List of cities in Daminy

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City Year Founded Notes Mayor Image Population (2027)
Archeon 1501 Economic centre of Daminy, cosmopolitan and international city. It is the largest city in Daminy and in the state of New Archeon and a true mark on Damanian history Stan Netflick NO PICTURE YET 14,560,200
Yayovan 1750 Largest city in the state of Jastovic; one of the most used ports in the Youthsville Pact and an international city Rojer Fredriksson NO PICTURE YET 10,590,800
Youthsville 1790 Capital of Daminy; international city and one of the highest tourist visit rates in the world Jozev Wosniak NO PICTURE YET 7,200,000
Sandrovka City 1924 Largest city in the state of Tourqe, major industrial and economic center for the north and a meeting point between Trosnikovo and the rest of Daminy Ilio Cosimi NO PICTURE YET 4,670,520
Trosnikovo 1478 Oldest city in Daminy; largest in Northern Daminy; economic hub and trading port for the eastern nations Matthew Daley NO PICTURE YET 2,470,900
Chorvio (Milovka) 1520 Largest city on the island of Chorvio; major tourist hub and a modernistic metropolis (a deep contrast from its sister city, Chernagorsk] William Jaikumar NO PICTURE YET 2,100,400
Chernogorsk 1520 Largest city on the island of Chernarus; founded alongside Chorvio on the other major Damanian island and a historical city (a deep contrast from its sister city, Chorvio) Samson Larryovic NO PICTURE YET 1,100,900
Elektrogorsk 1521 Second largest city on the island of Chernarus; third largest city in the Island States and a minor economic hub Brenton Matuzscszcs NO PICTURE YET 800,720