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Kingdom of Navplia
Βασίλειο της Ναυπλίας
LabarumPhlaburum Thyreos
Motto«Ο σκοπός αγιάζει τα μέσα»
Anthem«Εμβατήριο των γαλανοχιτώνων»
Map of Caria
Largest Sounio
Official languages Carian Greek
Ethnic groups Carian 99.5%, Other 0.5%
Demonym Naupliot
Government Constitutional Monarchy
 -  His Majesty, the King Erichthonius II
 -  Prime Minister Iraklitos Tsangaris
 -  10 Exarchs Periandros Falaggitis, Ioannis Karavokiris, Nikodimos Andreopoulos, Tasos Papadopoulos, Kostantinos Ioannou, Theodoros Petropoulos, Athanasios Doukas, Diephobos Nikitaras, Athena Elaiopoli, Niki Politi
Legislature Vouli (Parliament) of the Naupliots
 -  Upper house Gerousia (Senate)
 -  Lower house Ethnosinelefsi (National Assembly)
 -  Carian War of Independence 1770-1775 
 -  Carian Revolutionary War October-December 1954 
 -  Carian Civil War 1954-1955 

The Kingdom of Navplia (Carian: Βασίλειο της Ναυπλίας - Vasilion tis Nafplias), commonly known as Caria, Crown of Nauplio or Kingdom of the Carians (Carian: Καρία, Karia, Στέμμα του Ναυπλίου, Stemma tou Nafpliou, Βασίλειο των Καρών, Vasilion ton Karon) after the Carians, the people who live in and rule the realm, as well as from the name of its predecessor state, the Carian Despotate and the traditional-common name of the country, Caria, is an industrialized first world western nation in the region of Latinium in Europe.


3200 BC - 2000 BC First organized society in Caria appears near Navarino. Peaceful and isolated it is focused on trade. It communicates with older and greater civilizations of the area by sea trade. After a severe wave of earthquakes and an invasion from the north it is destroyed. 2700 BC - 1450 BC Another civilized society appears near Nauplio. It is much older but similar to the one near Navarino. It is also conquered by Northern Carian Tribes. These two civilizations are called Kolpic because they were both in bays, Kolpoi in Carian. 1600 BC - 1100 BC Northern Tribes take elements from the conquered Kolpic civilizations and those they trade with. They form their own civilization, the Doxian, from the Carian word Doxa which means glory. They establish most great Carian cities, like Nauplio,Avarinus and Naupactus. They too fall victim to invasions from Northern Tribes and the Thalassinoi pirate Carian tribes, meaning "Sea Peoples" in Carian. Avarinus is burned to the ground. 1100 BC - 800 BC Chaos and anarchy reign in central Caria with the Doxian Civilization having fallen. Refugess found settlements to the north or far south to escape the invaders and pirates. 800 BC - 480 BC Order is restored in Caria and civilization re-emerges. It is however changed and influenced by many external factors. Many city re-emerge and new ones are also founded. Avarinus is rebuilt, Nauplio and Naupactus re-grow and Antikyra emerges as a new city. Minor wars occur between the cities and external enemies but this age is somewhat peaceful. Carians re-establish contact with other civilizations. The words Caria and Carian first emerge in this period. New types of government emerge with the Tyrants and Aristocracy being the most common. 480 BC - 323 BC Nauplio establishes a Democracy and Oligarchies start taking over the Aristocratic Cities. Tyrants are still present but less. Nauplio establishes a hegemonic empire of the central Carian city states and Anavarinus establishes an oligarchic one in the south. Many great works of art and philosophy emerge during this period. A long civil war between the two hegemonic empires brings the Carians to their knees. The northern city state of Nikaia conquers all of Caria and unites the Carians into a Kingdom and expands Carian rule to many nearby lands. 323 BC - 30 BC The Nikaian Kingdom of the Carians splits into smaller Kingdoms. A new golden age dawns for Caria with Carian being an important trading language. A common Carian language and identity finally emerges. However the constant warring of the Kingdoms who seek to re-create the Nikaian Empire under their rule weakens them. Many fall to the Romans. The last Carian city, Avarinus falls to the Romans and is destroyed for resisting. 30 BC - 330 AD Caria recovers from the conquest. Carian becomes an official language of the Empire and Caria prospers under Roman rule without the fear of civil war ever again. For this the Carians thank the Tiburans who they see as good rulers. Later however the increasing Christianization of the Empire and its corruption anger the Carians who declare independence again. The Empire is too weak to stop them and the Carian Kingdom is established. They adopt the Carian Exatheon (see Religion below for details) as their new Religion. 330 AD - 1204 AD The Carian Kingdom manages to hold its ground against foreign invasion, including invaders from Újország. Brutal actions are done against Christians by the Carians in retaliations for their destroying Ancient Temples. While this enrages the Tiburan Empire it is too weak to act now. Later, when interna corruption and repeated invasions weaken the Kingdom, Sauerlandians and Emslandians conquer it. Kings of Újország invade southward into north Caria. The two Duchies conscript locals to help them fight off the invaders. Ultimately successful the Ducal Carian National Guard becomes a permanent force. 1204 AD - 1699 AD Caria is under harsh Sauerlandian and Emslandian rule. The conversion of Carian temples into churches officially, while they secretely still are used for the Carian Exatheon's worship. This helps them be preserved. However the Carians never miss a chance to revolt and always support their rulers' enemies. Except for invasions from the east like those of Eastern Tribes. In 1684 they take advantage of their opressors exhaustion from many recent wars and rebel. As a result the Carian city of Nauplio in 1699 becomes an Autonomous Free State. A Naupliot Aristocrat who aparently has claims to distant ancestry from the last Carian King becomes Archon. All Carian temples are reconverted to their original religion and the Carians are allowed to freely speak their language, which has changed greatly after all these centuries. The rest of Caria becomes two duchies in state unions with Sauerland and Emsland respectively. 1770-1775 AD Nauplio is an independent entity, and the rest of Caria consists of two duchies which are in personal unions with Sauerland and Emsland.From around 1750 onwards, the Duke of Sauerland comes under the influence of Enlightenment. He does not give up power, far from that, but he becomes an enlightened despot. Of course this has positive consequences for the parts of Caria under Sauerlandian rule. The Duke of Sauerland allows the Carian language, and allows freedom of religion. He allows a lot more, and the Sauerlandian part of Caria starts to develop. The Duke of Emsland, on the other hand, remains the same bully as he always was and maintains a harsh rule over the parts of Caria he governs. Of course the people in the Emslandian part of Caria see what happens in the Sauerlandian part of Caria, and want that as well. That leads to the revolt of 1770 in the Emslandian part of Caria. In the Sauerlandian part of Caria, things go in a more quiet way: People demand independence and support their demand by means of civil disobedience. The Duke of Sauerland initially tries to stop the "revolt" in his part of Caria, but soon realises that the developments cannot be stopped. He drafts a plan for a smooth transition into independence of the Sauerlandian part of Caria. That plan is accepted, and the Sauerlandian part of Caria becomes independent in 1772. The Duke of Emsland reacts in a different way. He sends in the army. That results in a bloody war lasting five years, ending with the battles of Navarino and Antikyra, the independence of the Emslandian part of Caria in 1775 and the complete exhaustion of Emsland, which would cease to exist seven years later. (Credit to @Eiffelland for this part) 1775 AD - 1798 AD After the victorious battles of Navarino and Antikyra the Carian cities are allowed to become independent. The "Royal" is removed from the title of the Carian National Guard, since the Dukes' authority over Caria is no longer recognised. All Despotates become great trading centres once again focused on peaceful progress. But for many Carians the dream of a united Caria is what they want most. The Free State of Nauplio seems like the best advocate for the cause. Slowly rebels in all cities along with Naupliot troops united the four Free States into the Cariot Tetrapolis, meaning "entity of four cities". The last city, Antikyra joins without even a revolution. The Free States are given great autonomy and in exchange recognize the Naupliot Archon as Despot, House based executive Monarch, of the Carians and are united in a federal-like state. Relations greatly improve with Eiffelland. 1799 AD - 1954 AD The Carian Armed Forces, which took a major role in the war of independence and the wars of unification replaces all seperate armies of the cities as the sole Military of Caria. Its branches are the Army of the Land and the War Navy. In 1913 the Military Aviation also emerges as the third branch. Caria once again focuses on trade and banking. Fishing and agriculture are its main production activites however. Deposits of precious metals, diamonds, gems and coal help enrich the poor country and natural gas in the sea also contributes to this. However the nation is still a middle sized economy focused on sustaining itself and givign its citizens a good level of life. It does have a large merchant fleet but not comparable to bigger ones of the heavy industrial nations. Just like in the previous period relations with Eiffelland improve. November-December 1954 The Carian Revolution begins in Sounio as a minor riot escalates into a protest for rights. After attempts at a violent supression it erupts in a massive violent uprising that results it the deaths of much of the city state's aristocracy, its Archon and his family and well as many Astynomia (Police) and Despotiki Politofilaki (Despotic Militia/Paramilitary) troops. It soon spreads to the Island of Elena across the Didyman straits and to the cities of Apolloneia, Pyrgos and Amarysia. The armed intervention of the nearby Archons who wish to retain their crowns results in the Carian Revolutionary War, the spreads to Nikaia, Demetrias and even Nauplio, the capital and dominant City State, whose crown is above all Archons (Lords) to whom they have sworn fealty and pay tribute. It ends with the deposition of the Despot and his Archons, their trials and the rule of democracy in Caria under the provisional government of the Executive Assembly until the Constitutional Assembly can draft a constitution. January-May 1955 The murder of Nikolaos Zorbas in Sounio, marks the rise of the vanguardists and the fall of the Prometheanist Social-Democrats in Sounio, Elena Island, Nikaia, Apolloneia and Demetrias. At the same time the Despot is found guilty of only Criminal Negligence, indifference toward his people and indirect responsibility for the war, while the Archons take most of the blame since they acted on their own accord, getting only ceremonial orders from the Despot. The Despot only gets sentenced to exile to Elios Island, which he wil rule as sovereign, and is deposed and stripped of his titles once more. An angry Nikaian vanguardist tries to murder to murder the judge who announced the decision as he exits the court when the Tribunal of Nauplio ends considering it too little, but the Despot gets in the way taking a bullet. He also wounds the youngest daughter of the Despotic family before being killed by the guards. The Despot succumbs to his wounds, with his last words being the name of his daughter. These events lead both the Despotist Naupactites, Eliots and Navarines to abandon attempts at a federal or unitary state. The reinforced Vanguardists also want this. The plan that Zorbas had been fighting to achieve collapses and instead four successor states are formed, with the new Carian Union being a mere market-economic-social union without much authority over the different federal entities that are free to have their own armies, diplomacy and systems. These four states fight a bloody war. Initially Sounio manages to establish hegemony over other vanguardist states making itself a hegemonic empire and annexes Amarysia and Antikyra from the Pelasgiot Republic. After a war a temproary peace is formed,sinc eit is a stalemate with Sounio winning at the sea and the others winning on land. Shortly after Sounio raises the massive "Grand Red Army of the Revolution", a force of 250,000 the same size as the pre-revolution united Carian army along with many ships and aircraft. It sets off the attack the other states and grab land through Demetrias, however it ends in a disaster with the death or capture of almost all of the army. The few survivors barricade themselves in Demetrias, most flee to Sounio where the government claims it was a great victory, while a few state and desperately defend Demetiras to thei death in a city of rubble. Progressively states revolt from Sounio and its enemies take lands until it is surrounded and blockaded and forced to surrendered, starving, bombarded and filled with disease. After the war the Panormines ensure that lenient terms are imposed on Sounio, and after discretely taking over Pelasgia with the help of its Junta and Tivyra with a minor coup, the new Kingdom of Navplia is established by the former Despot's son, who fought on the front line of the war and is greatly popular for his revolutionary benevolent policies in Panormus that helped rebuild the area. Caria now begins a period of rconstruction in speed, with revolutioanry policies, hard labour and help from inside and outside.


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