XV VS-Panzerkorps

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XV VS-Panzerkorps
Active 1916 – Present
Country Rotgeheim
Allegiance Kaiser Ferdinand Diederich Geske

Vertidigungsstaffel Fahne.png Verteidigungsstaffel

Type Armor
Size Corps
Manpower 80,617
Engagements Invasion of Scheinfeld
Current Commander Friedrich-Wilhelm Häussler

The XV VS-Panzerkorps is a corps-sized armor formation in the Rotgeheiman Verteidigungsstaffel. It is composed of around 80,000 troops. The XVII VS-Panzerkorps is commanded by Generalleutnant (Major General) Friedrich-Wilhelm Häussler. It was formed as part of the troop surge in the wake of the Invasion of Scheinfeld.