Region/North Ammitica

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North Ammitica

The Flag of North Ammitica
Motto أميت أكبر
Demonym North Ammitican
Founded 26 August 2016
Nations 30
WA Members 23
WA Del. Solvada
V-Del. Gremlinsburg
VV-Del. Lost Village Mayohiga
VVV-Del. Aplurhan
GRP NS$2,965,311,349,392,390.00[1]
HDI 0.590
Population (2018) 80,145,000,000[2]
Page North Ammitica

North Ammitica is a medium-sized region, with a thriving community of 30 nations. North Ammitica features a very respectable representation in the World Assembly, with 23 member nations.

The region of North Ammitica is primarily inhabited by monstergirls, with some exceptions for a handful of human-majority nations. These monstergirls simultaneously take the form of powerful mythological beasts and voluptuous women. Monstergirls subsist on a diet of human males' spirit energy, though not in a predatory fashion; rather, the energy is obtained through consensual (sometimes forceful) relationships. Furthermore, once the couple expresses their desire for one another, their destinies are bound for life.


Great North Ammitica War

On 8 December 1916, this is a WIP: location is around Masaka Rodero, the matangos brought friends, Gremlinsburg's remove matango, famous war heroes, total death count, weaponry of each actor in the war, situation in 1910's etc.

Participants: Dullahaland, South Arachovia, Srameld, Aplurhan, North Wanistan natives,

Fifth Z-Day

On 30 October 2016, this is a WIP: Lack of participation from undead nations and TRAITORS.

North Ammitican Memorial
In North Ammitica: In South Ammitica:
Et Raptus Viros 33,015,427 dead Imperialist Livonia 37,276,024 dead
East Snekistan 24,005,280 dead
Huhaaa 8,205,617 dead
Engla 5,105,530 dead

First N-Day

On 1 April 2017, North Ammitica participated in the first-ever NationStates N-Day[3]. Due to the absence of the region's delegates, a formal faction could not be established. This prompted Aplurhan and South Arachovia to temporarily secede from North Ammitica to create the region of Central Ammitica. With time, the Brotherhood of Kek faction was born. Aplurhan was delegated as the commanding officer of nuclear armaments - South Arachovia was tasked with communications and The Northern Elemental Frontier was discussing a temporary diplomatic alliance with Truace of the International Debating Area. Three mercenary nations from other regions joined the faction to fight alongside the Central Ammiticans. Together, the Brotherhood of Kek mercilessly hunted down smaller and less efficient factions with brutal efficiency - their prey primarily identified with leftist ideology. Either due to a lack of foresight by one of these mercenary nations or a deliberate act of sabotage, direct orders from Aplurhan were ignored and the nation inadvertently provoked a large alliance of Communist-themed regions. Aplurhan sacrifices himself to allow the other members to escape to the North Ammitican faction, earning the rallying cry "First to Fight" as an allusion to the first North Ammitican nation to attack another faction and to fall in an N-Day. South Arachovia is miraculously saved from complete nuclear annihilation twice before inevitably succumbing to fate.

In the end, Central Ammitica scored 1084th place with -187 points. Every citizen in North Ammitica were successfully sealed away in nuclear-proof bunkers, so no casualties have been reported - however, all of the surface-factories specialized in the production of nuclear armaments have been utterly destroyed. The resulting radiation was scrubbed away by World Census staff as if "it was just an April Fool's joke"[4].

Score Medals
(ES) Aplurhan 270 strikes Champion.png Champion Aplurhan
(ES) South Arachovia 258 strikes Guardian.png Guardian TBA
(MS) Masaka Rodero 234 strikes
(MS) Daifuwa 194 strikes
(MS) Wise Wolves 188 strikes
(MS) Good Natured Bird Brains 173 strikes
(MS) Ghoulish Ghosts 84 strikes
(MS) The Northern Elemental Frontier 66 strikes
(MS) Solvada 54 strikes
(SS) Jeffrah 40 strikes
(MS) Mamono-Realm 31 strikes
(MS) Engla 6 strikes

Violetist Insurgency

On 27 June 2017, this is a WIP: Stock exchanges around North Ammitica were systematically attacked by a terrorist cell known as Violet's Sons. The Northern Elemental Frontier eventually joined their ranks.

Black Hawks' Failed Raid

On 29 August 2017, three days after the first anniversary since the founding of North Ammitica, a Trojan Horse raid spearheaded by Fumikage was foiled by several liberator regions. The raiding party included Helvetische Republik, Gb Minor, Those Who from the Heavens Came, Sexy Otter, Third in the Arms Race, Hawkdar, Marionnette Furtive, McChimp, The Purple Avacado, I came and conquered you today, Ritgeomfern, Thankless, RicSagant MTF-2, The Sovereign Lands of Parker, Anaxagoras 35, Puppet of The Underworld Emissaries, Portice6, Z5 Paul Jacobi, Salty Soulsy, El Tobitania, Lan Kited, Guppy v3 1, Best Doggo, Asceland 2, Conor McGregor Will Win 12, Grand Vizier Al-Zahir, Nar Allenia, Ignnisom, Nother 2, Sixth Empire, Ah Hyug, Doggojade, Eeeee12462883, Wendellsayyyy, Prorple, Chardorthe, Classical Rebirth, Great Baird and other unlisted nations.

TITO of the 10000 Islands, led by Northern Kortexia, arrived with Spiritus, Renegade Islands Alliance, The Rejected Realms, Aenaroth, South Pacific, and The Order of the Grey Wardens to buy enough time to eject the raider nations. The liberating party included Golden Tang, Infinite Destiny, Mishagan, Cupcake Kida Nedakh, Mages of Tower of Ostwick, Lev Kamanev, The Firefly, Quitter Cuz He Bitter, Stoat in a Coat, Avian Collector, Thnks fr th Mmrs, Unlplannedland Sailors, Poupee 01, Lenlyvit, Olympicene, Lebikstein, Elite Four Caitlin, WA Klopstock, Mursilis, Karnetgrad, Magthere, The United Royal Islands of Euramathania, Drake whacked Tim with a floppy fish and, Suits, Vapes n weeds, Obselite and other unlisted nations.

By 30 August 2017, order was restored. Celebratory danishes were had.

Second N-Day

On 29 August 2017, this is a WIP: The forces of Europe descend upon North Ammitica. Several altruistic nation - Lava Fors UDS Nuclear Defense Treaty, Triscuitoon European Defence Forces, and Greater Dragunovia European Defence Forces - provided shields to intercept the nuclear Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles to stave off mutually-assured destruction against the region of Europe. Outnumbered, the North Ammitican forces quickly ran out of shields and were eliminated.

Score Medals
(MS) Paladindia 60 strikes Champion.png Champion Paladindia
Danukiland 20 strikes Guardian.png Guardian Aplurhan
Snakerapeutopia 18 strikes
(SS) Aplurhan 18 strikes
South Arachovia 2 strikes

Sixth Z-Day

On 30 October 2017, this is a WIP: Operation is a success, monstergirls saved.

The Crisis in the East

On 1 November 2017, this is a WIP: A territorial dispute occurred.