John Thorne

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Highlight of the Thorne administration: an asteroid did not collide with the Earth.

John Thorne was the 29th president of Omigodtheykilledkenny. A stiff politician with a bland speaking style, he served in the Federal Senate before his single term in office, and again afterward. He is blessed with a wonderful biography, having served his nation twice in the armed forces during wartime; however, he was beloved by practically no one, there wasn't single soul excited for his presidency -- and he only won in 2000 because his opponent, then-President Frank Gray, nuked the Moon three years earlier. (Don't worry; it's still there! Although the Man in the Moon has never been quite the same since.) During Thorne's term in office, over 25 million Kennyites died of boredom and 3 million more from "malaise." In an effort to prove they will choose just about anyone else, voters elected Manuelo Fernanda to replace Thorne in 2005.

Thorne remains the most prominent leader of the Pansy-ass Liberal Hippy Treehugger Party, having been appointed back to his old Senate seat from Taxachusetts when he left office. He even made another run at the presidency in 2010, charging Fernanda with "criminal sluttiness" and being a general danger to the public and the rest of the world. Of course Thorne didn't win, but he still had the last laugh: for those were the exact charges brought against Fernanda by federal prosecutors two years later, forcing the president to flee the country and forfeit his office.