Grand Thedosian Imperium

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Grand Thedosian Imperium
Motto“Born are We from the Ashes of War”
AnthemStand Strong, Stand Together
Map of the Grand Imperium
Thedosian Continent
Map of Cities
Cities in the Imperium
Largest New Haven
National Language Thedosian, English
Demonym Thedosian
Government Meritocracy
 -  Primarch Valerius
 -  Matriarch Hailee
 -  Supreme Chancellor Meythe
 -  Attorney General Dorres
Legislature High Congress
 -  Upper house High Senate
 -  Lower house High Assembly
 -  Elder Crusades 764 
 -  Thedosia United 766 
 -  End of Elder Crusades 783 
 -  Britannian Arrival 1548 
 -  Thedosia War 1553 
 -  End of Thedosia War 1575 
 -  Thedosian Civil War 1624 
 -  Foundation of Grand Thedosian Imperium 1681 
 -  24.670.330 km2
9.525.270 sq mi 
 -  2036 census 508,191,116
 -  Density 20.6/km2
53.35/sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2037 estimate
 -  Total US$32.8 trillion
 -  Per capita US$64,625.56
HDI 0.946
very high
Currency Imperial credit (₰) (GIC)
Date format Modern Ages
Drives on the right
Calling code +7
Internet TLD .the, .cos

The Grand Thedosian Imperium, commonly referred to as the Grand Imperium, the Imperium, or simply Thedosia, is a meritocracy of seven Teyrnirs, or provinces (Aephus, Epyrus, Pheiros, Taetrus, Edessan, Gellix, Nimines), and a federal district [Ephays, designed in such a way that the city was under the control of the nation’s government and not any specific Teyrnir], while also maintaining six overseas territories placed within the "Colonial Realms". The Grand Thedosian Imperium is located on the western portion of the continent known as "Arcturus." The Grand Imperium is surrounded by three great seas; to the north lies the Azure Ocean, as known locally, an ocean the separates the Imperium from the Waltch Dominion, a nation with which the Imperium has had long-lasting rivalry. To its west lies what is known as Lucrecia’s Ocean, dedicated to the scholar Lucrecia who, according to records, lived for over a thousand years and traveled the continent giving lectures of the sciences across Thedosia. To the south lies the Driesh Ocean, one of the most expansive seas in the region.

Foreign intervention spanning the history of the continent of Thedosia had an important impact on the development of society of the country as a whole, starting first with the Elder Crusade in 764, and again by Britannians in 1548. Before long, their attempts to claim the land were seen as barbaric and evil, and Thedosia’s then-kingdoms united to fight the invaders. Both wars lasted several decades and eventually ended with the withdrawal of forces from Thedosian territory.

During the Grand Depression of 1928 to 1938, the weak economic potential of the Grand Imperium saw its capability to defend all of its territories - including its overseas territories - severely hampered. This was best shown in 1937, when Kamitsure invaded the territory of Springacre, sparking the Great War. This conflict “lifted” the Grand Imperium out of its economic depression and permitted it to become a hyperactive military power and strike back at Kamitsure. By the end of this conflict in 1945, the Grand Imperium had secretly tested and developed nuclear weapons for two years, which it then used over the city of Nagashi, killing thousands.

In the later half of the 20th Century, the Grand Imperium and its old enemy, the Holy Britannian Empire, were in a bitter Cold War. This saw the economic, military, and political capabilities of both nations augment at preposterous levels, in order to outmatch and defeat the other in the Cold War. Finally, in 1995, the Holy Britannian Empire faced a critical foreign policy change which eased tensions between the two powers and permitted development as cooperative nations.

In the 21st Century, the Grand Imperium now faces attacks from a terrifying new enemy, whose faces is revealed only when it announces its responsibility for the murder of hundreds. Between attacks on towers in New Haven to nuclear strikes in Little Macaron, the Grand Imperium has turned its attention to this new, deadly threat, while it moves to maintain similar perspective against hostile nations.


In the early 1500s, before the Holy Britannian Empire could begin conflict to obtain the Thedosian continent, cartographers were searching for a name to give the continent on their maps. Eventually, travelers from Thedosia explained that the people there had already named the continent; the Holy Britannian Empire found this to be poor, and instead designated its own name, “America.” However, this was soon nullified following the Thedosia War.

The first documentary evidence of the “Grand Thedosian Imperium” wasn't until 9:81 [1681], when Empress Duvaineth dissolved the Holy Thedosian Empire and marked the beginning of the Grand Thedosian Imperium. It was used in the Constitution of 9:85 [1685] when the Grand Thedosian Imperium was established.

The short form "Grand Imperium" as well as merely "Imperium" are also common. Another common short form – both in foreign and domestic cases – is Thedosia.

The standard way to call a citizen of the Grand Imperium is “Thedosian”. Adjectivally, the country is referred to with “Thedosian,” (Thedosian interests) and Imperial (Imperial military).


Early History

Though it is not certain from where the first inhabitants of Thedosia came, it is clear that they differed along some path of the evolutionary cycle from the humans of the remainder of the continent, primarily visible in that they live significantly longer lives than the ordinary human. Additionally, though the form of reproduction is very similar, it took significantly longer for the first inhabitants of the continent to give birth.

The first organized kingdoms began to emerge long before the establishment of the High Thedosian Empire. These kingdoms were fairly organized, with commerce and diplomatic ties among them. War and conflict was not common amongst these kingdoms, but it is known that these states were brutally violent against those not pertaining to another state, or barbarians living in the wilds.

It is in the early history of Thedosia that the appearance of Lucrecia becomes radically important. Lucrecia, as documented by kingdoms and states at the time, was a Thedosian woman and scholar that traveled across the continent, seeking to teach a variety of different sciences to the citizens of all these states. It is often said that the kingdoms, though all recognized that Lucrecia was not a citizen of any of them, ensured not to impede her pass as they understood the prestige that such an important scholar would entail.

Records later state that Lucrecia seemed to go beyond the lifespan of the average Thedosian. At the time of her death, recorded in 711 CE, she had been teaching for over 900 years (the date of her birth is unknown and so her "age" is referred to be how many years she had been partaking in scholarly activities). Though there exists a small religious minority in modern Thedosia based around the worship of Lucrecia, believing her to be a goddess that walked among men, most simply revere her as the first true scientist and wise teacher, holding her as an example of what every Thedosian thrives to be. [It should be noted that though the religious belief in her holiness is a minority in Thedosia, “Goddess” is a popular phrase when exclaiming surprise or disbelief, largely in part to this religious belief.]

The First Union

[Work in Progress]

Thedosia War

In 1548, new arrivals were greeted on the continent of Thedosia. These new arrivals, landing without weapons, or armor, or attempting to conquer the continent, were welcomed and brought ashore. Little did the Thedosian know that the new arrivals pertained to the Holy Britannian Empire, who always sought expansion to new lands.

These Britannians lived on the continent in peace until 1553, when naval forces from the Holy Britannian Empire - without word or provocation - pushed through Thedosian defenses in the Azure Ocean and invaded Vertgold, Lorfort, Eriwald, Edgewyne, New Robin, and Talysmont, and sliced through the Aephus Channel until it reached Ephays. This invasion permitted them to cut into half of the Teyrnirs and immediately push the Thedosian into disarray. It was successful, at first.

However, the Britannians did not expect tactics like the ones the Thedosians used. At sea, a patrol fleet of eight ships could be swarmed by dozens of small boats, each with five to seven Thedosian on board. These would push towards a ship and latch their boats through the wood of the Britannian warships. Then, retreating to other boats, they would begin their withdrawal. However, before leaving, they would fire at the latched boats, which were filled with explosive powders. The resulting detonation would ruin the ships’ undersides, decommissioning them from the fight. The success of these naval tactics proved that Thedosian were incredibly united to their lands, willing to die by the hundreds to cripple the Britannians.

On land, the Thedosian Army employed a similar tactic. In the forests of the northwest, dozens of hunters would hide in the trees and await the arrival of Britannian search parties. Once spotted, a barrage of weapons fire would rain down from above on their forces, either forcing them to retreat or killing them entirely. In the deserts, mountains, and plains, it was common for horsemen to ride into battle with their weapons, as well as several small barrels. With trained soldiers at their sides, these horsemen would throw their barrels, and the accompanying escorts would fire at them, causing dozens of detonations around the Britannians.

In 1575, after thousands of casualties, the Britannians were forced to withdraw from this war of attrition, leaving Thedosia in the hands of the Thedosian alone once again.

Estimates from casualty reports at the time seem to indicate approximately one hundred and fifty thousand Britannian casualties, and nearly three hundred and fifty thousand Thedosian casualties.

Thedosian Civil War

The Thedosian Civil War is arguably among the most delicate periods of time in Thedosian history. It showed that, through some manners and ways, Thedosia could be divided, and it is not regarded lightly when it is analysed. The failures of Thedosia to ensure that it remained one broke its union and drove it in a dark time.

In 8:77 [1577], just two years after the end of the Thedosia War, House Eiger, one of the most powerful houses in all of Thedosia at the time, undertook a coup d'etat, taking the throne away from Emperor Schweizer and establishing a new government. The Mighty Thedosian Empire established by House Eiger was ruled by Empress Nadine, who established herself as a firm user of the iron fist. Her reign proved to be the most oppressed and haunting chapter of the history of Thedosia.

However, in 9:24 [1624], Rochefort Numitor -- a noble exiled after the House Eiger coup -- declared publicly that he would retake the lost Thedosia and return it to its former glory, a glory he explained was lost when Empress Nadine rose to power. The news originated from Edessan, and took weeks to arrive at Ephays; by the time that it had, Rochefort had already landed soldiers in Gellix.

As a distraction, Rochefort led invasions of various locations across the country, including New Haven, whose bann supported Rochefort and ceded New Haven without fight. However, these were merely distractions; Empress Nadine announced that Rochefort would attempt to fight as the Telvanni did, and fall just as heavily; however, when her armies moved from Ephays to counter the movements of Rochefort's armies, he invaded it. Before news could reach the armies that had left and before they could return, the siege had ended and Ephays was Rochefort's.

By 9:27, the most important cities had fallen and were under the control of Rochefort and his armies. However, it was then that Empress Nadine, who had escaped the invasion just slightly, reunited her armies and began a siege on Ephays. As the outer districts began to fall, reinforcements arrived and pushed to the Empress' forces; when Nadine's armies were exhausted, reinforcements arrived and placed pressure on the city, igniting a vicious cycle.

From 9:27 to 9:32, much of the war centered around whether the Empress could retake Ephays, or whether Rochefort would outlast her. In the end, as the few smaller cities in which the Empress had control fell, her armies and their reinforcements began to fall with them. In 9:32, she officially surrendered the siege and left Ephays, intending to move to Newdell and capture ships of the Thedosian Navy there, then sail and attempt to run elsewhere. However, they unexpectedly encountered two armies under Rochefort's banner, who rapidly surrounded and forced a surrender of the Empress.

For her "treacherous actions against the people of this Great Nation, and for desecrating the lands over which this Nation has grown to prosper," the Supreme Court under Emperor Rochefort sentenced former-Empress Nadine Eiger to death by beheading. Though Rochefort protested the method, it was undertaken before he was given time to act.

Though the period directly before and during the civil war are of depression and darkness, Emperor Rochefort is revered as one of the best kings in history, ruling for 39 years and lifting the re-established the old High Thedosian Empire into renowned glory. However, it was at this age that he decided to abdicate his throne to his daughter, Duvaineth, seeking to continue a different life. He died in 13:06 [2006] after having been admitted to the hospital the year before. In the century prior, he undertook various activities, which included hunting (both animals and treasures), parachuting, climbing, and often appeared on the Thedosian Ship for Satinalia ending festivities, apart from also participating in a number of diplomatic events in representation of the nation.

Duvaineth turned out to be key to the progression of the continent of Thedosia as a whole. In 9:81 [1681], the High Thedosian Empire, ruled by Duvaineth, was dissolved, and in her stead was established the Grand Thedosian Imperium, with a reorganized government system. It revolutionized the continent and established a country whose fundamental bases remain active to this day.

Grand Depression and the Great War

[Work in Progress]

Cold War

The Cold War was a sustained state of political and military tension between the Grand Thedosian Imperium and the Holy Britannian Empire, often attributed to a window between 1951 and 1995. Following the rapid growth of Thedosian and Britannian military power and project capabilities as a direct result of the Great War, a confrontation between the two powers was inevitable.

The Cold War received its name from its important characteristic that - due to the fact that both powers were nuclear-capable and maintained long-range striking capabilities that could assure mutual destruction - military confrontation between the Grand Imperium and Britannia was minimal, through proxy wars instead of actual declarations of conflicts.

These wars and crises often threatened to lead to a directly announced confrontation between Thedosian and Britannian military units. However, despite the tense times, Thedosian and Britannian heads of state and government worked, often apart, to avoid the friction that could lead to such an engagement.

Contemporary Era

Under Primarch Valerius, the Grand Imperium undertook an important role in the famous decade-long Azadistan War. The invasion of Mahalem by the Azadi military prompted a powerful Thedosian response which pushed them back to the mainland; following a war that lasted only a few months, the Grand Imperium successfully completed military operations against the Azadistan government, installing the former constitutional monarchy and seeking to defend Azadistan from the dozens of insurgents that remained in the country.

On September 24th, 2014, terrorists united together in a strike against the Grand Imperium. On April 4th, two hijacked airliners made impact with the Twin Towers of the Global Trade Center in New Haven. Following a call to ground all aircraft over the Grand Imperium, two aircraft refused to respond to air traffic controllers, sparking suspicion that they had also been hijacked. Both were flying over Aephys; at that time, two F-81 Vulture air superiority aircraft were launched from Naval Air Base Willow Grove with orders to force them to land at the nearest runway. After the flight path was calculated and it was determined they had directed themselves towards Ephays, both aircraft were authorized to shoot down the airliners. In total, these aircraft shot down killed 204. In New Haven, 10,926 were killed, with a total of 11,130 casualties. Though suspicions arose that the attacks had been conducted by Olmica, no further evidence was ever given.

However, everything changed on December 11th, 2030, when a seven-and-a-half kiloton nuclear device detonated at the heart of Little Macaron, the capital city of the overseas territory of Saint Antoine. Due to the incredibly high population density of Little Macaron, 72,056 were killed and a further 91,647 were diagnosed with cancer as a result of their exposure to the radiation.

As a response, the Strategic Intelligence Service -- or Cerberus, as it is often referred to -- was immediately tasked with locating the perpetrators of these acts and bringing them to justice. Before the end of that year, they had announced that they had located the main area of operations for the terrorist group that had claimed responsibility for the attack: Olmica. Having located their headquarters within Olmatur, military forces quickly landed in the region to assist the government officials that were fighting a deadly civil war on January 16th, 2031. These operations are due to be extended to an estimated maximum of 2041.


The total land mass for the Grand Imperium is approximately 24.670.330 km2 (or 9.525.270 sq mi). The largest Teyrnir of those that make up the Grand Imperium is Aephus, with 4,81 million km2. The smallest is the Epyrus, with 920.000 km2. The lowest point in the Grand Imperium is in Taetrus: Silverthread Valley, at 324 feet below sea level. The highest point in the Grand Imperium is in the eastern Nimines: Mount Hunterhorn (also commonly referred to as Kal-Sharok, named after an ancient city), at 31,648 feet above sea level.

The Thedosian ecology is considered “megadiverse”: about 17,000 species of vascular plants occur in the continent, and over 1,800 species of flowering plants are found in Epyrus, few of which occur on the mainland. Aephus is home to more than 400 mammal, 750 bird, and 500 reptile and amphibian species. About 91,000 insect species have been described.

There are 174 national parks and hundreds of other federally managed wilderness zones and forests. Overall, the government owns approximately 24% of the country’s landmass; 4.8% is used for military purposes.

Environmental Issues

Environmental issues within the Grand Imperium have been high on the list of importance since the 1970s. Though many people claim that the Grand Imperium should completely remove its nuclear - both fission and fusion - power sources from the list, the Thedosian government replies that it is impossible to withdraw such large quantities of clean production of energy. This has caused controversies among environmentalist groups who believe the Thedosian government is not doing enough to maintain the security of the natural habitat of the country. Despite this, the Environmental Protective Agency - the leading federal agency in protecting the Grand Imperium’s territories - has claimed that the Grand Imperium has made enormous progress to leave its previous fossil fuel consumption rates, switching to cleaner, more efficient fuel products.

The ’’Endangered Species Act of 1966’’ aims to protect species threatened by human expansionism; as such, the EPA, the leading figure in the defense of endangered species, constantly monitors the life of these species, and ensures that any and all illegal hunting of endangered animals is reported to the Security Service, whose law enforcement branch responds.


The Thedosian Census Bureau estimates the population of the Grand Imperium rests around 2,396,583,323, with about seven million illegal immigrants. The Thedosian population had, following the end of the Civil War in the 1800s, an enormous demographic explosion, of which is still felt today.

The Grand Imperium has a birth rate of 14 per 1000 and a population growth of 0.7%, remaining significantly higher among more developed nations. In 2036, 19 million people were granted legal residency, the majority of which were through Family Reunification. Approximately four percent of the population - about 95.9 million people - identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.


About 86% of the Grand Imperium’s population lives in urban areas, with the majority of those in cities with populations above sixty thousand. In 2028, 720 cities were counted as having a population of over 100,000, 304 cities with a population of over 1 million, and 36 global cities. There are 200 metropolitan areas with populations of over two million.

In order, the fifteen most populated cities and their populations:

  1. New Haven: 57,483,582
  2. Norcrest: 51,943,753
  3. Ephays: 42,593,572
  4. Viladell: 24,214,876
  5. Orlea: 12,154,364
  6. Lancebriar: 10,346,124
  7. New Robin: 9,913,453
  8. Isa: 9,540,321
  9. Vertsage: 8,102,942
  10. Vyrantium: 7,871,354
  11. Vertgold: 7,545,973
  12. Talysmont: 7,511,234
  13. Brynnlaw: 7,497,312
  14. Noviberg: 7,454,346
  15. Linthicum: 7,378,132


Though Thedosian is the official language in the Grand Imperium, English is an incredibly widely spoken language. Approximately 7% of the Thedosian population speak only English at home, and approximately 21% speak only Thedosian at home -- at large, Thedosian is the official language and is as such spoken by the majority of the population: approximately 93% of the population; English, however, is less widespread, with only 79% of the population speaking English. Some people are capable of speaking older languages, such as those spoken at the time of the inception of the Grand Thedosian Imperium. However, this is an insignificant percentage.

All of the Teyrnirs that make up the Grand Imperium publish duplicates of all government documents in Thedosian and English. In situations requiring feedback votes from the population, the government offers various different languages, including some not native to Thedosia.


The Thedosian Measure on Religion of 1:15 [815 CE] guarantees the free exercise of religion in the Grand Thedosian Imperium. In a 2031 study, 91.2% identified themselves as agnostic/atheists/irreligious; 3.4% identified themselves as Lucrecians [the belief that the scholar Lucrecia was holy]; 0.8% identified themselves as Protestant; 0.4% identified themselves as Roman Catholic; 0.3% identified themselves as “other Christians”; 0.8% identified as Jewish; 0.6% identified themselves as Buddhist; 0.7% identified themselves as Hindu; 0.4% identified themselves as Muslim; 1.4% identified themselves as “other.”

Government & Politics

The Grand Thedosian Imperium is a meritocracy, in which majority rule is tempered by minority rights protected by law. The country’s supreme legal document, the Constitution, serves to regulate the powers of the Grand Imperium itself.

In the Grand Imperium, citizens are generally subjected to three types of government: the federal government, which is the overarching and supreme government of the country, the Teyrnirs’ government, which is the supreme point of government within a Teyrnir, and the local government, which is generally the government of a county, city, town, or equivalent.

The federal government is composed of three branches:

  • Legislative: High Congress; made up of the Upper House (Senate) and the Lower House (Assembly), Congress has the power of the purse and power of impeachment, which it can utilize to unseat any member of government.
  • Executive: High Council; the head of state is the commander-in-chief of the military, can reject bills before coming into law [which can either be accepted or can initiate a voting process in Congress to review the decision made by the head of state and react appropriately] and appoints members of Council (subject to Senate vote) and other officers who administer and enforce laws and policies.
  • Judicial: Supreme Court of the Grand Thedosian Imperium; the Supreme Court and lower federal courts, whose judges are appointed by the ruling head of state with Senate approval, interpret laws and overturn those they find unconstitutional.

The Assembly is composed of 435 voting members chosen at large across the nation. The representatives that take seat within the Assembly are selected taking into consideration the population of each individual Teyrnir (and the Colonial Realms). The Senate also represents all 7 Teyrnirs and the colonial realms, with each having 25 elected members.

The organization of the Imperial government differs largely from the average national government system. Because of the society's inclination of meritocracy, the government follows very basic regulations based on such a system. Though the varying "tiers," as they are named, give varying amounts of power, for the purposes of federal government and wide-ranged control of government, it is important to mention primarily the Teyrns, which control each of the seven Teyrnirs in the Imperium, and the Primarch, the official at the head of the Imperial government. Though individuals are admitted into initial tiers through voting process by their peers, beyond a certain point an individual must be chosen by their superiors to be admitted into a new tier of government. [For more information on the tiers, please see Citizenship tiers]

The Primarch--Matriarch if the individual is a woman--is chosen by the High Congress. This congress only selects a new Primarch or Matriarch upon death or upon decision to demote the current head. The Congress, then, is chosen by selection of the teyrns and teyrnas as the representatives for varying regions in their teyrnirs--the representatives are largely chosen from suggestions by the arls, who choose from among their prime; citizenship tiers regard the position of congressman to be higher than that of the prime but lower than that of the arl. A teyrn, then, is selected by the Primarch or Matriarch themselves to rule over a teyrnir. A teyrnir's arls and arlessas are selected by the teyrns or teyrnas to rule over the arlings, chosen from the prime. These arls and arlessas then select the prime, the heads of the vexian (or metropolitan areas) within their arlings. These vexian, however, each have councils which are elected by the people. The councils have no set number (except that they must be above 25 individuals of varying districts or towns) which present the desires of the people to the governors so that they may make informed decisions, not only for the well-being of their vexian but also to report to the arls or arlessas, which then inform the teyrns and teyrnas, which finally report to the Primarch or Matriarch.

A more tier way of understanding the organization is the following: Primarchs are chosen by Congress from Teyrns; Congress is chosen by Teyrns from Primes; Teyrns are chosen by Primarchs from Arls; Arls are chosen by Teyrns from Primes; Primes are chosen by Arls from the Vexian Councils; the Vexian Councils are chosen by the Citizens from the Citizens.

Analysis by foreign groups often point out that the governmental system of the Imperium largely allows the potential for corruption on a wide scale. However, because of the meritocratic teachings ingrained into students and children across the Imperium, corruption is, rather than seen as an attempt to gain more powerful and be seen as a stronger individual, alternatively is viewed as cowardly and weak. Individuals around the country understand that to gain a position even within the Vexian Council is of much pride and is considered to be serving the nation. It is worth noting that in order to even join the Vexian Council, however, one must have been born within the Imperium and live within the Imperium at minimum the first fifty years of life (spending no more than three months per year away from the Imperium). Civilians from other nations, naturalized or otherwise, are not allowed to gain power within the Imperial governmental structure.

There is no term limit or number of years per term in the period any seat is in office (with the exception of the congress, whose members are divided into four groups; one fourth is set to be elected by their respective teyrns or terynas every four years). A Primarch chosen by the congress shall serve until they perish or until Congress deems it must remove them (or alternatively, they remove themselves). This is true for all positions down to the Vexian Councils. In the event of the Primarch perishes, congress must select a new Primarch within five days. If a teyrn perishes, the Primarch must select a new one within five days. Should the Primarch have also perished, Congress must select a new Primarch who must then select a new teyrn. This is a consequential process which continues down the chain of command. In the hypothetical event that most members of government were eliminated at once, an emergency protocol would be initiated which would choose the highest ranking official amongst them to be the new Primarch and to gradually rebuild government whilst dealing with a potential threat to government. If no government members survived, a secondary emergency protocol would be brought in place which would immediately have citizens of the capital city of Ephays select a new Primarch to rebuild government.

It is important to note, however, that the government can be impeached if the need arises. The throne of Primarch can be impeached by Congress if four-fifths of High Congress approves of the impeachment or by 7 of the 8 teyrns [can be overruled by congress]. A teyrn can be impeached either by solitary decision of the Primarch (which could in theory be overruled by Congress), by decision of four-fifths of congress or by decision of four-fifths of the teyrnir's arlings [can be overruled by primarch or congress]. An arl can be impeached by solitary decision of the Primarch (can be overruled by congress), by decision of four-fifths of congress, by solitary decision of the teyrn [can be overruled by congress or primarch], or by four-fifths of the primes [can be overruled by congress, primarch, or teyrn]. A prime can be impeached by solitary decision of the Primarch (can be overruled by congress), by decision of four-fifths of congress, by solitary decision of the teyrn [can be overruled by congress or primarch], solitary decision of the arl [can be overruled by congress, primarch, or teyrn], or by four-fifths of the Vexian Council members [cannot be overruled]. The Vexian Council itself cannot be overruled, but because its members are chosen bi-annually, it can simply be changed rapidly. However, though these measures are in place, following their establishment by Matriarch Duvaineth, they have never been implemented.

The Primarch or Matriarch holds a council of twenty-nine members, of which include the Primarch [or Matriarch] himself, the Matriarch [or Primarch], and the Chancellor. Twenty four cabinet members are ultimately chosen by the Primarch, and serve depending on three circumstances: whether the Primarch wants them, whether they want to, and whether they are fit to. The Supreme Court, led by the Chief Justice of the Grand Imperium, has 9 members, who serve for life.

Head of State and Government

The head of state and government in the Grand Thedosian Imperium is the Primarch (if man; Matriarch, if woman). The Primarch is selected not by the citizens, but by Congress; additionally, there is no term or term limit, but rather, a Primarch is chosen by the Congress and is not removed unless they perish, they resign, or Congress deems them no longer worthy of the position. The chancellor is chosen by the Primarch as their second in command, but must be approved by the Imperial Congress. Additionally, the chancellor does have limits; a maximum of two terms of five years each. This selection process always takes place on the 21st of November at the beginning of every new decade, and a new chancellor takes over officially on the final day of Satinalia, the 24th of December. If the chancellor perishes, resigns, or is removed by either the Primarch or Congress, the spouse of the Primarch (the Matriarch if female, the Primarch is male [these are swapped if the marriage is of same-sex]) occupies the position until the appropriate date arrives and a new chancellor can be selected.

Political Divisions

The Grand Thedosian Imperium is a union of seven Teyrnirs in the Thedosian continent and with six overseas territories that are recognized as territories in the Grand Imperium under one teyrnir. These territories were all gradually added into Thedosia, from the initial colony of Albion to the addition of Richport in the 1960s to become the last integrated territory to the Grand Imperium. All of these territories are, by Constitutional law, prohibited from seceding from the Union.

Government Financing

Taxes are levied in the Grand Imperium at the federal and provincial government level. These include taxes on income, payroll, property, sales, imports, estates and gifts, as well as various fees. Primary receipt categories included individual income taxes, Social Security/Social Insurance taxes, and corporate taxes.

Thedosian taxation is generally progressive, especially the federal income taxes. Provincial and local taxes vary widely, but are generally less progressive than federal taxes as they rely heavily on broadly borne regressive sales and property taxes that yield less volatile revenue streams, though their consideration doesn’t eliminate the progressive nature of overall taxation.

During FY 2036, the federal government spent ₰6 trillion on a budget or cash basis. Major categories of FY 2036 spending included: National Medical Services, Social Security, Ministry of Defense, non-defense discretionary, and other mandatory.


I.P.S. ’’Tétrault’’ Lucrecia-class Supercarrier, Imperial Navy
The Imperial military is the armed force tasked with defending not only the Imperium’s territory and its citizenry, but also its interests abroad and any client states of the Imperium. The commander in chief of the Imperial military is the Primarch, who solitarily chooses the Secretary of Defense, who—in turn—chooses the members of the Chiefs of Staff Directive.

The Imperial military, as a part of government, is organized and directed by the Department of Defense. This includes the Imperial Army, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Navy. The Department of Defense is also in charge of the National Guard, despite this forming a part of the National Security Service. During peacetime, the National Security Service operates under the Department for Strategic Homeland Defense; during wartime, however, the Department of Defense assumes control of the NSS.

Military service in the Imperium is compulsory. Initial service begins at the age of 30; however, this can be postponed if an individual admits themselves into university. If this is the case, students are exempt from military service until they have completed their education. These achieve the citizenship tier of the Discens. Should an individual pursue a Higher Education, the exemption extends itself until such an education is completed. These achieve the military tier of the Tiro. After this, they begin military training and become Paladin.

Military service in the Imperium consists of an individual presenting themselves to basic combat training. The minimum combat training course lasts forty weeks, though specialization courses for exceptional recruits can often extend training to beyond two years, if the individual is interested. Following graduation from combat training, soldiers must await to be assigned to a unit and must then report to said unit for one years’ worth of deployment, before they are allowed to return to civilian life. This is the citizenship tier known as Cabal.

However, except for in dire situations, paladins are not allowed to be deployed outside the borders of the Grand Imperium, and must be deployed to bases and facilities within the borders of the Imperium and its colonies. Only the Centurion—those who enlist or enroll in military academy prior to the age of 30 or alternatively those who decide to pursue a military career after military training—may be deployed overseas. This is not the case in the event of a large-scale conflict, however, in which however many soldiers are required shall be sent abroad.

Total military spending in the Imperium numbers above US$1.6 trillion, one of the highest budgets in the comparatively short history of the Grand Thedosian Imperium.


Any Thedosian that is sensitive to magic, regardless of their sensitivity, may enlist to become an Arcane Warrior in the Imperial military. Depending on how sensitive any individual is and their affinity in the special tasks available for Arcane Warriors, they are given positions within the military. This may include support troopers, that provide healing spells or barriers to front-line troops, artillery troopers, that can lightly bombard positions with a variety of spell types, such as electrical, fire, ice, or wind-type spells, and many others. They are not, however, placed in standard military units; Arcane Warriors are exclusively stationed in the special forces regiments of the Imperial military, meaning their military training is far longer and is to make them more proficient than the standard trooper.

Law Enforcement

Law enforcement police patrol vehicle
Law enforcement in the Grand Imperium is primarily the response of the local police and sheriff’s departments, with provincial police troopers dealing with broader services. The Security Service has a specialize duty; not only investigating crimes across a federal level, but MI5 is also tasked with capturing (or otherwise eliminating) high-threat targets that have taken residence across the Grand Imperium.

Provincial courts conduct most criminal trials, with federal courts handling certain designated crimes, as well as certain appeals from lower provincial courts. Thedosian law prohibit most drugs, though few provinces’ legislation are in conflict with federal law. Smoking in the Grand Imperium is prohibited (except for in cases of medical prescription [or, in some Teyrnirs, marijuana]). Drinking age is at the age of 60. Though criticism befalls the Grand Imperium’s drinking age being after obligatory military training (using the argument, “Men can die for the Grand Imperium before they can drink in the Grand Imperium”), this is done purposefully; the government disallows drinking beforehand to diminish the amount of alcoholics that are admitted into the military.

At the start of 2028, the Grand Imperium had a total of 2.4 million incarcerated persons. This is nearly seven times the amount of people incarcerated in 2000. These rates are relatively high in actual numbers, but in percentage of the total percentage of the incarcerated population in comparison to the total population of the Grand Imperium, it numbers approximately 0.1% of the population.

Capital punishment is not a sanctioned form of punishment for crimes in the Grand Imperium. In 1899, a bill was successfully introduced that made illegal the use of capital punishment within the territorial boundaries of the Grand Imperium, based primarily on it being a human rights infringement and a belief that "no individual deserves death, no matter what their crime."


The Grand Imperium has a capitalist mixed economy, fueled by abundant resources alongside well-developed infrastructure and high productivity. In 2036, the Grand Imperium’s gross domestic product (in purchasing power parity) numbered approximately ₰88.2 trillion, or US$155.4 trillion.. Its currency, the Imperial credit, has been in constant use since 800 CE. A single credit is then divided into 100 silvers, each of which acts as a cent in other currencies. This naming has been in place since the conception of the currency (though each silver was also divided into 100 coppers until 1770).

In 2036, net trade in the Grand Imperium was -₰100.9 billion, or -US$117.5 billion. The top trading partners are the Waltch Dominion, the Altarian Empire, the Holy Britannian Empire, Triodard, and the Antonia-Brookwood Confederacy. In 2036, oil and its derivatives were the largest exports, whilst electronics were the largest imports.

While its economy has reached a postindustrial development stage, the Grand Imperium is still an industrial power. The leading business field by gross business receipts is wholesale and retail trade; by net income, it is manufacturing.

Chemical products are the leading manufacturing field. The Grand Imperium is a large producer of oil, as well as a consumer of nuclear and experimental fusion power production. Recent technological advances and implementations by government law has seen liquid hydrogen become the main form of fuel transfer within the Grand Imperium.

Consumer spending comprised 64% of the Thedosian economy in 2036. In August, 2036, the labor force of 244 million. The government is the largest single employer. Healthcare and social services are the largest public employers.

The 2014-2019 recession had a significant impact on the economy of the Grand Imperium. Unemployment rates soared to 7.9% and consumer confidence was greatly diminished. A 2022 poll showed that approximately 45% of Thedosian believed the Grand Imperium was still in recession, though it had been in the recovery phase for two years. By 2028, this number was significantly reduced to just 12%.



Personal transport is a very wide system, of which is dominated by the use of automobiles, used on over thirty two million road. Maintaining a very active automobile manufacturing sector, whose primary powerhouse is the native corporation of Vimmark Autos, the Grand Imperium has a high rate of per-capita vehicle ownership, with 821 cars per one thousand Thedosian. These are spread throughout various cars, including light trucks, vans, SUVs, and other vehicles. The average Thedosian adult spends approximately 75 minutes driving -- a calculated 40 miles per day.

Mass transit accounts for approximately 21% of all Thedosian work trips. Though the transportation of goods by rail is extensive in the Grand Imperium, the use of rail transportation for passengers is relatively limited, though the usage of the National Rail Corporation -- an intercity rail transportation system that links many of the most important cities to each other by rail -- has seen a rise in recent years, as has the development of light rails. Meanwhile, the use of bicycles is minimal.

The civil airline business, on the other hand, is entirely private-owned and has seen little intervention from the Thedosian government, while most airports -- and all international airports - - are owned by the government. Imperium Airways is based in Ephays, and it also has some of the busiest international airports in the same.


The energy market in the Grand Imperium is of approximately 31,700 terawatt hours per year. The majority of this energy production came from inertial confinement fusion (26%), followed closely by nuclear power production (23%), then solar power (18%), geothermal power (14%), hydroelectric power (12%), and lastly, wind power (7%). Though several other nations faced nuclear incidents, the Grand Imperium maintained a clean record, ensuring the integrity of all of its nuclear plants without fail. Thus, there was no immediately negative public perception of the use of nuclear power in the Grand Imperium, allowing the government to further establish such facilities after the discovery of nuclear fission. In the 13th Age [21st Century], as fusion power stabilized and became a viable source of energy, the Grand Imperium immediately promoted its use and saw an increase in the level of energy produced by what is now called inertial confinement fusion -- ICF for short.

Science & Technology


The public education system in the Grand Imperium is operated at a Teyrnir [controlled by the Teyrnir government in their respective capitals] and local [controlled by the county government in their capitals] level, and is regulated by the Grand Imperium's Department of Education. As organized by the federal government, school officially starts with Pre-Official classes starting at the age of four. At the age of six, the student is then submitted into First of Primary Cycle, where they will run through the entire Primary Cycle [from First to Twelfth]. Following this, they reach the Secondary Cycle, where they study through six more years. The final cycle [the Tertiary Cycle or Final Cycle] then extends itself six more years, where the student will specialize further into their chosen career role. The Primary Cycle is often called Primary Education, whereas the Secondary and Tertiary Cycles are called Secondary Education. After the Tertiary Cycle, all students [provided they wish to continue on a university course] take the University Access Test [UAT] where they will received a University Point Average, with which they will compete with other students to gain slots for education in the best universities in the Grand Imperium. However, all universities are paid for by the Thedosian government, making the UAT useful only in determining who takes the limited number of slots. Online courses are also available for those denied slots in the university and Teyrnir colleges offer identical curricula for those unable to enter larger universities.

Once accepted into a university, one begins University Education, which consists of eight basic years to study any available subject the student desires. Once these are done, Higher Education is available, where one studies another twelve years [though this number may vary depending on the career] in order to become a Doctor in their chosen career, the highest title obtainable.

The Grand Imperium provides a total of 1.73% of its GDP as its education budget, or ₰323,856,297,756.51. This means that the Department of Education's budget provides an average of ₰4,000 per capita for its approximately 81 million enrolled students [in all three cycles and university education].



The Magistrate Building in New Haven, Pheiros. It was here that the agreement to unite Thedosia was written and signed. Its four dragons act as as representations of the four guardians who saved Thedosia, one for each Kingdom, and is a symbol to Thedosian freedom
The Grand Imperium is a multicultural nation, home to a wide variety of ethnic groups, traditions, and values. The population of Thedosia is primarily native to the land, although tourists do have a presence of the millions in the country. Mainstream Thedosian culture is incredibly disciplined; though there is much liberty in the daily lives of each individual, everyone is expected to have a certain level of responsibility and sense of duty. This makes it difficult for foreign cultures to integrate themselves with Thedosia, though Thedosian do not expect immigrants to neither immediately nor ever fall into the demands of their culture. Integration into life in Thedosia is relatively simple; integration into Thedosian culture is significantly more complex.

It is also commonly understood that Thedosia, even in its past times, did not own slaves. Slavery was seen as barbaric and counter to the duty of each person. This is a tradition and sentiment that has been passed down through the Ages, and is the primary reason why any nation associated with the slave trade or some form of slave market is immediately condemned and considered a public enemy. People in Thedosia associated with the illegal slave trade are immediately incarcerated and executed; it is, to date, the only crime exempt from the execution prohibition.

Similarly, Thedosian commonly refuse to accept other cultures, where - surprisingly to native Thedosian who only begin to study foreign concepts - the people do not accept all as equal.

The Thedosian middle and professional class has initiated many contemporary social trends such as environmentalism and multiculturalism. Thedosians’ self-images, social viewpoints, and cultural expectations are associated with their occupations to an unusually close degree. While Thedosians tend greatly to value socioeconomic achievement, being ordinary or average is generally seen as a positive attribute.

Downtown Ephays, one of the most advanced portions of the city. Image is dated: 2/15/13:35
It is a common sight for the oldest of nations to have relatively outdated cities. As they are constructed, it is difficult to modernize them, but rather, express their appeal through historical locations and landmarks. Thedosia is unique in that it manages to maintain both. Thedosian expansion of cities never found itself at such a form that it was forced to cease due to limitations. It was a Thedosian concept of mind to continue to push and conquer as much as possible to express elegance and strength to others. Though this changed relatively strongly in the 11th Age, Thedosian expansion was never truly stopped. The 11th Age brought a revolution to the Grand Imperium, in which it found the possibility to expand upwards. With such, buildings were demolished - though specifically historical ones, such as the Magistrate Building, were left - to make room for the towering skyscrapers and vibrant technologically advanced society that Thedosian now have.

Thedosian society, however, has changed very little. Though there are fewer religious individuals, which was not customary during the Telvanni War, and science advances and proves new things, it is obvious that the core parts of Thedosian life - the sense of duty to Thedosia, the sense of responsibility for actions, and, above all, the intense meritocracy - have not eroded, and remains strong to this day.

Citizenship Tiers

Because life in Thedosia is meritocratic, a variety of citizenship tiers have been erected in order to maintain a clear chain of command within the meritocracy. Some of the tiers are achieved by actions recognized by peers, whilst others receive promotion via the approval of their superiors. It is to be noted, however, that though a promoted individual that preforms subpar to requirements receives a demotion to their previous state, the individual that promoted them receives more scrutiny, since it is their responsibility to ensure that the individual is ready for a promotion. Demotion of this individual is unlikely, however. This ideal is far more prevalent in the armed forces of the Imperium.

  1. Civilian: The civilian tier encompasses all individuals prior to the age of suffrage, all individuals with handicaps, and all individuals currently residing within the Imperium on a temporary basis and without Imperial citizenship; it also refers to those with permanent residence in the Imperium, but without citizenship.
  2. Citizen: This special tier does not apply to any thedos [the species of human existent on Thedosia]. It only applies to foreign individuals. It is the tier in which all naturalized citizens above the age of suffrage reside; they may vote for the Vexian councils but may not form a part of it themselves.
  3. Discens: It refers to any individual that has postponed military training in order to attend university. Furthermore, they are able to participate in the voting process for the Vexian Council [though they cannot be nominated to the Council].
  4. Tiro: It refers to any individual that has postponed military training in order to attend Higher Education.
  5. Paladin: It refers to any individual who has begun attending military training.
  6. Cabal: It refers to any individual that has completed military training and returns to civilian life. Furthermore, it is from here onward that individuals can be nominated to serve on the Vexian Council,
  7. Coerator: It refers to workers of the state, such as those operating public healthcare systems or transportation systems, as well as desk jobs at various departments to attend to the citizenry.
  8. Centurion: Meaning soldier. It refers to any and all members of the Imperial military; however, this only includes those who voluntarily join prior to age 30 or who remain to carry out their military career. This position cannot be nominated to the Vexian Council but can nominate and vote.
  9. Praetor: Meaning scholar. This special tier is reserved for any scientific researcher in the Imperium that has made an important contribution to the Imperium in his or her field of study. Not only is this field restricted to thedos, it is also only given upon authorization of the Primarch.
  10. Veterani: It refers to any and all centurions that have retired from military service. For centurions, this is the first tier in which they can be nominated to their Vexian Councils.
  11. Vexian: Those that represent the individual districts at the Vexian Council in any specific vexian, to the appropriate Prime.
  12. Prime: Those chosen by the arls to rule over a specific vexian of their arling.
  13. Legatus: Any individual chosen by the Imperial government to represent it and its interests in foreign nations, whether as ambassadors, consuls, or other diplomatic envoys.
  14. Coryphaeus: Meaning leader. These are the Prime chosen by the Teyrns to represent their teyrnir in the Imperial High Congress.
  15. Arl: These are those chosen by the teyrns to lead the individual arlings within the respective teyrnir.
  16. Teyrn: These are those individuals chosen by the Primarch to be at the head of the government of a teyrnir.
  17. Secundus: Meaning second or second in command. This tier is for the supreme chancellor chosen by the Primarch.
  18. Primarch/Matriarch: The head of state. The highest tier achievable; it is the leader of the entire Grand Thedosian Imperium, selected by the Imperial High Congress.


Thedosia’s first commercial motion picture exhibition was given in Vertgold in 1886. The next year saw the first commercial screening of a projected film, in New Haven, and Thedosia would transform into an important entity in the film industry’s technological progress. Since the early 12th Age, Thedosia’s film industry has largely been based in and around Vyrantium.

Thedosia has an extremely high amount of television viewers, and the average viewing time continues to rise, reaching five hours a day in 2016. The four major broadcast television networks are all commercial entities. Thedosian listen to radio programming, also largely commercialized, on average just over two-and-a-half hours a day. Musically, Thedosia has experienced a boom in famous artists, with those such as rapper Marsilius Mercer and rock band Waking Ambiance.


Though the Thedosian people and government understand and often use the internationally accepted calendar when speaking to people of another culture, it is widely known that Thedosia itself follows a slightly different calendar.

In Thedosia, days do not have names. Rather, only months do. What is common outside of Thedosia - “Next Thursday,” for example - is not used in Thedosia. Its equivalent would be to say the date of the month on which that day will fall, and then say the month. For example, “The 15th of Pluitanis.” Weeks did not exist in Thedosia, although it has been recently adopted as a unit of measurement of time. “One week from now,” which indicates seven days.

The list of months and holidays (called “Annum”s in Thedosia) are as follow:

  1. Verimensis (Annum: First Day)
  2. Pluitanis
  3. Nubulis (Annum: Wintersend)
  4. Eluviesta
  5. Molioris
  6. Ferventis (Annum: Summerday)
  7. Solis
  8. Matrinalis (Annum: All Soul’s Day)
  9. Parvulis (Annum: Imperial Union)
  10. Frumentum
  11. Umbralis
  12. Cassus (Annum: Satinalia)
  • First Day: The traditional start of the year, this holiday involves visits to neighbors and family, as well as a town gathering to commemorate the year past, accompanied by drinking and merriment.
  • Wintersend: This holiday is a celebration of Lucrecia and her accomplishments. It stands for the end of winter in many lands and coincides with tourneys and contests at the Proving Grounds in Norcrest. In southern lands, this holiday has become a day of gathering for trade, theater, and ceremonies. Most, however, simply participate as a day of mere celebration.
  • Summerday: This holiday is universally celebrated as the beginning of summer, a time for joy and, commonly, marriage.
  • All Soul’s Day: This holiday is known across Thedosia as All Soul’s Day and spent in somber remembrance of the dead. In some northern lands, the people dress as spirits and walk the streets in parade after midnight.
  • Imperial Union: This holiday is one that dates to 1:-30, Parvulis 30th, in which Thedosia united in order to defend itself from the Elder Crusades.
  • Satinalia: This holiday is accompanied by wild celebration, the wearing of masks, and carnivals [including games, including races, dancing contests, archery contests, and others] all across Thedosia. This holiday lasts an entire week, with the celebrations starting each night at 8pm and ending at around 4am.

The calculation of a year in Thedosia is also quite different. The calendar starts in the year 800 CE (international calendar), as the beginning of a new century after the decision to unite Thedosia. From then, the calendar began as 1:0. The first digit is the age; every age is one hundred years, and is the Thedosian equivalent to a Century. The second digit is the year of that Age. In the Thedosian Calender, 13:0 is equivalent to 2000; 13:20 is 2020. The time period prior to the beginning of the calendar are called the “Ancient Age.” They are commonly shown as -- for example -- “0:-30” for 770, and moving in their respective directions. Unlike upwards progression, however, the Age number does not change; this is because “0” denominates the Ancient Ages. Thus, 650 would be "0:-150"

Clans of Thedosia

Across all of recorded history in the continent of Thedosia, there have existed large Clans, historically named the Athradost -- which is Thedosian for Travelling Town -- which have lived in the large, lush forests of the land and stayed away from cities. However, nearing the end of the Tenth Age, clashes began to occur between the Athradost and the cities of the land, who believed that these clans were encroaching on territory rightfully theirs. The Athradost believed that this land was the land of all Thedosian, and as such they were in their right to camp and hunt in them. Matriarch Duvaineth did nothing to mediate the troubles, as they were few and far in between, but by 11:20, nearing the end of the Matriarch’s reign, trouble did begin to emerge from these clashes. Matriarch Duvaineth attempted to begin negotiations for peace between the cities of the Grand Imperium and the Athradost, but most cities were unwilling to negotiate.

However, in 11:24, just four years after the start of the reign of Primarch Valerius, he decreed that a representative from every Athradost clan in the Grand Imperium be sent to the city of Ephays for official negotiations, one the Teyrns and banns of the Teyrnirs and cities respectively would attend. All clans agreed to send a single representative each, so as to not put many members of their 100-member clans in danger.

The result of these negotiations was the Sîdth Concordat, under which the clans would be allowed to hunt and camp in the woods of the Grand Imperium. However, the clans, in order to enter a new Teyrnir, had to pay a fee of one thousand Imperial credit to the government of the Teyrnir, and every month they stayed would be a total of one hundred extra credits to the government. Furthermore, these clans had to pay taxes to the government in Ephays, a total of 15% of all earned credits (not included the number of credits paid to the teyrnal governments). Furthermore, the clans would only be able to pass from one Teyrnir to another three times a year. This was controlled with the presence of a Thedosian representative within these clans.

However, one clan -- Clan Eigar, the remnants of the supporters of House Eigar -- refused to sign the Sîdth Concordat. Instead, they retreated to the Hunterhorn Mountains, where they hoped to evade the Thedosian forces. Over the following decade, the entire clan was captured and destroyed. The remainder of the clans returned to their livings in the woods.

The Sîdth Concordat agreed that the clans would be able to use a limited amount of magic. However, the spells granted are very few, mostly consisting in spells that allow them to calm and incapacitate animals, healing, heightening senses in the woods, etc. Spells such as fireballs were extremely prohibited.

Recently, there have been clashes between some of these clans, raising the concern in Ephays that clans may begin to wage wars amongst themselves in the woods of the Grand Imperium. Primarch Valerius has done nothing to mediate the situation, primarily because no such evidence has been found. However, some nobles across the Grand Imperium have petitioned the Primarch to call for a meeting once more in order to amend the Concordat and add the inability for the clans to wage wars amongst themselves.


All Thedosians of natural birth (referred to as the species thedos) are born so with some abilities only identified as magical. Because of this widespread magical affinity, the Imperial government has designed an educational structure that allows for students to not only learn subjects globally relevant but must also take course in order to learn to control their magic and to use it wisely. Though sensitivity varies from person to person, it is extremely rare to find any Thedosian that isn't capable of at least levitation spells.

For those that are particularly adept at their magic, they receive a special letter from the Arcane Academy in Aephus, in which it is explained that because of their ability to draw on magical essences, they have decided to extend an offer to attend university at that academy. The Arcane Academy is the only university which has a faculty that studies magic and the arcane arts, and thus, all magic professors must first receive a title from the Arcane Academy before being able to teach (receiving different titles for Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, University, and Higher Education).

The Arcane Academy offers the most extensive majors programs in the nation, primarily because each of these programs not only invest time in the majors themselves, but also the application of magical spells for the advancement of those majors.

Additionally, those sensitive to magic, no matter their sensitivity, may apply to join as an Arcane Warrior in the Imperial military. Depending on the sensitivity and their affinity in a number of different special tasks available to arcane warriors, they are given a position within the military.