Christian Dollar

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Christian Dollar
ISO 4217 code CD
Central bank Christian Reserve System
Inflation 2.13 % May 2014
 Method CPI
 1/10 Dime
 1/100 Cent
 1/1000 Mill (used in accounting and by almost all gas stations)
Symbol C$
Printer Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Mint Christian Dollar Mint

The Christian Dollar (sign: C$; code: CD), is referred to as the U.C.S. dollar, CS Dollar or Federal Reserve Note. It is the official currency of the League of Christian Nations and several of its member nations. It is divided into 100 smaller units called cents.

The Christian Dollar is fiat money. It is the currency most used in international transactions in the League of Christian Nations. Several countries use it as their official currency, and in many others it is the de facto currency.

Originally the national currency of the Union of Christian States, control was transferred earlier this year to the LCN's Christian Dollar Regulation Advisory Board, or CDRAB for short, and is issued under the authority of the CDRAB's Christian Reserve System of banks. All CRS banks are currently former Christian States Reserve Banks in the UCS, but more are to be created in other countries as the currency's use expands.


National Currency

Created by an act of Congress in 2012, the Christian Dollar was created to serve as the national currency of the Christian States shortly after the country's secession from the United States. Many other countries withing the League of Christian Nations began adopting the currency.

International Control

Because of it's widespread use, control of the Christian Dollar and all relevant agencies was turned over to LCN control via the Christian Dollar Regulatory Act in 2014.

Currencies of NationStates
Universal Standard Dollar / NationStates Dollar
Active International Currencies: Christian Dollar · Euro
Active National Currencies: Canadorian Veykå · Kelssek thaler · Mhuvalja-Ainguximoqrunian Rhuli · Nicoleizian Pound · Redentran Dollar · Sornian Hermel · Yulisian Endo
For a full list of NationStates currencies, please see Category:Currencies.