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The Federal Republic of Rhodesia
Motto((Magni Esse Mereamur)) Let Us Deserve Greatness
Anthem((Rise o' Voices of Rhodesia))
The map of Rhodesia
The map of Rhodesia
Largest city Capital
Official languages Common, Bachtendekuppian Dutch
{{{languages_type}}} English, Bachtendekuppian Dutch
Ethnic groups Human, Felidea
Demonym Rhodesians
Government Federal Republic
 -  President Trafford Parker
 -  President Webster Jess
Legislature Congress
 -  Upper house Senate
 -  Lower house House of Representatives
 -  Unilateral Declaration of Autonomy March 20th, 1832 
 -  Total 497,450 km2
192,066.519 sq mi 
 -  Water (%) 2%
 -  estimate 38 Million
 -  Density 72.37/km2
187.44/sq mi
GDP (PPP) estimate
 -  Total $817,000,000,000
 -  Per capita $21,500
HDI 0.814
very high
Currency Rhode (RHD)
Time zone UST -5
Date format dd-mm-yy
Drives on the right side
Calling code +96
Internet TLD .rl

A rather new nation founded in 1853 by 13 men and women of different races with the intent of creating a stable and free democracy. It is also noted for it's compulsory military service. The government is considered by it's politicians to be sleek and efficient, should everyone agree on certain topics. That efficiency can be quickly soured into a gridlock if the elected representatives disagree with each other on certain bills. Drug distribution is tightly controlled by the government, the police crack down on tax evaders without mercy, traffic jams are a common sight due to construction work from a massive overhaul of the nation's freeways, and military spending is on the increase. Crime is moderate, most of it being Tax evasion. Illegal guns and drugs follow at a second and third in crime. Rhodesialund's national animal is the Southern Gold Eagle, and its currency is the Rhode.

The country is a Federal Republic, with representatives being elected from respective regions and counties in the nation. One notable fact is that the nation is lead by two elected Heads of State, or Presidents. All citizens are required to vote. There are two major parties, the "Progressives" and "Traditionalists."

Around 55-65% of the population are human, the rest are a vast assortment of different species, Lupines being the second largest at 19%.

Rhodesialund has recently pulled all military forces from certain chains of islands in the East Keigan Sea, after receiving too much flak from the international community in Operation Buffer.

Climate / Location

Rhodesialund is made up of two main islands, with smaller islands dotting the area around them. To the north lies Prussia and Serenitech. To the South lies Genosha. The continent of Pasifika lies to the north.

The nation enjoys a tropical climate, with some regions being arid, some more than others. The East main island is viewed as a tropical paradise and a tourist location.

Economy & Industry

The Federal Republic of Rhodesialund relies heavily upon a Free-Market economic system. Private enterprises are common in the nation and most of the time the government contracts out.

The three leading industries in Rhodesialund are the manufacturing of arms, metal works, and tourism. The currency is called the Rhode. The government institutes a flat tax rate, as to promote "fairness and equality" in the tax system.


The Federal Republic has three systems of government, the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative. Each three branches establish a constant system of checks and balances as to prevent corruption and over-extension.

There are two Heads of State, each elected from their respective island. The Legislative branch is comprised of elected political officials from their respective territories. Inside the Legislative there is the Senate and House of Representatives. The Senate has two officials assigned to every territory. The House has representatives proportional to their population. This is to ensure that the minority doesn't overrule the majority and vice-versa.

To pass a bill, they must pass both the House and Senate with at least a two-thirds vote. If the Heads of State Veto the bill or cannot finalize, the bill must pass with at least a three-fourths of the vote. Repealing of a law has the same procedure.

The Judicial system is there to ensure that recently enacted laws do not conflict with previously enforced ones. Each territory has their own respective judicial system, but they all follow a unified set of laws established by the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is a court of 13 men and women of all races, in honor of the original 13 founders, that are elected in position by both the House and Senate.


The Federal Republic of Rhodesialund has four branches of the military; Air Force, Navy, Marines, and the Army. The Army is more seen as the National Guard tasked with defending the homeland. The Navy and Marines handle all aspects of leading military invasions and war. The Air Force is primarily responsible for air-superiority of the homeland and logistics via air transport. (More info will be posted soon)