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The Constitutional Parliamentary Empire of Inimicus
The Empire of Inimicus
Flag of the Empire of Inimicus Imperial Standard of Emperor Artabanos of Inimicus
Motto"Quod Aliquid, Quia Ita Est"/"Τὸ μὲν σῶμ᾽ οὐκ ἄμορφος εἶ, ξενη"
AnthemInimician Civil Anthem: Inveniam Viam Aut Facitam
Map of the Empire of Inimicus
Official languages Inimician, English, Latin, German
Recognised regional languages Dutch, Frysk
Demonym Inimician
Government Constitutional Parliamentary Empire
 -  Emperor Artabanos of Inimicus
 -  Prime Minister Simon Lane (Party of National Pride)
 -  Speaker of the House of Nobles Frits Steiner
 -  Speaker of the House of Commons Matthew Birch
Legislature Parliament of Inimicus
 -  Upper house House of Nobles
 -  Lower house House of Commons
 -  Founding of the Kingdom of Telum 1342 
 -  Civil War, Parliament established 1402 
 -  First Kingless Age 1402-1404 
 -  Kingdom of Inimicus founded 1404 
 -  2nd Civil War, King overthrown and dicatorship founded 1801 
 -  Second Kingless Age 1801-2012 
 -  3rd Civil War, Presidential Republic overthrown 2011 
 -  Empire of Inimius founded November 2012 
 -  1,478,456 km2
924.035 sq mi 
 -  2014 estimate 400,062,000
 -  Density 976/km2
1,561.6/sq mi
Currency Poive (POI)
Date format DD-MM-YYYY (Anno Domini Imperatoris)
Drives on the right
Calling code +42
Internet TLD .im

The Empire of Inimicus (Inimician: Inimiciaansch Keyserryck; German: Inimicianisches Reich) is a Constitutional Parliamentary Empire, ruled by Emperor Artabanos. As of 26 August 2014, Inimicus had 400,062,000 million inhabitants, called Inimicians. Inimicus is located in the European Union, and borders fellow EU members the Grossdeutsches Reich to the north, Angleter to the southwest and Dromund Kaas to the east. Inimicus is know for its rough recent history, which involved gassings of several demonstraters using poisonous Soman nerve gas, several terrorist attacks and the assassination of Emperor William Sander Joseph of Inimicus. The new government, led by Emperor Artabanos of Inimicus, is trying to improve this situation and Inimicus's position in the European Union


Main article: History of Inimicus

Middle Ages

The history of Inimicus begins with a nomadic people known as the Adstringo (those who are tied together), who settled in the lands now known as Inimicus in 1342 AD.

Founding of the Kingdom of Telum

The Adstringo were led by their leader Lator Penatis, (translated as: Bringer of Home(land)), to the site where the current Inimician capital, Telum, is located today. They built up a small settlement completely out of wood. In 1351 AD, a band of marauding cavalrymen threatened the Adstringo's civilisation. The Adstringo dismantled their pallisade and used the stakes as spears, giving their city its name (Telum is translated as "weapon"). In a heroic action by Lator Penatis and his men, the marauders were repelled and driven from the land, but only after they had managed to set fire to Telum, reducing the city to ashes.

Surroundings of the Inimician capital, Telum, nowadays

Shortly after this great victory, Lator Penatis passed away, and the Adstringo found themselves without a leader. In response to this power vacuum, the Adstringo started electing their monarchs, an unusually democratic concept at the time. All male citizens above the age of twenty-five were allowed to cast their ballots for the first time in Inimician history on the thirtieth of September (in the Gregorian Calendar) 1351 ADI. September 30 is still celebrated as a national holiday in present-day Inimicus because of this vote. The result of the ballot was the leadership of the first Royal Elect, known as Servius Tullius. Servius I, as he is called, became King of Telum at the tender age of twenty-one, therefore he was the youngest King in Inimician history.

Tullian Expansion

During Servius's reign, the newly-founded Kingdom of Telum expanded immensely, both economically, geographically and militarily. The Teluminans began forming the landscape more and more to accommodate their needs: polders were created and more land deforested. More food means more people, and the city of Telum expanded like never before. Servius Tullius realised he had to take measures, as the city was now becoming more like a sewer every day. He decided to limit the city's growth by building a large stone wall around it. This wall, built between 1361 and 1366 ADI, not only forced Teluminan citizens to start life on the countryside, but also protected the city from attack.

Inimician Occupation of Lacerta

The wall proved to be extremely useful very soon. A people from the east, who had, like the Teluminans, settled themselves along the river, started to expand, as well. Their borders soon reached to the Teluminan lands, and both felt threatened by each other. As a result, Servius the First mustered the army and prepared to take the Eastern City¸ as it was called. Soon enough, however, it would bear another name, as the Easterners managed to slip through the Teluminan fighting lines like lizards, their city became known as Lacerta, translated as lizard. After a two-year struggle, the Teluminans managed to overcome the Lacertians and lay siege to their city. Servius I is still hailed as a great military leader to this day for his victory over the city. The Kingdom of Telum won its first great victory after another year of siege: the city of Lacerta was now part of Servius's Kingdom.

Assassination Attempt

Lacertians were not pleased, however. Various seperatist movements attempted to release their city from Teluminan rule. One movement made plans to assassinate King Servius in 1390. They planned for months, and decided the "best" time to murder the King was during his delivery of the Royal Statement, an annual report of the King's plans for the coming year. Everyone would be able to see the assassination, and the entire country would be in disarray.

And so it came that, on the 30th of September 1391 ADI, King Servius Tullius delivered his Royal Statement to his highest officials, but when he was halfway through, a guard who was patrolling the area heard some strange noises coming from where the killers were hiding. He immediately alerted the Sergeant Guard Royal, the chief of the King's guard, who ordered a search of the palace and an evacuation of the King's throne room. This decision caused a great deal of confusion and chaos in the King's entourage, which attempted to protect the King by surrounding him, but this worked adversely: Servius Tullius suffered several injuries because of the immense crowd that gathered around him. He was weakened immensely by this encounter, and as a result, a regency council was established to assist the King in his difficult task of reigning a country torn apart by civil unrest.

Superbian Disaster

Following the failed assassination attempt, another band of raiders known as the Repens (translated as "unexpected"), settled north of Telum. They were extremely hostile to the Teluminans, and left them no choice but to fight them. In 1401, when the crisis reached its climax, King Servius decided to abdicate. A new King, Tarquinius Superbus, was elected. He quickly rushed out to defeat the Repens, but was himself crushed. Only because women and children mounted a defence were the Repens held back. They left the land after the battles.

A modern-day interpretation of a Repens cavalryman

First Inimician Civil War

The nobility was not pleased with Tarquinius's conduct. They put pressure on him to abdicate. The King, however, refused, and locked himself in his castle, guarded by a few hundred soldiers. The Nobles managed to breach the castle's defence and put the King on trial. He was executed on 1st Feburary 1403 after a court martial. The Nobles took temporary control of the country.

Establishment of Parliament

The new country was named Inimicus, after the Latin word for enemy, because the Nobles were considered enemies of the state during the Civil War. The commoners argued in favour of another monarchy, but the Nobles favoured a republic. Concessions were made and a Parliamentary Kingdom was founded. Two Houses of Parliament, the House of Commons and the House of Nobles, would scrutinise the King's government. The Commons was made up of elected members and was allowed to produce its own legislation, whereas every rich nobleman had a seat in the Nobles but was not allowed to propose new laws.

First Kingless Age

Under the new system, all Nobles who had sat in the House of Lords for more than two years was allowed to stand for the office of King in Royal Elections. This meant, however, that Inimicus had to cope without monarch for two years. This 'First Kingless Age', as it is commonly known, saw the standard of life in Inimicus increased to an extremely high standard for the time. Literacy levels soared and the first universities formed. Trade flourished, as well, and the public were content, both the Teluminan and the Lacertian.

Onomakritos of Inimicus

In the beginning of 1405, the Nobles had all sat in their House for more than two years, and it was time to elect another king. The fourth King of Inimicus was King Onomakritos, crowned on the 24th of March 1405, had gained 63% of the vote in the Royal Elections. He rallied the population under his rule, and promoted cohesion between the two cities of the Kingdom.

Onomakritan Reforms

Onomakritos increased the power of the House of Commons, and especially its Speaker. The Speaker was obliged to consult with the King at least once per week to discuss the different moods in the Commons, and to consult the King on matters of state. A kind of separation of powers was the result of the futuristic Onomakritan model. One cannot speak of a real separation, though, as the House of Nobles has only advisory power and the Speaker of the Commons virtually steps over the border by consulting with and advising the King.


Onomakritos became so popular he thought he could get away with anything. He delcared himself a Deity in 1421, to the displeasure of the Nobles, who forced him to come to their House every Monday and hear their complaints. This Imperial Cult system of declaring the King a deity is still used in modern-day Inimicus, although no one really believes anymore.

Inimician Occupation of Terra Centurio

To the north of Telum lay a Duchy called Terra Centurio. King Onomakritos decided he was going to add this Terra to his Kingdom. In a long war starting on the 31st of August 1422, 22,000 Inimician soldiers quickly occupied one of three main Centurian cities and besieged one other. A misconception, however, lost the Inimicians 1,000 soldiers when General Hubertszoon assaulted another city. Only he and his aide-de-camp survived. Shortly afterwards, a cease-fire was declared, in which it was agreed the Inimicians incorporated Terra Centurio, but the Terra was allowed a high level of autonomy. The Kingdom was reformed, and three provinces were created: the Districto Teli, the Districto Lacerti, and Terra Centurio, each with their own Provincial Assembly and all joined under the federal parliament in Telum. In 1424, the lost forces were replenished and all changes had been implemented. The Federal Kingdom of Inimicus was born.

A map of the Inimician-controlled area in 1424

Eurystheus of Inimicus

King Onomakritos was immensely popular, especially after the incorporation of Terra Centurio. However, he caught ill with tuberculosis in 1426, and passed away on the 18th of August. A new King was elected on 25 August 1426, and crowned on 4 September: King Eurystheus of Inimicus.

Eurysthian Policies

Eurystheus's lifetime wish was annexing the nearby Duchies of Terra Domini and Terra Legatus. Dominus, however, was a protectorate of Legatus, so attacking either would result in a war with the two of them. Diplomacy, therefore, was the key. Eurystheus managed to promote cohesion with Terra Dominus by introducing German as an official language in Inimicus, but the Dominians would not budge. On his deathbed, he spoke the famous words "Anektiert Dominus", translated as "Annex Dominus". Over the next years, Inimician generals would wage a (partially military) campaign to achieve this goal.



Paleozoic Era

Rocks from the Carboniferous period (360 - 299 million years ago) outcrop in the southern province of Terra Quastoris. The subsurface of Inimicus (including the Inimician sectors of the Persian Gulf) is geologically far more significant especially with respect to the occurrence of oil and gas resources.

The latest Permian deposits in the area of southeastern Europe was characterised by the laying down of thick successions of rocksalt and anhydrite. This Zechstein stage also comprises dolomites and limestones. The salt is mined in the east of Inimicus (in villages as Opto) and forms an excellent seal over the deeper Persian Gulf reservoirs.

Mesozoic Era

Mesozoic rocks are exposed in Inimicus in the quarry near Astro (Triassic Muschelkalk limestones). The Jurassic Posidonia Shale is well developed but is buried deep in the West and under the Persian Gulf. During late Jurassic times the Tempestas volcano was active in a now submerged part of Inimicus.

During Cretaceous times, most of Inimicus was covered by a warm shallow (inland) sea in which thick successions of chalk were deposited. This is in places chert-bearing; chalk is mined near the southern city of Militarae; here a number of mosasaur-fossils have been excavated as well. The Deus oil-bearing sandstones are Early Cretaceous in age and underlain by a hydrocarbon-rich Lower Cretaceous lacustrine formation which forms the source rock the almost negligible Inimician oil reserves.

Cenozoic Era

The Cenozoic is characterised by a further shallowing and erosion of earlier sediments. In places a reasonable thickness of Paleocene and Eocene sediments is reached, but most of the subsurface of Inimicus lack deposits of this age.

The recent Inimicus is formed by Pleistocene and Holocene age sediments as result of fluvial, eolian and marine sedimentation. Eolian dunes characterise the Persian Gulf coast and the river influence is still visible all over Inimicus.

Natural Resources

Inimicus enjoys profits from large coal ore deposits in the mid-east and northwestern areas of the country, even though revenue from these deposits has significantly reduced due to the introduction of alternatives to coal energy. In the west of the country, a natural gas reserve was discovered in the early 20th century. Only recently, though, it was discovered this deposit was almost three times as large as previously expected. To the northeast of the country, in the northern mountain range, bauxite deposits were discovered in some of the mountains. The government has yet to invest in extensive mining of the ore. Money is gladly given to mining companies in the southeast, though, where uranium mining was increased since the founding of the Empire to fuel Inimicus's many nuclear power plants. The last main natural resource is iron ore, which is found in large quantities in the southern mountains. Extensive mining here is being set up under the Artabanos administration.

Light blue: gas; dark blue: fish; black: coal; red: bauxite; light orange: uranium; dark orange: iron


The country can be split into three areas: the elevated terrain to the northeast, which included the northern mountain range; the elevated terrain to the south with the southern mountains; and the largest part of Inimicus, which is largely flat. The latter, including the reclaimed polders and river deltas, make up about half of its surface area and are less than 1 metre (3.3 ft) above sea level, much of it actually below sea level. An extensive range of seawalls and coastal dunes protect Inimicus from the sea, and levees and dikes along the rivers protect against river flooding.


Largest cities

All statistics are as of September 6th 2014

  • Telum: 5,045,083 inhabitants
  • Lacerta: 2,463, 886 inh.
  • Postquam: 997,025 inh.
  • Patricio: 945,145 inh.
  • Astro: 865,004 inh.
  • Portus Inimici: 865,002 inh.
  • Militarae: 843,887 inh.
  • Dominus: 822,547 inh.
  • Stultus: 744,740 inh.
  • Patria: 743,667 inh.

Government and politics

Inimicus's political system is not very complicated. It consists of four main bodies: The Emperor, Parliament (divided into two Houses) and the Council of State

The Emperor

The Emperor of Inimicus has factual absolute power. He is scrutinised, though by the House of Nobles, to which he is summoned every Monday at noon. According to the Constitution of Inimicus, "The title to the Throne shall be obtained by popular vote". This means that whenever the monarch passes away or abdicates, Imperial Elections will be held to determine the new Emperor. This system is derived from the Kingdom of Telum, and later the Kingdom of Inimicus, where Kings were elected by popular vote. "Spouses of the monarch shall not obtain the title ‘Empress’ or ‘Emperor’, as they have not been elected by popular vote. Neither shall siblings of the monarch obtain any Imperial title.", the Constitution says. The current Emperor's wife, Charlotte of Inimicus, therefore has the title "Imperial Consort of Inimicus".

The current Emperor, Artabanos of Inimicus, was sworn in on May 22 2014 after winning the 2014 Imperial Election by a landslide.




Position in the European Union