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MottoReality is an imagination of your figment
Region Antarctic Oasis
CapitalKarma City
Demonym Karmicarian
Government Harem
 -  President Isabella Bathory
 -  estimate Billions and billions of floozies
Currency tribble

The Harem of Karmicaria, formerly the Queendom of Karmicaria, is a nation located in Antarctic Oasis. Famed within its home region for its nationally sanctioned escort service, Karmicarian Callgirls Unlimited™ Franchises (KCU or KCUF), as well as its national cultural center, the Karmicarian Burlesque, the country became the natural haunt of such Kennyite manwhores "senior statesmen" as Manuelo Fernanda and Susa Batko-Yovino, not to mention numerous political leaders of The Palentine. This despite rumors that KCU operatives posing as "ambassadors" were engaged in clandestine operations targeting friendly nations. Perhaps the most famous of these supposed agents were former "UN Ambassador" Tana Petrov and Ambassador to Omigodtheykilledkenny Casandra Chase, who stayed at her host country's executive residence for years as then-President Fernanda's personal "houseguest" (and occasional playmate).

Burgeoned by a booming, "service"-based economy, and historically committed to effecting reform at the much-maligned United Nations (though not the kind of reform many of the UN-lovers of old would have liked), Karmicarians presented themselves to the outside world as exemplars of free-market excellence and international stability and order. Internally, however, the Queendom-turned-Harem has endured a fair amount of political turmoil and uncertainty in recent years. In 2007, the reigning monarch, Adrienne, contracted a terminal illness and died, supposedly at the hands of her consort, Susa I (who briefly declared himself "king" before fleeing the country). Karmicaria then abolished the monarchy and named Adrienne's sister Izzy as president.

At the now-defunct UN, the Karmicarian delegation was either involved in a covert campaign to neuter the institution of its power, or simply attempting to reform laws involving sexual privacy and biological weapons -- depending on which deranged faction of the former body you asked. Its first resolution, Outlaw Necrophilia (GAR #178), surprisingly passed after a fractious floor debate.