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Cuauhtemocism (kwuh-TAY-muh-cism), also called Cuauhtemocist Catholicism, is an extremist, often violent sect of Roman Catholicism, most often associated with Omigodtheykilledkenny's Xt'Tapolopaquetl community. Cuauhtemocism boasts over 1 billion adherents worldwide; Kennyite Xt'Taps form its main base of followers, but it is believed the sect also has a small presence in several other countries. Infused with Christian, Islamic and tribal elements, Cuauhtemocist doctrine holds that Kennyites are the sons of Satan, and that they and their allies all must be purged through jihad before Jesus Christ's Second Coming can occur. Xt'Tap militants (more often than naught Cuauhtemocists) claim their attacks on Kennyites are based on holy Scripture, and Cuauhtemocism is widely criticized for promoting violence as a result. Other scriptural scholars claim that Xt'Tap militants have misinterpreted Scripture to hijack a "religion of peace"; most Kennyites and Xt'Taps, however, think these hippies are full of it.

The origins of Cuautemocism can be traced back to the 16th century, when Spanish missionaries arrived on Xt'Tap lands and introduced Christianity to the natives. (This was well before the arrival of the Kennyites in the late 18th century.) The story of Jesus Christ resonated with the natives, as it bore a striking resemblance to one of their old legends, which told of a god, Xuxtis, who came to Earth in human form to reconcile mankind with the gods, but was later betrayed and hung. The Christian faith grew very popular among the natives, though the missionaries were later killed by angry mobs when they were found in bed with the Xt'Taps' young daughters. In the centuries leading up to the Kennyites' arrival, the Catholic and tribal faiths eventually morphed into one church, and new scriptures, based on old Xt'Tap myths, were tacked on to the missionaries' Bible. One of these new texts foretold a band of satanic thieves who would conquer the "true believers" and torment them for centuries before the believers finally rise up in revolt and "cleanse them all with holy fire." After the Kennyites came and overthrew the Xt'Tap Emperor Cuauhtémoc in 1785, priests in the Temple of Cuauhtémoc began telling their followers that the Kennyites were these prophetic sons of Satan, and the Cuauhtemocist Church was born.

The leader of the Cuauhtemocist Church is an antipope going by the name Constantino I. Unlike many of his followers, Constantino is a pragmatic and savvy politician who gets on well with Kennyite political and religious leaders. He remains quite popular and revered among the Xt'Tapolopaquetl, however, so campaigns to denounce him as an infidel are rarely taken seriously and usually backfire.