Nation/Socialist Federative Republic of Sornia

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Dictatorship of Socialist Federative Republic of Sornia
MottoБратство и jединство
AnthemOhrani nam domovino
File:Bože pravde Arena.ogv
Fans singing "Bože pravde" in Belgrade Arena before the handball match Serbia vs Germany, 2012 European Men's Handball Championship
National Animal
Map of Socialist Federative Republic of Sornia
Map of Socialist Federative Republic of Sornia
and largest city
Demonym Sornian
Government Socialist federative republic
 -  Supreme leader Gorislav Dolovojev
 -  Državonadzornik Andrej Volkolov
Legislature Parliament of Sornia
 -  Upper house Central committee of the communist party
 -  Lower house House of Representatives
 -  estimate 205 million
Currency Hermel (HSM)
Time zone CMT (Central Mrazirian Time) (UTC+5)
Date format dd/mm/yyyy
Drives on the right
Internet TLD .sr

The Socialist Federative Republic of Sornia is a large nation in the Mrazirian continent. Located entirely on the Žlovian peninsula. It borders Hraxia, Dinadria, Marodo, Codanostria and Agritona (by sea)

he Dictatorship of Socialist Federative Republic of Sornia is a huge, economically powerful nation, remarkable for its compulsory military service. The hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 205 million Sornians are ruled by a mostly-benevolent dictator, who grants the populace the freedom to live their own lives but watches carefully for anyone to slip up.

Several citizens have complained about scientists abducting their pets for experimentation, the world outside is only known of in folklore, torture is illegal, and citizens are permitted to carry concealed handguns. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force. Socialist Federative Republic of Sornia's national animal is the Bear, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation, and its currency is the Hermel.


The beginning of Sornia is traced back to the early settlements of the slavs on this area and the legend of Vlastomir. It is certain that Vlastomir wasn't a bear, however, recent archaeological findings have shown that there was indeed a tribal leader named Vlastomir, who ruled the area now known as Svarduska region. It is believed that he, Vlastomir Driženov, established the Scherian tribe. Scherian remains are found all across Sornia.

The scherian tribe grew into an empire and seized the entire Žlovian peninsula, sacking and pillaging. The bordering nations grew aware of the Scherian threat and moved immediately to take down the wild horsemen. The Scherians were forced back into the heart of the Žlovian peninsula, promising to leave the mainland untouched.

After the empire's defeat, unrest grew in all the regions, finally resulting in Scheria splitting into regions. The Sverogord region prince, Vasili, decided to unite the former empire and return it to its former glory. And after years of negotiating and battling resistant princes and khans. He built the city Velkograd in commemoration of this victory, it remains the capital of Sornia to this day.

After the royal line began to weaken with inbred incompetent, mad and cruel tzars, the november revolution began. The workers of the land united and threw down the tzar and his family, sacking Velkograd in the process. The empire now became the Scherian union. However, in around fifty years, it collapsed, resulting in the creation of several new countries that used to be its subjects: Volgeristan, Indiny, Thirania, Dinadria, Surid and Marodo. Democratic elections were held in all countries. Fortunately, in all countries, the communist party won and established the United Sovereign Socialist Republics. The countries that refused to join are known by the population of the USSR as mala Mrazirija, or little land of cold.


There are 10 regions located on the Žlovian peninsula and 1 located entirely on the island of Svelgrenik. The regions are: Svarduska (capital: Medvedje polje), Goransk (Žverni Dol), Doretsk (Obkopje), Kajjerska (Gorobor), Dolansk (Hlebovec), Valduza (Velkograd, also the capital of Sornia), Krajinska (Trudograd), Sverogorod (Jezreno), Oretska (Mirograd), Varvadna (Turblana), Krimorska (Korlovo), Obalska (Zamograd) and the island of Svelgrenik (Svetokrej)


It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent government stops and the rest of society begins, but it juggles the competing demands of Commerce, Law & Order, and Defence. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 67%. Private enterprise is illegal, but for those in the know there is a slick and highly efficient black market in Arms Manufacturing.


  • Supreme leader: Gorislav Dolovojev
  • Minister of finance: Franci Križanič
  • Minister of the interior: Aleš Zalar
  • Minister of foreign affairs: Samuel Žbogar
  • Minister of justice: Senko Pličanić
  • Minister of defence: Ljubica Jelušič
  • Minister for the commune: Ivan Svetlik
  • Minister of industry: Darja Radić
  • Minister of agriculture: Milan Pogačnik
  • Minister of culture: Majda Širca Ravnikar
  • Minister of the enviroment: Roko Žarnić
  • Minister of Infrastructure: Patrik Vlačič
  • Minister of education: Igor Lukšič
  • Minister for health: Borut Miklavčič


Criminal cases consist of a preliminary examination before the indictment and the actual trial. In the preliminary examination, the sledovatel (or "investigator") interrogates the accused and the witnesses and examines evidence. The accused is informed of his/her rights before the examination.Counsel is available at the last stage of the preliminary examination after the accused is indicted. The examiner is prohibited from using force though the accused could be confined for long durations: up to 10 days before being charged, up to 9 months during the preliminary investigation (with the approval of the Procurator General) The testimony to be used in the trial is presented to the accused. The sledovatel is subordinate to the procurator (prokuratura) that is tasked with the prosecution, "'general supervision' of legality", and reporting illegal administrative actions. The indictment that includes the preliminary examination was considered the "official record" at trial.


The parliament is comprised of a bicameral legislature - the House of Representatives and the central party committee. The House of Representatives is composed of 330 seats (30 from each region). The central party committee is composed of 50 seats, all elected within the party by the party.

Provincial Governments and Councils

Each region has its own government.They enact regional laws but may not engage in nationwide legislation. Each region elects 199 regional representatives (each from one of the 199 major municipalities of each region). All municipalities also elect 100 representatives to the local senate and a mayor that governs over the municipality.

Geography, Climate and the Environment

The climate of Sornia is formed under the influence of several determining factors. The enormous size of the country and the remoteness of many areas from the sea result in the dominance of the continental climate, which is prevalent in the Mrazirian continent except for the tundra and the extreme southeast. Mountains in the south obstructing the flow of warm air masses from the Glažirian Ocean.

Geographers traditionally divide the vast territory of Sornia into five natural zones: the tundra zone; the taiga, or forest, zone; the steppe, or plains, zone; the arid zone; and the mountain zone. Most of Sornia consists of two plains (the Gherozian Plain and the West Mrazirian Plain), two lowlands (the North Mraženian and the Kledič, in far northeastern Mraziria) and a series of mountainous areas mainly concentrated in the extreme northeast or extending intermittently along the southern border. Sornia's highest peak is Velika Gora (6393 m)


Ethnic Sornians comprise 91% of the country's population. Sornia is also home to several sizeable minorities. In all, 160 different other ethnic groups and indigenous peoples live within its borders. Though Sornia's population is comparatively large, its density is low because of the country's enormous size. Population is densest in Central Sornia, near the Trežaske Mountains, and in southwest Mraziria. 73% of the population lives in urban areas while 27% in rural ones.

Recenly, Sornia recorded annual population growth for the first time in fifteen years. 279,906 migrants arrived to Socialist Federative Republic of Sornia the same year, of which 93% came from bordering countries. The number of Sornian emigrants steadily declined from 359,000 to 32,000. There are also an estimated 10 million illegal immigrants in Sornia.

The 2010 census recorded 91% of the population as ethnically Sornian, and 9% as other ethnicities: 3% Hraxians; 1.4% Dinadrians; 0.6% Marodonese; 1% Codanodstrians; 3% others and unspecified. According to the Census, 94.93% of the Sornain population belongs to the slavic language group.

The ten largest cities are:

  1. Velkograd 9,3 million
  2. Gorobor 6,2 million
  3. Zadrovo 4,9 million
  4. Kopitovo 4,3 million
  5. Zašreveni pristan 3,1 million
  6. Medvedje polje 2,7 million
  7. Obkopje 2,4 million
  8. Turblana 1,5 million
  9. Korlovo 1,2 million
  10. Snjernovo 0,9 million

The SFRS is a regulatory atheist nation.


Sornian culture is the culture associated with the country of Sornia and, sometimes, specifically with Sornians. It has a long history and can claim a long tradition of dividend in many aspects of the arts, especially when it comes to literature and philosophy, classical music and ballet, architecture and painting, cinema and animation, which all had considerable influence on world culture. The country also has a flavorful material culture and a tradition in technology.

Sornia's 160 ethnic groups speak some 100 languages. Despite its wide dispersal, the Sornian language is homogeneous throughout Sornia. Sornian is the most geographically widespread language of Mraziria. Sornian belongs to the East Slavic languages.

Broadcasting and Media

All national media sources are monitored by the government. The main mediahouse is Fanfare 24 (F24).