Government of Diadochia

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His Imperial and Royal Majesty's Government (HIRMG), commonly referred to simply as the Diadochian Government, is the central government of the Empire of Diadochia. The Government is led by the Prime Minister, who selects all the remaining Ministers. The Prime Minister and the other most senior Ministers belong to the supreme decision-making committee in Diadochia, known as the Cabinet. The current prime Minister is Andreas Karistinos.

Government in Parliament

The Diadochian government is responsible to both Parliament and the Emperor. All ministers of the Emperor, known as Ministers of the Crown are responsible to the House of Parliament in which they sit. Since the commencement of the reign of Eric IV the Prime Minister has always been an elected member of Parliament (MP) and therefore accountable to the House of Koiná.

Since the Emperor of Diadochia is still considered an absolute monarch and an autocrat he theoretically, selects the members of the cabinet on the advice from the Prime Minister. By convention, the Member of Parliament who enjoys the confidence of a majority of the Parliament of Diadochia is asked by the Emperor to accept the office of Prime Minister and to form a government. The newly commissioned Prime Minister will then select a ministry from the two houses of Parliament, and after this he will ask the Emperor to appoint the selected MPs to the Cabinet in the portfolios he has assigned to them. The Emperor will usually appoint the said MP's to the offices the Prime Minister has selected, but there have been rare occasions where the Emperor has not done so and has shuffled the cabinet or not chosen any of the MP's the Prime Minister have selected for the post.

In his role of being an Emperor and Autocrat who is above the government the emperor acts as a moderator acting in the best interests of the state and keeping the peace between the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of his government.

Under the Diadochian system the Government is required by convention and for practical reasons to maintain the confidence of the House of Koiná. It requires the support of the House of Koiná for the maintenance of supply (by voting through the government's budgets) and in order to pass primary legislation. By convention if a government loses the confidence of the House of Koiná it must either resign or a General Election is held. The support of the House of Archontes, while useful to the government in getting its legislation passed without delay, is not vital. A government is not required to resign even if it loses the confidence of the Archontes and is defeated in key votes in that House. The House of Koiná is known as the responsible House.

Committees of both the Houses of Parliament hold the government to account, scrutinise its work and examine in detail proposals for legislation. Ministers must appear before these committees to give evidence and answer questions.

Government Ministers are also required by convention and by law, when Parliament is sitting, to make major statements regarding government policy or issues of national importance to Parliament. This allows MP's or Archontes to question the government on the statement.

Government and the Crown

The Diadochian Monarch, currently Emperor Nikolas VI, is the head of state and the supreme moderator of the three main branches, theoretically the Prime Minister serves as the head of government at the Emperor's pleasure.

The Emperor remains neutral in political affairs. However, the legal authority of the state that is vested in the Sovereign and known as the Crown remains the source of the executive power used by the Government, so therefore, despite the Prime Minister being head of the Government the Emperor is still supreme moderating head of all three branches.

The Emperor possesses powers and rights known as the Imperial Prerogative, which he uses to moderate the government and keep it running smoothly.

The head of His Imperial and Royal Majesty’s Government, the Prime Minister, also has weekly meetings with the monarch, where he "has a right and a duty to express his views on Government matters. . . . These meetings, as with all communications between The Emperor and his Government, remain strictly confidential. Having expressed his views, The Emperor will often listen to the advice of his ministers

Imperial Prerogative powers include the following:

Legislative Powers

  • The power to grant Imperial Assent to bills, making them valid laws. This is exercised by the Monarch, who also theoretically has the power to refuse assent
  • The power to dissolve Parliament. This prerogative is normally exercised at the request of Parliament and the prime minister, either at his or her discretion or following a motion of no confidence.
  • The power to appoint and dismiss the Prime Minister. By strong convention he must appoint the individual most capable of commanding a majority in the House of Koiná.
  • The power to call a general election
  • The power to appoint non-hereditary members or life peers to the House of Archontes.

Executive Powers

  • The power to appoint members to the His Imperial and Royal Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council
  • The power to recognize foreign states
  • The power to declare war
  • The accreditation of diplomats
  • The power to make and ratify treaties
  • The power to deploy of armed forces in Diadochia and abroad
  • The power to appoint and dismiss of Ministers, Civil servants, and all other government officials. This power is exercised by the Emperor on the advice of the Prime Minister alone.
  • The power to appoint of Ambassadors and all other diplomats
  • The power to grant honours, titles, orders, and all other decorations
  • The power to commission, appoint, dismiss officers and to also regulate the armed force
  • The power to command the Armed Forces of Diadochia.
  • The power to issue and withdraw passports. This is exercised by the Home Secretary with the consent of the Emperor.
  • The power to create corporations via Imperial Charter

Judicial Powers

  • The power to grant pardons
  • The power to modify judicial sentences
  • The Power to grant amnesty

Government departments

The Diadochian government ministers are supported by 875,000 Civil Servants and other staff working in the 17 ministerial departments and their executive agencies. There are also an additional 20 plus non-ministerial departments with a range of further responsibilities and duties.