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The Holy Empire of Destructizatn
Anthem"Death n' te Shed"
Regional Map
CapitalDestructizan City
Largest city Calmosonar
Official languages Faran
Ethnic groups (2015 Estimate) 21% Human

(42% of Humans are of Dest origin)

20.5% Lupine

58.5% Other
Demonym Dest, Destructzin, Destructzi
Government Conservative Destructizan Democracy
 -  Leader HaroWolf
 -  Military Comander Rachel Stirling
 -  Chief Advisor Arbry Deaton
Legislature House of Cards
 -  Upper house Ace
 -  Lower house Joker
 -  Total N/A km2
N/A sq mi 
 -  2015 estimate 274,893,912
 -  2010 census 168,839,982
 -  Density N/A/km2
N/A/sq mi
GDP (nominal) 2015 estimate
 -  Total $298.1 billion
 -  Per capita $1051.678
Gini (2016)17.2
HDI (2016).531
Currency Dests (DS)
Date format MM/DD/YYYY
Drives on the the left
Calling code +666
ISO 3166 code DEST
Internet TLD .desu

The Holy Empire of Destructizatn, once known to a safe haven for those who were violated in the looseness of previous anarchies and civil wars. Also known as Destructizatn (des-truc-tí-zan) is a huge, efficient nation, notable for its compulsory military service, frequent executions, and restrictive gun laws. The hard-nosed population of 440 million Destructizatnians are highly moralistic and fiercely conservative, in the sense that they tend to believe most things should be outlawed. People who have good jobs and work quietly at them are lauded; others are viewed with suspicion. The relatively small, moralistic government juggles the competing demands of Defense, Law & Order, and Spirituality. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Destructizatn City. The average income tax rate is 19.5%. The geography of Destructizatn is that there is one large island surround by four other large land masses that are each separated by the sea, meaning each land mass is specified because of the certain geographical properties such as agriculture, tourism, government, military, and different industrial corporations. The very strong Destructizatnian economy, worth 29.9 trillion Dests a year, is broadly diversified and led by the Arms Manufacturing industry, with major contributions from Tourism, Beef-Based Agriculture, and Information Technology. State-owned companies are reasonably common. Average income is 67,906 Dests, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 4.4 times as much as the poorest. Ethnic minorities are often refused admission to some of the nation's best schools, urban high-volume mailers now receive their mail via chauffeur-driven limousines, women who display their ankles are shunned by society, and charged suspects often have to wait years before the courts have room to judge their trial. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a capable police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Destructizatn's national animal is the Jarcie, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests. The technological advancment was fast since the constant wars and battles that ensued in Destructizatn's long history that caused many new ideas and technology to be created in the process. Why wasn't this shared with the world? Considering that Destructizatn was isolated from all other countries till 2014, Destructizatn learned to maintain there own trading system and economy that was self-sustaining and the only reason outside contact was made to ensure signification of existing as a country.

The overall history is dark since the kings and nobles ruled the land in terror; all citizens suffered famine and suppression from the heavy taxation and corrupt enforcement. The population of the previous rule, also known as the Dark Times, King George the XVIII was the last king before his heir, George the XVIV, and the people began their move to overthrow the nobles. Since the locations of each region are setup in a way where the King has four nobles to manage each of the other regions, the citizens communicated through carrier pigeons. Also supplying each other was difficult but was done through boats and wagons. Extreme methods of smuggling were used to prevent the operation from being revealed to the nobles. Once the plan for revolution was executed, there was no quarter for the nobles or the royals, they were killed on sight without trial and the commanders of the military were beheaded and the soldiers were exiled to starve out at sea. Then after this, Destructizatn was born; of course, there were some civils wars like the War of 1680, Tax War of 1720, and Fall of Man War of 1988. There are were battles that took place between regions due to disagreements with the prices of goods and the leaders who were in power; the most well-known battle was the Naughtsawn Blood River Battle of 1889.


The word "Destruct" is originated from the Faran word of dissension and word originates from "desutan", an ancient language used long before the Dark Times that has no real history. The "zatn" is the ancient word "end", since this language is always depicted in signs of doom.


Origins of Destructizatn

The people who lived in Destructizatn before the Dark Times was known as BDT (Before Dark Times); some tend to call it "nifnir" known as "beginning the new", but it has not been decided yet. According to the artifacts left on each islands, each seem to have their own culture and fought each other continuously, also the reason being for Destructizatn's advancement in technology is due to the fighting and the innovation for fighting for longer time with more effectiveness. The only way of learning the events that took place was to do translate the writing left on the artifacts found in tombs and in ruins. The large site in which the artifacts were found were the ruins of Kefkor found near city of Raminris. The reason for the end of this era was unknown, probably when the larger group, known as the Iska, probably forced a unification of the entirety of the groups under one leadership. The reason behind this is due to the Iska crest being found in the King George through the III's family crest; but that until time traveling is possible, the reason in why the BDT era fazed out is still a mystery. [[File:Iskacrest.png|right|Iska Crest