed the Lombardian Emperor. Former lawyer Huswa Varanken was chosen to lead the Republic of Lombardia, but he was the one that supported a "Greater Luziyca," unification of all regions considered to be Luziycan. After the tributary states of Lombardia joined the new state, he declared the creation of the Republic of Luziyca, but he was a virtual dictator at that point.

When Empress Sophia I heard of it, she transformed the Empire of Inleda into a constitutional monarchy, and they elected the only Prime Minister, Hjalmar Anderson. On Oct. 13, 1861, the Empire of Inleda was dissolved and integrated into the Republic of Luziyca, as well as it tributary states. On March 25th, 1863, the Kingdom of Bethlehem and its tributary states finally united, and a constitutional convention was formed.

In 1864, the Republic of Luziyca (with him serving as President since Mar. 25, 1863) was abolished, exactly one year to unification, and with a new constitution, formed the Christian Republic of Luziyca. With the country divided into parishes (civil parishes), it was adjusted over the next few year. However, some pretenders maintain their claims.

In 1868, discontent over the rule of Tomas Kirk and the St. Stephen's Day Massacre caused a war of independence of Geadland. While the Geads win, Luziyca maintains control over Boden Island, where a penal colony was set up, along with a settlement (Bodengrad) which became the "provisional capital of the Parish of Bondhaagen", although the parish institutions were moved to Novi Bondhaagen.

However, in 1874, administrative reforms abolished the civil parishes, replacing them with territories and states, the territories being Newfoundland (covering Newfoundland), Eastern Luziyca (covering Eastern Luziyca, Kozunitan, Spresi, North and South Acadia and the Dartmouth Islands), as well as Bethlehem, District of the Holy See (today Bethlehem Federal City). Geadland was listed as a state, while Oteki was "unclear." Two years later, slavery was abolished, and on the same day, blacks that have been repatriated signed a constitution and a treaty that declared the sovereignty of Kofeiya from Luziyca, thereby leaving Asenath as the only Luziycan presence on the continent. By 1877, the administration for the territory of East Luziyca had been set, and the same with Newfoundland in 1883. During the 1880s, free land was offered to immigrants, to promise Luziyca as a "promised land," and despite it being an old country, settlers were given 160 acres for free if they made the land sustainable in 5 years, and citizenship in 10. French immigrants were the largest group, settling in Acadia.

In 1899, after an uprising of Luziycans in Oteki and the First Namo-Luziycan War, the Antelope Dynasty of Namor was forced to sign a treaty ceding Oteki to Luziyca. Initially, it was incorporated as part of East Luziyca Territory, but in 1900, it became its own state, before a referendum and an act of Congress enabled Oteki to become sovereign.

During the 1900s, a movement began to rise to abolish non-decimal system of liras, solidum, and denarii, and replace it with liras and senti. Thus, in 1919, they abolished those subdivisions (20 soldium = 1 lira, 12 denarii = 1 soldium, 1 lira = 240 denarii) in favor of 1 lira = 100 senti.

During the 1920s, economic prosperity grew, with Jerusalem, Yerevan and Bethlehem becoming major economic centers, and factories began to grow in major importance. However, in 1929, the Bethlehem Stock Market crashed, plunging Luziyca into the Great Depression which triggered the rise of West Luziyca, and the Worker's Party of Luziyca, which would govern the west for over 60 years.

Communism v. Capitalism

On February 4, 1934, a general strike occurred, led by the Worker's Party of Luziyca that was founded in 1917, and started by employees who opposed their working conditions at the factories, as well as those who lost their jobs because the Great Depression. The military suppressed the strike, on February 5th in the Yerevan Massacre, killing 495 workers, and ordered all employees to go to work. After that, the WPL declared the start of a revolution, starting the Luziycan Civil War, and within weeks, they began taking control of states. A party structure began to form, and the Luziycan Armed Forces fought back. Despite endless triumphs (peaking on Nov. 7, 1934 when they controlled Bethlehem for 19 hours before losing it), they forced Stanley Azubah to sign a treaty splitting Luziyca into two.


Flag of West Luziyca from 1935 to 1991

After the treaty was signed, Erov Haclav, the leader of the Worker's Party of Luziyca began plans to rebuild West Luziyca. However, those plans were interrupted when after they received reports of Geadland being invaded by East Luziyca, they condemned it and joined the Geadish side in the Polder War. After they defeated the easterners despite some losses, on May 14th, 1936, they commissioned a Five Year Plan to rebuild West Luziyca, which was done in under four years, and thus, the Second Five Year Plan began in 1940. During the 1940s and 1950s, the economy of the west was higher, as well as the standard of living, than in East Luziyca. A minimum wage of 10 lira per hour was put into place in 1943, water and electricity were deemed free of charge and paid by the state in 1944, and housing was nationalized in 1946. Progressive taxation was almost immediately put into place, and farms began to get collectivized in the 1940s. In 1945, construction began on the new capital city to replace Yerevan, at the former fishing village of Gijirokastra and was completed and dedicated on May 1, 1955, as Erov Haclav City.

By the 1950s, it became one of the more powerful nations in Esquarium, and many communist parties in Esquarium and the world were influenced by the path of Erov Haclav, the General Secretary of the Worker's Party of Luziyca and the President of West Luziyca, and its standard of living peaked in 1956. By 1958, it was eclipsed by East Luziyca, but that same year, a major project that began construction in 1946 (all towns in the area of what is now Lake Pobeda were evacuated in 1948) was completed, the Great Proletarian Dam which dammed the valley behind it, creating Lake Pobeda, designed for irrigation and hydroelectricity.

During the 1960s, Erov Haclav promoted his successor, Mikhail Tagus to Vice-President of West Luziyca. However, during that time, it slowly began stagnating, but throughout the 1970s and 1980s, it accelerated, causing many defecting eastwards over the DMZ.

On November 7th, 1987, Yerevan went on a wildcat strike and despite ruthless suppression, it began the downfall of the communist regime. On Dec. 22, 1989, Erov Haclav was forced to step down, and Adam Chernenko became President. On April 23, 1990, free and fair elections were held and David Tagus became President. On August 28th, 1991, it was reunified with the east.


After the war, Stanley Azubah was worried that Geadland was falling into Haclav's sphere of influence, and since at the time, it was considered a rebellious state. Thus, on September 16th, 1935, Stanley Azubah started the Polder War, by invading Sofjastad. Despite some early gains in the war, they eventually had to sign a peace treaty which earned them some land, but not all of Geadland, ending the war on May 14th, 1936. Regulations were significantly cut, and in 1938, employers were allowed to fire any employee for any reason whatsoever. Thus, by the 1940s, the eastern economy was on its way to a post-war recovery, when the Second Great War (the First Great War being the Continental War) struck. After Chorea, the instigator in the war surrendered, they rapidly began redevelopment of East Luziyca.

In 1946, they began the creation of constituent republics, first in the Luziycan-controlled portions of the Solned Delta as Vest Geadland, followed by in 1951, Nantai, in 1958 by Inleda, and 1988 by Lombardia. In 1958, they now had a higher standard of living than West Luziyca, and its economy followed suit in 1959.

Quiet Revolution
In the 1960s, the Christian Republic began major secularization, starting with the election of President Khranovi Semrov, when in 1962, he passed a law enabling the election of the Senate by people (prior to that, one seat of the states was appointed by the legislature, the other by the Church), which began to reduce the power of Lutheran Catholicism. In 1963, Danzig, Inleda, Alto Luziyca, Upper and Lower York, and Southern Luziyca removed all Christianity from the curriculum except the reading of the Bible, and by 1965, only Greenwich, Tungista, Sprska, the Dartmouth Islands, and Tumyeshki still had Christianity in their public schools. In 1966, the government ordered the removal of all Christianity from public schools and also allowed schools whether to become "Catholic" schools or "Public" schools, the former being allowed to keep Christianity. In 1968, the Christian Luziycan Party split into two, over the issue of religion, the more conservative faction becoming the National Luziycan Party, but the former kept the CLP name until 1976 when it became the Whigs.

In Inleda, the Quiet Revolution had a profound effect. Until the 1960s, Jerusalem was the buckle of the Bible Belt, and the expression, "Banned in Jerusalem" referred to work that authorities there banned for "moral corruption." During the 1960s, they rapidly the shed the image of the Church, and in under a decade, the buckle of the belt moved southwards to Greenwich State, as well as liberalizing the culture in that state.

By the 1970s, it was increasingly clear that the East will outsurpass the west. In 1972, the replacement for the Achievement Test, created in 1947, was the federally-made Standard Achievement Test was revealed. In 1978, the Constituent Republic Act authorized the upgrade of states and territories to constituent republics and both Inleda and Lombardia became constituent republics. In 1979, after Zemaratna was overthrown and replaced by a Jamahiriya, there was an energy crisis which was resolved by the legalization of fracking in the east.

During the 1980s, Luziyca reached record high in economic development, and in 1984, Simon Josip became President, where the Summer Olympics were held, despite a boycott by West Luziyca, and countless other nations including Swilatia. After the fall of communism in the west in 1989, relations improved and culminated in reunification in 1991, with William Bush as President of a reunified Luziyca.

Present Day

After the reunification of Luziyca, the country started to experience massive economic growth, especially in the west. Thus, in the early 2000s, many Luziycans felt that the 21st century would be the Luziycan century. In 2000, Phoebe Wilhelm became the first female President of Luziyca to take office, and implemented a program to enhance Luziyca's position as a superpower on the global stage. Despite her death in 2003, her policies were continued by her successors, Franklin Varanken and Prevayu Brouvayeshki. However, when the Bethlehem Stock Exchange and the Gijirokastra Stock Exchange crashed on Oct. 19, 2008, it led to a recession which lasted until late 2009. After bailouts of banks like Coinstar, the economy recovered. In 2013, Kashui declared bankruptcy, and fears of another recession or depression are looming. Despite the fears, Luziyca has pressed on. Luziyca has one of Esquarium's largest economies and has plenty of clout within the region.


Main article: Politics in Luziyca

Diagram of the House as of the 2014 Election
Diagram of the Senate as of the 2012 Election

Luziyca has Congress, that first convened in 1864, after the passing of the Constitution. From 1863 to 1976, it was largely dominated by one single party, the Christian Luziycan Party (Luziycan: Kristen Luziycan Parti), upon it was split. It has a 74 member Senate, with 2 Senators per state, territory or autonomous republic and elected every 4 years, while the 500 Representatives represent the peoples of Luziyca, and elected every two years. It meets in Bethlehem. However, the Head of the House of Representatives is the Speaker, while the Vice-President of Luziyca leads the Senate. Both could be called to organize a tie-breaking vote if the vote is tied. The current head of state and government is the President, Breuvi Shjoraski.

There are four parties, the Liberals (formed 1879), the Whig Party (formed 1976), the National Luziycan Party (formed 1976), and the Christian Luziycan Party (formed 2012, formerly until 1976). The Whigs have 291 seats in the House, the National Luziycans have 168 seats, and the Christian Luziycan Party having 39 seats. The Liberal Party has two seats. In the Senate, 50 senators are of the Whigs, and 24 are from the National Luziycan Party.


Leader Name
President Breuvi Shjoraski
Vice-President Nikolai Serhoskav
Leader of the Opposition Sera Svensson
Department Secretary
Department of State Danielle Varanken
Department of Education Josip Thuman
Department of Homeland Security Breuvi Khomeda
Department of Defense Krov Francis
Department of Foreign Affairs Alfhild Amandus
Department of Justice Noah Khvala
Department of Transport Kumbai Sosnaseen
Department of Finance Daniel Dengi
Department of Insular Affairs Serena Thorson

Foreign Relations

Country (Feel free to add your own country here) Current state of relations
32px Atlantica Although the Atlantican government has followed a non-aligned foreign policy dating back to Unification in 722 B.C.E., Atlantica and Luziyca have faced very strained relations since the 1960s. Both countries barely trade with each other and have also barely traded with each other in the past, and the Atlantican government has been strongly critical of Luziycan policies, particularly over its administration of Nantai, which the Atlantican government considers part of Namorese territory.
32px Geadland Geadland is a breakaway state from Luziyca and as a consequence was not recognized by the pre-partition Luziycan government, nor by East Luziyca until 1982. West Luziyca recognized Geadland throughout its and maintained cordial though uneasy relations, including sending aid during the Polder War. Following a process of rapprochement, Geadland was recognized by Luziyca in 1982. Since then, the border has been opened to trade and tourism, but relations remain somewhat strained, as Geadland identifies Luziyca as a potential threat and is allied with Namor, though has sometimes mediated disputes between the two nations.
Flag 3.png Gillenor Gillenor have had variable relations throughout the years, usually depending on what government is in power in Gillenor. A conservative party is more likely to be pro-Luziyca whereas a socialist party is more likely to be anti-Luziyca.
32px Iglesiantis Luziyca and Iglesiantis currently face cold and strained relations. Historically, relations between the two countries had been mixed. Currently, Luziyca and Iglesiantis, together with Nevanmaa, Bleckonia and separatists, dispute on the matter of the island of Aghavniner, which Luziyca currently administrates.
32px Kofeiya Kofeiyan-Luziycan relations have traditionally been warm, with Luziyca being its largest trading partner. When Luziyca was divided, Kofeiya supported the East, and in turn, the East supported Kofeiya. Despite cold relations from 1980-1992, when Samuel Pumzi was in power (during which time he forged a relationship with West Luziyca), Kofeiya is still seen as a strategic ally. Due to aid and rather close relations between the two, some call Kofeiya a Luziycan neo-colony.
32px Lyonsland Lyonese-Luziycan relations have and still are highly strained, primarily over the territory of Jarkvensa, currently administered by Lyonsland. During Luziyca's 80 year rule over the islands, Luziyca implemented the "Hävitamine" policy, which stripped native Jarkvensans of their cultural, linguistic and in some cases, their human rights. Hundreds of the small Jarkvensan population were also massacred. Lyonsland claims that this was genocide (Known as the Jarkvensan Genocide, Lyonese: Gadenlins Jarkvensa). Despite recent affairs to neutralise affairs, Lyonsland continues to have poor relations with Luziyca.
PavonistadeFlag.png Pavonistade Luziyca and Pavonistade enjoy warm relations, despite occasional strains. As Pavonistade was a colony and dominion of Luziyca until 1985, the Pavonistadians share and adhere to multiple (but not too much) aspects with them, and Luziyca is one of Pavonistade's most notable trading partner. While some organizations have attempted to distance Pavonistade away from Luziyca, only some success are seen.
32px Vyvland Although Vyvland and Luziyca have had intertwined histories for a long time, the two countries have not always got on well. Luziyca's support for the overthrowing of the government in the Vyvlander Civil War was widely condemned within Vyvland and internationally, and East Luziyca's support for the harsh South Vyvlander regime was disliked by many, including supporters of the nationalist government. Many nationalist supporters felt East Luziyca was meddling in their affairs, for example through the installation of Erman Sanker. East Luziyca was more sympathetic to the Northern government. Since Vyvlander reunification, relations have improved, although the Luziycan military base at Syfmion in Vyvland has been a source of tension between the two countries.
32px West Cedarbrook Normal diplomatic and trade relations. Luzyica is a leading trade partner for West Cedarbrook, both in exports and imports. Neutral regarding Luziycan policy since formal establishment of relations in 1922.


See: Luziycan Armed Forces

The Luziycan Military is divided into three major branches: the Luziycan Armed Forces, the Luziycan Air Force, and the Luziycan Navy, and two minor branches, the Luziycan Marines and the Coast Guard. It is estimated that Luziyca has 40,000 warheads, but is unknown, except the methods of launch (land-based ICBMs, sub-based, and aircraft dropped missiles). The total of people employed by the army is 4,250,000 people, many of them on desk duties but are on reserve.

In peacetime, the Luziycan Armed Forces, or the Army has 350,000 soldiers, with approximately 3,000 tanks. The main battle tank is the M1 Abrams with 1,280 tanks, and the M60 Patton with 1,000 tanks. The remainder of the tanks are of other designs. The main service weapon is the M4 Carbine. During war time however, it can go up to around one million people, and is one of the most celebrated branches within the fatherland. The task of the Luziycan Armed Forces, as listed by the Luziycan Constitution is to preserve the peace and security and provide for the defense of Luziyca and her allies and overcome any nations responsible for aggressive acts that imperil the peace and security of Luziyca.

The Navy in peacetime is the second largest with 185,000 soldiers, with 3 aircraft carriers, 6 battleships, 10 destroyers, 30 frigates, and 47 submarines, as well as 2 hospital ships. The aircraft carriers are of the Nimitz-class, the battleships are of the Iowa-class, the destroyers are of the Iroquois-class, and the submarines are of the Upholder/Victoria-class.

The Air Force in peacetime is the third largest with 25,000 soldiers, with 670 fighter jets, of the F-35 and F-16 classes, 400 bombers of the B-1 Lancer class, 2500 helicopters of the UH-1N Twin Huey, and 300 refueling aircraft of the KC-135 Stratotanker class.

The Marines in peacetime has 12,500 soldiers. Unlike the other branches, they rarely use heavy equipment, strongly relying on mobility as a tactic. They are more heavily trained, and are considered to be the showpiece of the military.

The Coast Guard is the smallest branch of the military. It mostly functions as a small-scale green water navy. It has roles in maritime homeland security, maritime law enforcement, search and rescue, and the maintenance of river, intra-coastal and offshore aids to navigation. The Coast Guard usually is deployed every day. With a decentralized organization and much responsibility placed on even the most junior personnel, the Coast Guard is frequently lauded for its quick responsiveness and adaptability in a broad range of emergencies.

Until 1970, Luziyca demobilized their military every Christmas Day, but since 1971, it has ceased doing so, due to the loss of Oteki when the Otekian military did so in 1969 and 1970, despite claims by Namor that it is false.

There is an extended civil defense program within Luziyca, to protect civilians in the event of an attack on its soil. Its highest award is the Order of Liberty.


See: Public holidays in Luziyca

Luziyca has twelve holidays on the federal level: in general, they are all celebrated secularly except for Christmas and Easter, where many attend church services. In addition, 15 are official holidays on the state level.

Holiday Date Description
New Year's Day January 1st Celebrates the first day of every year in the Gregorian calendar.
Luziyca Day March 25th Celebrates the completion of unification of Luziyca under Huswa Varanken
Good Friday Moveable feast Commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus.
Easter Monday Moveable feast Celebrates the resurrection of Jesus.
Day of Reunification August 28th Celebrates the reunification of Luziyca
Labor Day First Monday of September Celebrates economic and social achievements of workers.
Thanksgiving Second Monday of October Gives thanks to the harvest
Remembrance Day November 11th Commemorates the war dead of Luziyca
Christmas Eve December 24th Celebrates the day before Christmas
Christmas Day December 25th Commemorates the nativity of Jesus
Boxing Day December 26th A day with an uncertain origin
New Year's Eve December 31st Celebrates the end of the Gregorian year


A geographical map of Luziyca
Mount Tatra is considered to be one of the most beautiful mountains in Luziyca.

(TBC) A mountain range, the Pine Cordillera (Luziycan: Peshumontzeya, Swedish: Mendozafura, Lombardian: Montagne di Pino) covers the central portion of Luziyca, named for the pine trees (known as spruce elsewhere in the world) that give the mountains their green color. In many cases, the tree line is only several meters from the snow line. Mainland Luziyca is 9,984,670 km², while Asenath, a Luziycan exclave is 295,718 square kilometers.

For such a large country, 1/3 is alpine, 1/3 of the climate is temperate, with the remaining 1/3 being subarctic, and also due to the fact that most of the country is covered in mountains, with the remaining 1% being temperate. Due to it, it has a lot of species, like the deer, moose, 600 species of birds, and frogs. The northernmost place in the world where Frogs could survive, is in Nazareth, where toads and frogs are used for Christian rituals. To the east of the mountains are the Eastern Plains, but is notorious for the harsh winter climate. Asenath has a tropical climate.

Flora and Fauna

Along the Sprska River (Luziycan: Sprska Rado), are plenty of beavers, bald eagles and bears. In the south, at Shiloh River (Shiloh Rado), it contains cod, with many marine life being at the Sprska Sea as well as the territorial waters of Luziyca. Frogs could be seen as far north as Nazareth, while most of the country is bear habitat. Pine trees are common, and they even have plenty of trees.

Time Zones

Timezones of Luziyca

In 1863, the Constitution passed, and a section, Section 173 decreed that "thy time of the permanent capital (Bethlehem) shall hereby be adopted for all purposes." However, it was not accepted, and the local time zones remained, but in 1871, the first amendment to Section 173 was to allow the usage of local time for each state, as long as they described it in hours and minutes behind Bethlehem. In 1896, President Azarel Terkenof passed another amendment that adopted GMT as their base, and divided it into three time zones. The State of Lombardia soon objected, and was adjusted under successive terms. By 1935, after communism divided both sides, DST was adopted in the east (what was left of UTC -8, -7 and all of UTC -6), and by a third "major amendment of time," Stanley Azubah declared that DST was to begin on the first Monday of April at midnight, and end on the last Monday of October at midnight.

In 1986, UTC -6 abolished daylight saving time, to benefit trade during the summer and internal tourists from Jerusalem and Bethlehem. That means that UTC -6 in Luziyca does not follow DST, the fourth time amendment signed into law to take effect April 5, 1987 by President Simon Josip. In 1996, after the fall of the communists, Western Luziyca's UTC -8 zone adopted DST to synchronize with Lombardia, but in 1997, just before unification, both parts of Lombardia requested that they not follow DST.

In 2005, the federal government announced new changes: DST (locally known as Summer Time) will begin on the second Sunday of March and end on the first Sunday of November, to take effect beginning 2007. Since it was implemented in 2007, all areas that follow DST follow this practice.

Administrative Divisions

For more information, see Administrative divisions of Luziyca


States of Luziyca


State Capital Population
22px Irinushka Askatasuna 42,411,105
22px Gijirokastra Gijirokastra 27,304,615
22px Samaria Semprihevosk 25,420,813
22px Rutland Stephanisburg 21,089,481
22px Bethlehem Bethlehem 20,145,618
22px Spokoya Saul 16,858,997
22px Keshudi Keshudi City 15,961,386
22px Kashui Moglinov 15,886,913
22px Heimbeck Uralkali 15,826,895
22px Sprska Sprska 15,812,000
22px Flanders Kain 15,726,951
22px Trelawney Kasli 15,786,824
22px Shenitsa Greenwich 15,759,686
22px Tumyeshki Gregoria 15,725,681
22px Tungista Varanken 15,719,825
22px Selamenko Selamenko 15,706,184
22px Amatrov Hoosier 15,701,599
22px Southern Luziyca Stockholm 15,699,847
22px Spresi Semrov 15,688,000
22px Evpraksiya Dhenen 12,391,506
22px Danzig Danzig 7,679,581
22px Ubezha Revda 7,392,691
22px Kozunitan Keziah 6,059,148
22px Upper York York 5,951,858
22px Lower York Yorkton 5,751,248
22px South Acadia Dartmouth 5,663,984
22px North Acadia Manirov 5,662,000
22px Alto Luziyca Jasper 5,610,589
22px Dartmouth Islands Dionne 5,607,995
22px Lazar Armavir 5,214,507
22px Pustinia Feniksgrad 4,693,401
22px Khariton Oksana 4,304,601
22px Yansa Ishim 4,145,618
22px Voshkod Salavat 3,745,618
22px Solomon Neijermeijer 2,145,618
22px Nova-Terra Saint Johns 1,458,481


Republic Capital Population
22px Inleda Jerusalem 32,099,640
22px Nantai Kenyen 2,581,691
22px Lombardia Yerevan 16,182,491
22px West Geadland Vesterhag 10,493,600
22px Asenath Juan Ibairen 21,205,553

Overseas Territories

Since 1982, the lowest form of overseas territory is "overseas territory," with a Governor and a legislative assembly, the Governor chosen by the Luziycan President, and the Governor appointing half of the assembly and the electorate choosing the rest. The highest form is "Associated Free State," with a President, Congress, elected by the locals, with a Commissioner to keep things in check, who is appointed by the President.

Associated Free States

Associated Free State Capital Origin
22px Hachishima Shurisho (TBC)

Overseas Territory

Overseas territory Capital Origin
22px Luziycan Arctic Territory Pulaski Station Claimed in 1924, this territory in the Esquarian Arctic is officially an overseas territory, but is subject to limitations under the Esquarian Arctic Treaty. As a result, it is governed by a Commissioner, not a Governor. It comprises of 2,134 people who reside year-round, of which 2,034 live at Pulaski Station, and 100 at the Kirov North Pole Station.

Former Associated Free States and Colonies

Associated Free State Capital Origin
22px Nebesina Nebesa (TBC)
Template:Country data Pavonistade Pavonistadeck Due to severe problems exacerbated by the Conflict of 1897 and its aftermath, President Fred Matteryork decided to revert Luziycan control so as to revert ongoing issues and their effects. Pavonistade became a Dominion on 1901 and would remain so until 1985, when a ratified constitution resulted in formal secession from Luziyca.
Template:Country data Kraq Craik Kristengrad (TBC)
22px Jarkvensa Kuninglinn It used to be a separate Kingdom, but in 1881, a modernizer, King Johannes VI took power and tried to industrialize Jarkvensa but went bankrupt, resulting in a bailout in 1895 with huge strings attached. In 1903, a revolt followed, and Luziyca as a result abolished the monarchy and incorporated Jarkvensa into Luziyca as a colony. In 1924, it became a Dominion, but in 1983, it was transferred to Lyonsland.
22px Kofeiya Varanken In 1680, Inledan trade ships discovered it and colonized the region, joined by other powers. It was never unified as a single colony, and in 1876, the states agreed to relinquish their ownership of the colony to the Free Black's Association led by Belshazzar Zermetof, which with the permission of Congress, gained sovereignty in 1876.


See: Demographics of Luziyca


Most Luziycans, around three quarters of the population are of Caucasian descent. Descendants of the Ineldan peoples comprise 18% of the white population, whilst the Lombardians within Luziyca comprise 4% of the white population. The remainder are descendants of the various Slavic and German tribes that resided here.

Around 11% of Luziycans are of African descent. They are almost all descendants of slaves who were brought from Africa until slavery was outlawed in 1873. Other ethnic groups include Inledans, Lombardians, and the Shudri.


Luziyca has six official languages, Azena Swedish, Lombardian, English, Namorese and Luziycan.

Swedish is the first official language, and it is mostly spoken in the northern areas of the country. Approximately 5% of Luziycans list Swedish as their native language, and nearly 50% of Luziycans can speak it at an intermediate level.

English is the second official language, and it is mostly spoken around Gijirokastra, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Yerevan and Danzig, due to immigration from English speaking countries. Approximately 25% of Luziycans list English as their native language, and 98.2% of Luziycans could speak it at an intermediate level. Luziycan English is the variety of English spoken in Luziyca.

Luziycan is the third official language, and is the lingua franca of Luziyca. Around 54% list Luziycan as their native language, and 99.1% speak Luziycan at an intermediate level.

Lombardian is the forth official language. About 10% speak it as a native language, and 40% speak it an intermediate level. It is more predominant in Lombardia.

The forth official language is Namorese, spoken almost exclusively in Nantai. 7% speak it as their native language, and 9% can at least speak intermediately.

The last is Azena, spoken in Irinushka and Asenath, spoken by 10% natively, and 11% can speak it intermediately.


Religion in Luziyca (2015)
Lutheran Catholicism
Church of Luziyca
Christianity (other)
Other or unknown
No religion

Luziyca is a secular country, and freedom of religion is a constitutional right. The church and the state have been separated ever since the republican revolution of 1863. However, it has an official religion: Lutheran Catholicism, led by the Popes in Bethlehem. In Inleda, the Church of Luziyca is also its official religion, but it is secular.

Approximately 90% of Luziycans considered themselves to be Christians. Major christian branches include Lutheran Catholicism (76%), Calvinist/Lutheran (13%), and Other (1.25%). The second-most popular religion is Scientology, at 4%, Islam at 2%, Judaism at 1%, and others at 1%. Non-religion is at 1.75%.

While a majority of Luziycans follow a some kind of religion, but some are fundamentalists. Only around 36% of Luziycans claim that religion isn't very important to them, and only 2% claim that religion doesn't mean anything at all to them. The area where people typically are extremely religious can be found in the Bible Belt.



Highway Three on the Canmore-Jasper stretch
Map of Federal and State Highways

The transport network in Luziyca is very large, with over 6,586,610 km of paved roads, with 455,000 km being highways. There are 18 federal highways, the longest being Highway 1, beginning in Frontiersburg, Upper York and ending at Gijirokastra. Then, there are state highways, controlled by the constituent states of Luziyca. With the Highway network, the nation has been connected, since when the Federal Highways were formed in 1959. Roads are extremely common, with the Federal Highways using concrete, and the State Highways using asphalt. They have a system of Road signs in Luziyca, usually either in Luziycan, Swedish, English or Lombardian. There are license plates in Luziyca, using the North American standard.

There is a railroad network, operated by Luztrak, with the Evangeline (Gijiroksatra-Yerevan) high-speed line the busiest, followed by The Eagle (Gijirokastra-Bethlehem).

Air companies that operate in Luziyca include Air Luziyca, and Quern Airlines.


See also: Healthcare in Luziyca
As of 2010, around 73% of people are insured, the remaining people being too poor to be insured. Health insurance is seen as a necessity to get healthcare within Luziyca. Since 2000, the Ministry of Health is disbanded and healthcare is fully privatized with no government funding. One who does not have insurance must pay all the costs, which often are extremely high, and even insurance only covers at least 10%. There are 12,596 hospitals, and 38,681 clinics.

The disabled, however officially have rights but have been abused with near impunity, often being blamed for being "too lazy," and are often forced to work, or even walk, save for veterans of the military who are treated with respect.

Life expectancy in Luziyca is 81.5 years, 83.1 years for females and 79.9 years for males.


See also: Education in Luziyca

The Education System in Luziyca was devised by the Education Act, 1869, and the curriculum is set by the state, NOT the federal government. The constituent countries have their own Education Ministers, which along with the federal Minister of Education, create the Educational Cabinet.

It has two years of optional pre-kindergarten, mandatory Kindergarten, then mandatory Primary School from Grade 1 to Grade 8, followed by Grade 9 to 12. They are owned by the government but delegates its authorities to school boards, of which there is usually two in a given area, the Christian School Board, and the Public School Board. Both have school fees, and the main difference is that Christianity is taught as fact (as per the Bethlehem Papacy).

After Grade 12, one can enter the workforce directly, enter a Polytechnic, or attend University.

There are 88,314 primary schools, and 32,587 secondary schools. 15,681 schools are K-12, and 1,698 are other (usually Middle Schools, or Special Education Schools). Thus, in total, there are 138,280 schools in Luziyca proper. There are 3,687 colleges, and 146 universities.

In Luziyca, there are 121,635,436 students, from Kindergarten to Grade 12, or 28% of the population.


From 1945 to 1996, nuclear power was the main source of electricity in the communist west. Now, all of the plants have been dismantled and replaced with coal power plants, which provides virtually 100% of all Luziycan electricity, most of it coming from mines in Newfoundland, Bethlehem State, and Alto Luziyca. In some cities, they use petroleum for electricity.


Luziyca has a capitalist free market economy, which is fueled by abundant natural resources, a well-developed infrastructure, and high productivity.

The private sector was estimated to constitute 91.7% of the economy, with government activity accounting for 4.2% and local government activity the remaining 4.1%. While its economy has reached a postindustrial level of development and its service sector constitutes 71% of GDP, Luziyca remains an industrial power. The leading business field by gross business receipts is wholesale and retail trade; by net income it is manufacturing. Chemicals, petroleum products, foodstuffs, computer parts, automobiles and electronics are the leading manufacturing fields. Luziyca is one of the largest producers of oil in the region; there are ample reserves of oil off the shore of Luziyca and especially in the plains of Eastern Luziyca. Luziyca is also one of the largest producers of chromium, coal, copper, iron, nickel and uranium. While agriculture accounts for just under 3% of GDP, Luziyca is one of the the world's top producers of wheat, barley and meat, which is typically produced in western Luziyca. Tourism is also a large source of income for many people, although the amount of tourists entering the country has lessened after travel restrictions were put in place by several countries hostile to Luziyca.

As of 2010, the labor force comprise 267,864,152, or around 63% of the entire population. The Government of Luziyca, in total as of 2010, employs 20,182,591 people (an example being Luziycan Post), while the largest private sector is health care, at 19,481,596 people, followed by retail, at 19,381,287 people.

Luziyca has had high income inequality since the 1970s (on the eastern side, 1991 on the western side), with a GINI co-efficient of 59.4. However, people within Luziyca do not see it as a problem, since they believe that they should only donate to the poor that at least try to work hard, and is considered that they should succeed or fall at their own merits.

The currency of Luziyca since 1863 is the lira, with an official exchange rate of 1 lira = 2 dollars, and it actually is worth more than the dollar. The total GDP of Luziyca is $24,708,129,603,840 (PPI), while the GDP per capita is $58,112, amongst the highest in the region.

Major corporations include Coinstar and Bank of Bethlehem (banking), PNK, (oil and gas), Karshev's, Wal-Mart, Superstore and Safeway (retail), Real (electronics), Northern Union (financial), Dawson's (consumer goods), Kurirer (courier services), Xavier's Donuts (fast food), Vostgavan (automobiles), Mir Pharmaceuticals (pharmaceuticals), Rassvet (computing) and Yedesat (telecommunications). It also has a large beer company, Pivo.

Luziyca is also home to Mall of Luziyca, the largest mall in Esquarium.

Law and Order

Law Enforcement

In Luziyca, law enforcement is done by the various police agencies. The Central Intelligence Agency has claimed to be a secret police, to which it denies, as well as Congress. In the official hierarchy, the police of states and territories, usually as (name here) State/Territorial Police, and then below that are city police. The constituent republics also have their Republican Police Force above their State Police Force.

There is no national police, and in Gijirokastra and Bethlehem, the state police has jurisdiction over their territories. For border control, the Department of Homeland Security is in charge and also gives out passports.

Judicial System

In Luziyca, they use common and civil laws, as a basis for their legal system. Prior to 1863, both systems were used, many Kingdoms and Empires favoring common law, but Inleda and their tributary states favored civil law. In 1863, they adopted a mixture, and had them organized. Today, there are 815 County Courts, followed by 37 State Supreme Courts, and then six Circuit Courts (often grouped in uneven chunks of 6 states or territories), and then the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court has 9 Justices and a Chief Justice, who currently is Jenkins Ratburn. It requires a 5-4 yes or nays at minimum for a decision to be made.

The death penalty is used, prior to 1968 having burning at the stake as a primary form of execution. From 1968 to 1970, it was replaced with the gas chamber, and since 1970, lethal injection has been used. For crimes in the military that are severe enough to warrant execution, since 1863, they use execution by firing squad.

Prison System

Colin Townsend Detention Center is the largest detention center in Luziyca.

The Luziycan governments describes the goals of the justice system of being to deter crime and give appropriate punishments to criminals. However, there have been frequent reports of torture and human rights violations, as well as suppressing of political opposition.

The 1957 Prison Act reorganized the prison system and placed it under the control of the Federal Government. Prisons are placed in five categories and are arranged by code, while Detention Centers only have names. Other prisons may also have names but codes are used for organizational use.


  • A - Supermax: Only a single prison, Peskov A1 is a supermax facility, since it first opened in 1986 (from 1986 to 2003 as Peskov A2). It is located in Peskov, Trelawney. From 1959 to 2003, there was one in Shali (Shali A1), before it was closed.
  • B - Maximum: There are 35 Maximum Security Prisons scattered throughout the country, the first one being Dhenen B1, that opened in 1957.
  • C - Medium: There are 150 Medium Security Prisons scattered throughout the country, the first one being Aluk C1, opening in 1957.
  • D - Minimum: There are 300 Minimum Security Prisons scattered throughout the country, the first one being Bethlehem D1, opening in 1957.
  • Detention Center: There are 100 Detention Centers, where criminals are held before their trial, the first one being the Richard Adam Cross Detention Center opening in 1963.


See: How to tell if you're from Luziyca

The etiquette however is similar to North America's etiquette. Cultural differences result in Anti-Luziycan sentiment being prevalent.


See: Media of Luziyca
The media in Luziyca is rated the freest in the world, according to a 2013 Gallup Poll. Luziyca has a lot of media choices.


Luziyca was an early pioneer television, with some private stations beginning in 1936, but it was a luxury for the rich.

Public television was officially launched in 1952, on the NTSC format. In 1966, it adopted color. In 1979, the Television Act was passed, forbidding any TV station and radio station to be owned by the same company in a 16 km (10 mile) radius from the transmitter, which was repealed in 2003. In 1981, Smotrivid was launched. In 1997, however, on digital TV, Luziycan News 24 came on the air, becoming the first station to exclusively use digital television. and LRT1 adopted Luziycan News 24 instead of going in the dark in 1999. However, since 2003, a boom in TV programming has increased, with now only 4 analog stations, but 10,000 channels on digital, cable and satellite television. The most popular stations are LRT1, LRT2, LRT3 and LRT4, the latter two broadcasting in Swedish and Lombardian respectively, and owned by Radio y Televisiya i Luziyca. Its competitors are Luziycan Pedagogiska Set, launched in 1964, Oresund Broadcasting Services, launched in 1994, and Independent Television, launched in 1969 and 1970.

Since December 31, 1999, TV ratings are regulated by the Esquarian Content Rating System, created as part of the Television Millennium Act, passed in October 1999, while video games are rated by the ESRB.

The dominant television genre until the mid-1990s was the soap opera, such as Zavtra Lux, which ran on radio from 1935 to 1968, and television from 1952 to the present, today, the most popular genres are reality shows, game shows, sitcoms, stand-up comedy, and crime shows.


Radio broadcasts began in 1916 when Benito Marconi launched the first radio station in Yerevan, a talk station. During the 1920s, radio caught on, with news, music, mass, and soap operas being predominant, and reaching the peak of their popularity in the 1930s and 1940s. After the 1950s, radio's importance declined compared to television, meaning radio became mainly music and talk radio, the former varying from classical to rock and roll.

Today, radio is popular, with FM stations generally using pop music, and AM generally dedicated to talk radio. Satellite radio is also popular, especially niche interests.


In Luziyca, there are plenty of newspapers. The largest newspaper in nationwide circulation however is The Constitution, circulating since 1973. The largest nationwide newspapers, besides The Constitution are the National Enquirer, the Bethlehem Times, Freedom News, The Jerusalem Star, the Yerevan Eagle and the Gijirokastra Journal. There are tens of thousands of newspapers in Luziyca, many very local or restricted to the state, but a few run through the nation. 2/3 of all newspapers are broadsheets, with the remaining 1/3 being tabloids.


Since the first private company offering internet began operations in 1989 (in the West in 1991), the Internet saw a rapid growth. The media on the internet includes many newspapers published online, blogs, and some new webnews services, the most popular being News of the World, and the Globe. Traffic to these services is around 25,000,000,000 hits per year.


Traditional Luziycan food

The cuisine of Luziyca has had many influences, although in recent years, it has become more Westernized, with fast food springing up and hamburgers becoming popular. Traditional Luziycan cuisine, while only consumed on foreign occasions has food like vareniki, valki, as well as khaleb, the traditional bread, and the traditional meat, vertel. However, it tends to have regional variations, with fish being consumed on the coast (Inledan cuisine has a lot of fish dishes, from salmon to meatballs, to the most nortorious, ruttnande, although ruttnande has declined in popularity since the 1960s), while inland, more meat is consumed (as well as bread). As well, Lombardia has more vegetables in their cuisine due to the climate (and is the only area of Luziyca where grapes can be grown, of which most are grown for their wine), and is home to many local foods like pizza.

In the past fifty years in the east and twenty in the west, American-style food has caught on, like hot dogs, hamburgers, French fries, and as a result, American customs are being adopted, and traditional Luziycan food is starting to decline in popularity. Due to its multiculturalism, Geadish food is common in the north, Namorese in the east, Efsanevi in the south, and others in ethnic enclaves.


Luziyca has a long and storied literary tradition. Initially, many books were dedicated to religious matters, and literacy was generally only reserved for monks. However, with the invention of the printing press in 1450, literacy began rising and thus, the topics of literature changed, with many sagas and legends being transcribed, as well as pamphlets beginning to be more common. By the 1800s, many could read and write, and new topics like romance, fantasy novels, and children's books emerged, as well as science-fiction in the 1950s. During the division of Luziyca, the literature of the west suffered, with hacks generally churning out low quality books, while the east became renowned for its literature.

Today, popular topics for books involve young adult novels, science-fiction, romance, and fantasy.


Due to the wide area and significant diversity of cultures, there have been a lot of traditional styles of music. Generally, choirs predominate in the north, while as one goes south, it tends to be more instrumental, though choirs are still common in local music. Church music however was surprisingly similar in various areas.

However, beginning in the 1600s, with David den Ulrich from Inleda, Zivek Pivovarsky from Bethlehem, and Crespignano Carpinello from Lombardia adopted a classical style which became quite popular and help create a common genre. Generally, they are calming music, with elements of opera as well. With its popularity, more people began to use this musical style, and expanded upon it.

After the 1860s, folk music began to emerge on the popular scene, but classical music was seen as high culture, whilst in contrast, folk music was seen as low culture. The first major music genre to be accepted upon both upper and lower classes though was jazz music, which the popularity peaked in the 1920s. Blues music also took hold, especially during the Great Depression and the Luziycan Civil War.

Following the division, the west adopted a socialist style, involving military marches and operatic singing, but in the east, rock and roll took hold, with the most popular band being Zhivotnye. During the 1970s, country music told hold, before it emerged towards pop music by the 1980s.

Boy bands took hold in the early 1990s, with Krasota being one of the most popular bands, from 1994 to 2002 when they were put on indefinite hiatus. After this, girl singers emerged, and pop music was seen as becoming more about money, drugs, or sex. Despite this, it kept its popularity. Since 2011, there has been a revival of boy bands.


Luziyca has had a major art tradition, dating centuries back. Near Calore, there is evidence of cave drawings around 30,000-15,000 years old. Each center evolved their own style of art, but those of the major powers were generally more influential, and more of their work survives.

Generally, art was focused on the expression of subjects about Biblical and religious culture, and used styles that showed the higher glory of a heavenly world, such as the use of gold in the background of paintings, or glass in mosaics or windows, which also presented figures in idealized, patterned (flat) forms, but during the renaissance, realism became more dominan with a greatly increased emphasis on the realistic depiction of the material world, and the place of humans in it, reflected in the corporeality of the human body, with the development of perspective.

Today, modern is a common style in sculptures, and abstract paintings are more common. Plays are extremely popular in Luziyca.


Cinema in Luziyca dates back to the earliest years that the medium was invented. During the silent era, films were commonly exported throughout the region, but since the first talkies, Luziycan-language films have been largely confined to Luziyca and its former colonies, while English-language films are still exported, with one of the largest film industries in the region. Notable actors include Kevin Dhakov, Rybak Semrov, and Khranovi Titov, as well as directors David Prostoy and Breuvi Froder. Popular genres are fantasy, adventures, war films, and horror movies.


Major sports in Luziyca are Lombardian football, and association football, known in Lombardia as soccer, of which the latter is more popular and is the de-facto national spot. The Luziycan Premier League is home to the top teams in the Luziycan football scene, and is a major competitor in the Coupe d'Esquarium, having won the inaugural cup, although it lost the quarter-finals to Vyvland in the Second CdE.

Handball and ice hockey are slightly popular on an amateur level, and motor racing is also popular.