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United Colonies of Aldia
सङ्घटित सहनिवास अलात
Motto"Unity in Diversity."
AnthemA Brand New Day
Region Facebook Nations
CapitalNew Batavia
Largest Jindabyne
Official languages Aldian Standard (English)
Recognised regional languages Lesser Aldian, Osean Standard, Katasian, Greetonese, Simplified Sanmite
Traditional Languages Traditional Sanmite, Gothic Aldian, High Osean, Old Gretonese
Ethnic groups (2016) Human 65%, Non-Human 35%
Demonym Aldian
Government Interstellar Unitary Presidential Democratic Socialist Republic
 -  President Irene Soekarnoputri
 -  Vice President Edia Estara
 -  Political & Morale Commander Nogadh Lehakh
Legislature Colonial Parliament
 -  Upper house Colonial Senate
 -  Lower house Colonial Assembly
 -  Charter of the Aldian Cooperative April 10th, 1445 
 -  Declaration of the United Colonies June 1st, 1619 
 -  September 2016 estimate 1.014 billion
Currency Colonial Credit (cR)
Date format DD/MM/YYYY
Drives on the left
Internet TLD .ali

Aldia, officially the United Colonies of Aldia, is an Interstellar Democratic Socialist Republic comprised of the home planet Aldia and twenty additional colonies in four star systems. The Aldian system is located approximately 12,000 Light Years away from Sol. Its territories are found within the confines of the Carina constellation. The humans of Aldia were the descendants of prehistoric humans of Earth, this was supported by the lack of fossil records of modern and ancients humans in Aldia. It has always been speculated that the ancestors of Aldians were taken by an unknown alien species from Earth and resettled on Aldia around 130,000 years ago for unknown reasons. Regardless, these early prehistorical 'Aldians' followed a similar but fast-tracked evolutionary path as their Earthling cousins did. An example was that by the 15th century, Aldians had a technological level equal to that of Earth in the 21st century.

The United Colonies were formed in the aftermath of a decade long interplanetary war in the late 16th century century between the nations of Aldia and various rebel factions that demanded their independence from Aldia. At the time Aldia had one colony world and the war took place on both Aldia and its first colony. The war ended after the rebels were defeated in the Second Battle of the Maginot Line where rebel leaders signed a peace treaty with Aldia. The interplanetary war united the nations of Aldia and reaffirmed Aldia's continued rule over its colonies; past, present and future. The United Colonies is governed by a Triumvirate: the President and Vice President who is the director of domestic and foreign policy. The third member of the Triumvirate is the Political & Morale Commander who also serves as the head of the armed forces.

The unified military arm of Aldia is the Colonial Self-Defense Forces (CSDF) and is maintained by a significant military budget. The CSDF is administered by the Colonial Military Administration (CMA) while the Political & Morale Commander serves as the commander-in-chief of the CSDF. The CSDF is technologically sophisticated and maintains a high number of active personnel, a compulsory 80-day military training regime is in force for all citizens at the age of 18. Due to its distance from Sol and any other nearby governments, Aldia has maintained a policy of isolationism and non-intervention in international affairs although it does have cordial and friendly relations with nations of the Facebook Nations region. Due to its remote location, many refugees across the galaxy has attempted to reach the United Colonies to seek asylum.

Humans comprise a great majority of the Aldian population (amounting up to 65% of the total population) with a fair number of non-humans (35% of the population). As a consequence, humans are also the most politically dominant species in the country. The human population itself is comprised of thousands of other ethnic groups which led to the establishment of the United Colonies's motto "Unity in Diversity". This reflects the nation's ethnic and species diversity.


Pre-industrial Aldia

Approximately 130,000 years ago prehistoric humans from Earth were brought to Aldia by unknown extra-terrestrials. For reasons unknown these aliens simply left the humans on Aldia to survive on their own, without any clear objective. Thus they followed the normal evolutionary pathway as the humans of Earth did. At first the humans were only found on the continent of Alda, but they gradually expanded throughout the entire planet. By 120,000BC, humans have colonized the entire planet. Tribal hunter-gatherer societies formed in the early years of settlement until the Neolithic Revolution which allowed humans to use plants to systematically produce edible food-energy. This eventually allowed the development of the complex first city-state societies that frequently warred with each other.

With the capability to produce a stable and reliable amount of food the human population exploded and began to expand beyond its first settlements which allowed them to colonize the entire planet. As these explorer tribes settled new land and continents they established new civilizations as well. A major difference between the humans of Earth and Aldia was that while Earth-humans plunged into the Dark Age, a period of time when technology regressed, the humans of Aldia did not experience a Dark Age. This allowed technological advancements to continue and overtake that of Earthlings. By the 13th century, Aldians experienced the Industrial Revolution. In the 14th century, Aldia entered the atomic age, 15th century; the space age and finally in the 16th century; Aldia became a space-faring civilization.

War of the Three Powers

Polystralian and Coalition forces engaged in combat.
Sanmite forces invading the capital of the Coalition.

The War of the Three Powers was a period of total war between three factions of Aldia that took place from November 1437 until September 1444. The War of the Three Powers was the first global conflict that engulfed the planet and resulted in the deaths of 100 million Aldians. The war also marked the first time nuclear weapons were used on a limited scale, with at least five cities being destroyed by a nuclear weapon. The war was a conflict between three warring factions; the democratic Polystralian Commonwealth, the fascist Coalition of Ordered Governments and the communist People's Republic of Sanmite. Each faction fought for ideological reasons, however the real motive behind the conflict was to gain access to new resources.

The Polystralian Commonwealth and its client states controlled the largest reserves of both renewable and non-renewable resources such as geothermal, coal, oil, gas, timber and many others. Citizens of the Commonwealth also enjoyed higher standards of living compared to the other two factions which created resentment among the other Aldians. This was utilized by the Coalition and Sanmite to garner support to invade Polystralia. The Coalition and the Sanmite formed an alliance and invaded Polystralia and its client states. Within the first four months the Coalition and Sanmite were able to subjugate the client states of Polystralia and began preparations to invade the Polystralian mainland. The war brought forth a new type of warfare; Urban Warfare with armies clashing within cities resulting in fierce close quarter combat.

The War of the Three Powers was also the first true mechanized warfare with all factions maximizing the use of armored vehicles, tanks and armored personnel carriers. The Coalition had developed a profound and flexible combat doctrine for its armored divisions that allowed the Coalition to gain an upperhand in tank warfare. The Coalition relied upon a combination of both tanks, mechanized infantry, mobile artillery and air support in their tactics and strategies. While the Coalition specialized in armored warfare, Polystralia relied upon a system of combined static point-defense bunkers and mobile ground units that were able to fend off even the combined arms warfare of the Coalition. Sanmite at the time had the most technologically advanced air force with three fleets of "Aerial Cruisers" that were able to deploy fighters or UCAVs of their own. To counter Sanmite, Polystralia deployed the Skynet air defense system, a system of SAM, AA, Flak and anti-air Chemical Laser systems assisted with satellite tracking to fend off Sanmite's aerial fleets. The deployment of Polystralia's defense systems led to a stalemate that lasted from February 1438 until January 1441.

As the stalemate went on, a war of attrition began as the war sapped the economies and morale of the citizens of all factions involved. Citizens of the Coalition who already saw communists as the premier enemy of their nation began to question their leaders as to why they allied themselves with Sanmite. On October 1440 the Coalition invaded Sanmite, quickly routing the few Sanmite forces that were left to guard their homeland as the bulk of their armed forces had been sent to fight Polystralia and maintain the occupied territories. Historians saw this as a turning point in the war where the Coalition doomed themselves. Initially the Coalition were able to quickly conquer nearly a third of Sanmite's territories within two months. However when Sanmite sent their aerial warships to retake their land, the Coalition's conventional forces proved to be no match to Sanmite's aerial fleets. Coalition forces were repelled from Sanmite by December 1440, and on January 1441 Polystralia began their counter attack. Sanmite forces in the Polystralian front cooperated with Polystralian forces to drive out Coalition forces from the occupied territories and began their long brutal push into the Coalition's home territories.

In the time of the stalemate Polystralia had secretly developed Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) equipped with Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicles (MIRVs), a technology that no other nations possessed and could counter. Nuclear weapons had been developed prior to the beginning of the war. By May 1443 the technology was ready to be used for battle and Polystralia made the most of it. Since 1441 Polystralia and Sanmite had began a long and costly invasion of the Coalition, the latter refusing calls by the two formers to surrender. In order to force the Coalition to capitulate, Polystralia launched ICBMs equipped with nuclear MIRVs that targeted five of the largest cities in the Coalition. With the bulk of their armed forces decimated and their inability to develop counter measures against such attacks, the Coalition surrendered unconditionally on September 1444. Following their surrender the Coalition was dissolved and its member states given full independence. The war shaped both Polystralia and Sanmite as Aldia's two superpowers.

The Space Age

Nadia (Nadezhda), the first permanent human settlement on Apollo. Established by the People's Republic of Sanmite.
Growing potatoes became a key step towards permanent colonization of Sram.
The "An Unexpected Journey" ferried TSA astronauts to and from Sram.
Dome cities located in Utopia Planitia on Sram.

Following the end of the War of the Three Powers, the Aldian Cooperative, an international governmental organization was established to foster international cooperation between the nations of Aldia. The Aldian Cooperative is also the precursor of the modern United Colonies of Aldia. With the world at peace, the issue of resource degradation was brought to the attention of the international community. Overpopulation also became a key issue as it was estimated the planet would not be able to sustain the growing human population beyond the year 1900. The former nations of the Coalition of Ordered Governments, as well as Sanmite, recognized that the primary motivation of the previous conflict was resource shortages. With the risks clearly outlined and recognized, the Aldian Cooperative urged the nations of Aldia to begin manned missions to potential habitable planets within the Aldian system. In 1450 Polystralia became the first nation to successfully land a human on Aldia's moon; Apollo. Sanmite followed suit by establishing the first permanent habitat for human habitation on Apollo in 1456. This sparked the first space race between the two superpowers. Sanmite accomplished another milestone by successfully having a colony of 500,000 colonists on Apollo. By 1470 Polystralia followed suit by establishing a mining colonies on Apollo to extract Helium 3.

At this point in time, the nations of Aldia had the technology to send manned missions to its nearest habitable planet in the Aldian system; Sram. Sram is 215 million kilometers away from Aldia and research from probes sent confirmed that its environmental conditions such as its atmosphere composition, gravity (Aldia has 1g, Sram has 0.5g) and length of day is similar to that of Aldia. One year in Aldia is 365 days, the same as Earth's, whereas one year on Sram was 1 year and 380 days. Aldia had a 26-hour day and Sram had a 24 hour day. Aldia had a diameter of 12,453 kilometers and Sram had a diameter of 9,450 kilomters. With the terraforming technology available in the early 16th century, it would take up to century to fully transform an Aldia-sized planet. Sram was a dessert planet, but early probes detected signs that it was rich with rare minerals and metals.

On February 1501 the People's Republic of Sanmite successfully landed three Cosmonauts on Sram initiating a Second Space Race between Sanmite and Polystralia, albeit a short lived one. Sram's Cosmonauts were stayed on Sram for a period of one year and six months. Upon their return to Aldia they experienced little bone and calcium loss. The success of Sanmite's Cosmonauts proved that it is possible to send humans through the hazards of interplanetary space and live on Sram. On April 1506, Polystralia began a series of missions to test the suitability of Sram for colonization. These were known as the Lazarus Missions, a total of twelve Lazarus Missions were launched between 1506 and 1511. Each Lazarus Mission involved the establishment of a temporary colony in various locations that had been proposed for permanent colonization. Polystralia's Astronauts grew a variety of crops such as potatoes, wheat and rice throughout their stay on Sram. The crops were grown using soil samples from Sram and fertilized under lab conditions. These first crops proved that the soil on Sram had the capability to support plant life, albeit if grown under ideal conditions.

In 1513, embracing a spirit of cooperation and peace Polystralia and Sanmite, along with various other Aldian nations formed the Transcontinental Space Agency (TSA), officially ending the Second Space Race. This organization contributed immensely to the quality of space engineering, exploration and colonization. The TSA also created the first spaceship capable of interplanetary travel, it was christened as the TSA An Unexpected Journey. By 1517 the TSA began pre-supply missions to Sram and by 1525 the first permanent colonists landed and established the first permanent habitat on Sram, effectively colonizing Sram. These early permanent habitats were a mix of prefabricated buildings and underground dwellings that were dug out. With the abundance of minerals and metals, the colony quickly became the new industrial and economic hub of the nations of Aldia.

Within the next fifty years, additional permanent habitats and mine sites were established which led to the rapid colonization of Sram. By 1570 Sram had been colonized by six hundred thousand Aldians, a new generation of permanent habitats; the dome cities, large communities encased within a glassd domes that isolated its residents from the harsh environment of Sram. Residents of the dome cities were able to roam freely within the confines of their individual cities. Travel outside their cities are possible with the use of pressure suits provided by the sponsor nations of each habitat. While the TSA pioneered the colonization of Sram and the development of the dome cities, individual members of the TSA and non-TSA members have also "sponsored" the colonization of Sram. Approximately a third of all permanent habitats of Sram from 1525 until 1580 were constructed by the TSA. The remainder were sponsored by individual governments or organizations.

In 1573 the TSA constructed the first atmospheric processors to eventually terraform Sram's atmosphere to be breathable for humans, allowing newer colonies to be built without being isolated from the outside environment. Sram's terraforming process would be completed in 1649. Despite the success of Sram's colonization, the TSA realized that the colonization of even the nearest planets Aldia by using sub-light engines was inefficient and extremely time consuming. If the nations of Aldia were to expand beyond the Aldian System, they would have to develop a faster and more efficient method of travel. Within the next sixty years the TSA, under the mandate and support of the nations of the Aldian Cooperative, colonized the moons of Aldia's outer-planets. These colonies were smaller in size than Sram due to the distance it took to reach the moons and asteroids. These early colonies provided reasonable living conditions and where ever these colonies were formed, new jobs would be found, further encouraging more people to immigrate to the colonies.

The Interplanetary War

The establishment of the Aldian Cooperative and the success of the Transcontinental Space Administration saw a radical shift in the balance of political power from divided National Governments, to the global Aldian Cooperative. This change of the world's balance of power was the result of the need of a unified effort of colonization. No one or two nations can bear the economic, political and social costs of colonization alone. Across the world, National Governments suddenly lost their individual regional authority, with their militaries gradually incorporated under a multinational military task force under the authority of the Cooperative. Some national governments refused to surrender their sovereignty to the Cooperative on the basis that nations should be free to choose whether they wish to support the costly colonization missions as not all nations benefited from colonization.

The colonial sponsorship initiative, a program promoted by the TSA to encourage national governments and non-governmental organizations to establish colonies on Sram and the Noel Asteroids, had been under heavy criticism from colonists and citizens of Aldia alike. The Initiative had brought forward an age of corporate colonialism as these corporations soon discovered that they were able to escape from many of the Cooperative's regulations, taxation and laws that strangled profits. These Corporate Colonies also became a haven of many illegal financial activities and transactions such as money laundering, tax evasion and corporate espionage. To reduce corporate influence in the colonies, the Cooperative and the TSA prepared to enact new laws and regulations that would extend their authority to beyond Aldia. These corporations refused to abide to the Cooperative's measures and began preparations for independence from Aldia, to finally be free from the Cooperative's authority. The Cooperative suddenly found themselves to be pitted against two fronts: national governments who resisted integration, and corporations that threatened to take control over its colonies.

Many of these financial, and trade entities were megacorporations who had not only financial power, but also military power. Many megacorporations maintained their own private military companies (PMCs) to police their colonial assets. Cooperative law stipulates that while megacorporations may maintain private military companies, they are restricted from the development, deployment, use and trade of nuclear weapons. Even with restrictions, the capability of these PMCs rivaled, and in some cases, outclassed those of some national governments. These megacorporations plotted with disgruntled governments to dismantle the cooperative, and for the independence of the colonies. They did so by spreading subversive messages and propaganda to its colonists and workers, that the Aldian Cooperative intended to use the new economic, financial and tax regulations to nationalize the companies and shut down colonies sponsored by corporations. Populations were galvanized into action against the Cooperative and the TSA, setting the ground work for a new war.

On March 1578 the permanent habitat of Freeport on Sram seemingly overthrew the corporate administrator of the colony and reorganized as the Hassen Federation. The regime was supported and supplied by Apex Industries, a large conglomerate with a substantial arms manufacturing subsidiary and quickly gained control of two thirds of all colonies on Sram. Three days later the Union of Dama Republics, secretly sponsored and supported by Treyland Group was proclaimed and took over five of Aldia's asteroid colonies that orbited the gas giant Noel. The rebel factions demanded not only their independence from Aldia, but to also remove the Cooperative from power and seizing control of Aldia itself. Both Hassen and Dama possessed considerable military equipment ranging from sophisticated small arms, to large capital warships that rivaled those utilized by the Aldian Cooperative. Both Apex Industries and the Treyland Group stated that their colonies have rebelled against them and requested for assistance from the Cooperative to suppress the rebellion. The Cooperative responded by sending Multinational Task Forces (MTFs) to suppress the uprisings. The MTFs were military expeditionary forces comprised of the combined armies of Cooperative member states. The war was long and brutal which resulted in the deaths of more than 340 million people. Fighting against Dama in the asteroids were particularly fierce as both factions were forced to engage in close quarter combat for more than a year.

While initially caught off guard by the uprisings, the Cooperative was able to quickly reorganize themselves and began to slowly retake their occupied colonies. Battles on Sram saw the first deployments of the MTF Marine Corps, a predecessor of the modern Colonial Marine Corps. Colossal ship-to-ship battles were fought in orbit of the gas giant Noel. Ships of the Dama Republics replied primarily upon rockets and missiles, however the Cooperative had developed Magnetic Accelerator Cannons, essentially ship-sized linear guns outfitted on their ships. This advantage allowed Cooperative ships to easily overwhelm opposition forces in space, however both sides were forced to engage in close quarters combat in the asteroid colonies in order to liberate them. The war went on at a steady pace with the Cooperative being able to slowly reclaim the rebel colonies. By 1590 it was projected that under current conditions the war would be over within a year or two. The war had forced the Cooperative to send the bulk of its armed forces to the colonies.

On September 1592 a third faction, the Confederacy of the Reich, a coalition of various countries and corporations on Aldia who opposed the concept of a global government on Aldia, launched a surprise attack against the Cooperative, opening a new front. Led by Apex Industries and the Treyland Group, the Confederacy had enough military assets on Aldia and beyond to challenge the Cooperative's remaining armed forces, the majority of which had been sent to fight in Sram and the asteroids of Noel. This new home front brought devastating consequences to Aldia's environment. Large areas of land were rendered uninhabitable as the Confederacy initiated a scorched Earth policy, attempting to drive the Cooperative to the northern lands of the planet. Intelligence obtained by the Cooperative revealed that the Confederacy orchestrated the entire conflict, and that they organized for the Hassen Federation and the Union of Dama Republics to seize power in order to lure the MTFs away from Aldia, leaving it vulnerable to attack from within. A large number of the MTF garrisons that remained on Aldia were wiped out or surrendered to the Confederacy within the first two weeks of the new attack.

The Confederacy had hoped to quickly subdue the Cooperative on Aldia in order to force the Cooperative to surrender and stand down its armed forces who had sent a sizable number of reinforcements to Aldia. The Cooperative however had developed and deployed in secret an array of orbital kinetic weapons tjat were stationed in geosynchronous orbit around Aldia. These weapon platforms were developed by Polystralia and Sanmite as weapons of last resort in the event of a global uprising against the Cooperative. With most of their forces tied down on Sram and Noel, the Cooperative deployed their entire arsenal of orbital weapons against the Confederacy. On December 1592 large scale kinetic strikes were launched against Confederacy strongholds, bases and cities. The first salvo incapacitated the Confederate military leadership and brought their advances to a halt. The second salvo destroyed key infrastructure facilities such as electricity, water mains, dams and roads across Confederate territories which had dire consequences for the civilian population of the Confederacy. This event became known as the Skyfall Event, more than 10 million people died during the kinetic strikes, followed with an additional 60 million deaths over the next six months caused by the outbreak of diseases, rioting and looting in the aftermath of Skyfall. With the Confederate advances on Aldia halted within three months, the Cooperative were able to continue to repel the rebellion in the colonies.

By 1594 the Confederacy's armed forces had been largely destroyed and only a few remaining holdouts remain in the Confederacies cities. The large number of civilian casualties and their inability to launch any counter-measures against the Cooperative's orbital weapons forced the Confederacy to surrender on July 1594. A year later, on May 1595 the military and civilian leadership of the Dama Republics were overthrown. The colonists of the asteroids having grown tired from the authoritarian regime and daily food shortages caused by the blockade of trade routes by Cooperative warships. The Hassen Federation was not defeated until March 1596 during which its leader detonated a nuclear bomb in a dome city to prevent it from being liberated by the Cooperative. The act killed 6,000 MTF soldiers, and more than 400,000 colonists. With the civilian population already under intense pressure from a war of attrition, conscription, resource shortages and disease and famine, the leaders of Hassen were ousted and the interim government approached the Cooperative to surrender unconditionally. On April 1596 the Treaty of Noel, was signed between the Aldian Cooperative, the remnants of the Confederacy of the Reich, the Hassen Federation and the Union of Dama Republics, officially ending the war.

Reconstruction Era

In the aftermath of the Interplanetary War, hundreds and millions of people were displaced on both Aldia and throughout the colonies. The industrial capacity of the nations of the Aldian Cooperative and the rebels were decimated as key industrial cities were destroyed or looted. The status of the territories that rebelled and its residents were also key issues that needed to be addressed. The Cooperative responded by garrisoning a large number of military personnel in former rebel territories and placing them under martial law throughout the entire Reconstruction Era which lasted from 1596 until 1601. Former nations and colonies that rebelled against the Aldian Cooperative became known as Quarantine Zones, with political freedom and freedom of movement of its residents being severely limited. Martial Law enabled the nations of the Cooperative to expedite reconstruction efforts with basic infrastructure such as utilities (water, gas and electricity), the road and rail network and communication facilities to be restored by September 1596, only five months after the official end of the war.

Thousands of space habitats were constructed either around Aldia's and Sram's orbits, or in deep space. Refugees who fled to escape the war were resettled in these space habitats. These space habitats eventually became specialists in growing space-based crops which allowed the habitats to become exporters and quickly develop. By 1607, approximately twenty one million refugees had been resettled in space habitats around the Aldian System. The war also brought about the downfall of the private sector with the Cooperative nationalizing most of Corporations that supported the rebellion. It was not until the early 20th century when the government began to privatize industries, and even then they were under the watchful eye of numerous government regulatory agencies and departments.

Declaration of the United Colonies

By the end of the Interplanetary War the Aldian Cooperative was left as the sole de-facto superpower and governing body of Aldia and her colonies. In spite of this though, the Cooperative was never meant to be a global governing body. Its original purpose was to foster international cooperation amongst the nations of Aldia and its colonies and to act as a mediator in times of conflict. By 1610 reconstruction had largely been concluded and the nations of Aldia and her colonies entered a new era of peace and prosperity. The two superpowers of Aldia; the Polystralian Commonwealth and the People's Republic of Sanmite, with the support of nearly half of all the nations and colonies of Aldia proposed to the remaining members of the Cooperative that a permanent world government be established to replace the Aldian Cooperative. After several years of debate and negotiation, on June 1st 1619, the nations of Aldia signed and ratified the Charter of the United Colonies of Aldia, a document which laid out the constitution of the newly declared United Colonies and officially establishing it as the world government of Aldia and her colonies.

Interstellar Age

A latest generation Starbase, Port Stanley. It serves as both a shipyard, outpost and space habitat for 8 million civilians These technological marvels highlight this period of economic & scientific progress.
By 1830 Sram had been fully terraformed, allowing cities to break expand from the confines of their domes.

The formation of the United Colonies ushered a period of peace, economic & technological progress previously unseen in the history of Aldia. The most important invention; the Slipspace drive, was created in 1644 by scientists from the well-established Transcontinental Space Administration. The Slipspace drive allows ships to travel Faster-Than-Light (FTL). This was the dream that the TSA had since its formation, now they had the means to quickly travel through space and establish colonies beyond the Aldian system. Colonization of outer space with a propulsion system that traveled slower than light (sub-light engines) was impractical. New colony ships were assembled and outfitted with Slipspace drives whereas older models were retrofitted with Slipspace drives.

These older ships would become scouts of colonization efforts as they would travel with a small crew on board to asses the habitability of a potential planet to be colonized. By the 17th century, atmospheric processors had greatly improved but it still cannot terraform inhospitable planets. Planets whose characteristics are or near habitable were the planets chosen for terraforming and colonization, a total of twenty five years is required to terraform an Aldia-sized planet. These processors would push a planets atmosphere composition to a state where humans are able to breathe the atmosphere without the use of a pressure suit. As the terraforming process was underway, the colony ships were constructed and by the time the terraforming process was near completion the colony ships would have been ready to disembark and begin their journey. By the time the planet had been completely terraformed the colony ships would arrive and begin the process of colonization.

With the creation of the slipspace drive and improved atmospheric processors, Aldia was able to rapidly expand its territories; quickly colonizing three star systems. A variety of colony types also rose such as fertile agriculture worlds and mineral-rich industrial worlds. Colonies who had exhausted their natural resources but was able to evolve from an industrial to a post-industrial economy became the new economic hub of Aldia. Prosperity, Sram and Tribute, three of the United Colonies oldest and most successful colonies became the economic, industrial and cultural hubs respectively whereas Aldia continued to remain as the United Colonies's political center. By 1890 the United Colonies has established nine extra-solar colonies on three different star systems. At the time, the United Colonies had a total collective population of 244 million humans.

Government & Politics

All citizens of Aldia and her colonies are born free & equal in dignity and rights. - Article 1 of the Declaration of the United Colonies of Aldia

Aldia is a political union with a presidential system. As a unitary state power is concentrated in the central government who has the final word in every domestic issues. There are four distinct levels of government. At the highest is the executive body that is led by the Triumvirate: the President, the Vice President and the Political and Morale Commander. To assist the executive body a council of ministers advises the Triumvirate. The second level is the legislative body and is made of the Colonial Parliament, a bicameral legislature. On the third level sits the Colonial government who is responsible for administering and governing all colonies of the United Colonies. The fourth and final level of government is the Judiciary who is responsible for maintaining and enforcing law & order. The President & Vice-President are elected directly by the people with a single-non transferable vote system while members of the Colonial Parliament uses a system of proportional representation. The President, Vice-President & Legislature are allowed to serve a maximum of two-consecutive ten year terms. Voting is compulsory in Aldia and those who fail to attend the polls are fined a substantial amount of money.


Victor Geller, current Political & Morale Commander of the United Colonies

The Executive body is led by the Triumvirate comprised of the President, Vice President and the Political & Morale Commander. The president of Aldia is the head of state, head of government and the director of domestic governance, policy-making, and foreign affairs. The President may then delegate any type of task to the Vice President. The president also chooses a council of ministers who is required to not be affiliated with any political parties. The final position of the Triumvirate is the Political & Morale Commander who is an elected officer from CSDF High Command. The Political & Morale Commander serves as the commander-in-chief of the CSDF and advises the President, Vice President and Council of Ministers on matters related to the military. Unlike the President and Vice President who are directly elected by citizens, the Political & Morale Commander is elected by CSDF High Command. The purpose of the Triumvirate is to ensure a balance of power between the nation's most powerful ruling body and so that no one person has absolute power in government. However during times of war or national emergencies, the Political & Morale Commander has the right to supersede its civilian counter parts. The Political & Morale Commander also shows the extent of the military's increasing influence over the civilian government. The population has become increasingly militarized since the 1900s due to a series of limited conflicts between the United Colonies and aliens throughout its territories. A conflict that has continued to date.


The Colonial Parliament houses the central legislature of Aldia, all legislative decision making on the national level takes place in the Colonial Parliament. The Colonial Assembly is the lower house and proposes legislation to the upper house to be approved and ratified and monitors the executive body of the nation. A total of 520 seats can be obtained in Parliament, each colony has been assigned a total of 18 seats whereas Aldia is assigned 130 seats. The remaining 30 seats are allocated to the Colonial Administration Authority. The upper house is comprised of 97 seats. Each colony may appoint 4 members whereas Aldia may appoint 10 senators. The CAA has 7 representatives appointed as Senator. The Senate is vested with significant powers as it has the capacity to either pass or block legislation put forward by the President and the Colonial Assembly. The power of impeachment also rests with the Colonial Senate. In both the Colonial Senate & Assembly, both government and opposition must secure half of the votes available in their respective houses in order to pass a legislative bill.

Three major political parties dominate politics in Aldia, followed with five minor parties. The three major parties are: the progressive Aldian Labor Party (ALP), the environmentally conscious Aldian Greens (AG) and the conservative Coalition. The Coalition is an association of three parties; the Nationals, Liberals and Republicans. There are five minor parties, the largest of which has attained a total of five seats in the Colonial Assembly, and two in the Colonial Senate. These five parties are; the nationalist & militaristic Greater Aldia party, the left-wing Socialist Party of Aldia, the ultra-conservative & anti-immigration Family First party, the isolationist Lone Nation party and the Green Brigade, a radical environmentalist party.


The Colonial Administration Authority is a government body responsible for pioneering and maintaining the nation's colonization programs. The Colonial Administration Authority also advises the Colonial Parliament and Executive body in the governance and administration of the colonies and its Extra-Solar Territories. Each colony enjoys some degree of autonomy where the colonies are able to regulate most of their internal affairs. A colony is headed by a Premier who is the de facto head of the executive body of a colony and perform the same function as the President does on a colonial level. A planetary Colonial Parliament forms the legislative body of a colony. To distinguish between the central Colonial Parliament and an individual colony's parliament is that the name of the colony is mentioned as an additional title (Eg; the Colonial Parliament of Prosperity), whereas the central parliament is simply referred to as the Colonial Parliament.


Most civil disputes are heard in local Colonial Courts and appeals are heard before a High Colonial Court. The High Court of the United Colonies is the country's highest court, and hears final cessation appeals and conducts case reviews. The Colonial Constitutional Court hears matters in regards to the legality of laws, general elections and the scope of the authority of state institutions. Since the invention of cryo-technology Aldia has ceased the practice of capital punishment and replaced it with an indefinite sentence in a cryo-prison. Those condemned are confined forever in cryostasis until they have served their sentence (or forever if they are sentenced for eternity, a time period made possible with cryo-tech).

Administrative Divisions

The United Colonies territories encompasses four star systems, twenty established colonies, thousands of space habitats and five mining colonies and the home planet of Aldia herself. Each colony has its own bicameral parliament and maintains residual legislative functions including those over schools, local colonial courts, public roads and transport, utilities and local government. Space habitats are independent city-states that are governed directly by the Colonial Administration Authority. They are represented in the Colonial Parliament by the CAA. Extra-Solar territories are territories that are not considered as colonies but fall under the jurisdiction of the United Colonies and by extension, the Colonial Administration Authority. Extra-Solar territories are generally military outposts on asteroids or remote mining colonies. They do not have any degree of self governance and are directly administered by the United Colonies. Extra-Solar Territories with military outposts are governed by the highest-ranking military personnel stationed, in most cases a Brigadier General. Those that are not military outposts are governed by an appointed Administrator from the Colonial Administration Authority. Below is a list of known Colonies, Extra-Solar Territories and Space Habitats. The latter mostly forming loose confederacies and associations among themselves for better governance.

Official Title Category Date of Foundation Location
Aldian Capital Territory Homeworld June 1st, 1619 Aldian System
Commonwealth of Sram Colony April 7th, 1525 Aldian System
Aldian Noel Territories Extra-Solar Territory January 23rd, 1542 Aldian System
CSDF Noel Military Facility Extra-Solar Territory December 2nd, 1570 Aldian System
Grenich Confederacy Space-Habitat May 11th, 1614 Aldian System
Natuna Confederacy Space-Habitat July 5th, 1616 Aldian System
United City States of Laguna Space-Habitat July 5th, 1616 Aldian System
Commonwealth of Prosperity Colony July 14th, 1648 Nova Aldia System
Commonwealth of Tribute Colony October 17th, 1655 Nova Aldia System
Colony of Bloom Colony February 14th, 1682 Nova Aldia System
CSDF Cheyenne Military Outpost Extra-Solar Territory February 21st, 1682 Nova Aldia System
Vanir Republic Colony September 15th, 1690 Nova Aldia System
Volantis Confederacy Space-Habitat February 21st, 1692 Nova Aldia System
Volantos Confederacy Space-Habitat June 30th, 1696 Nova Aldia System
Colony of Kaguya Colony November 10th, 1696 Nova Aldia System
Colony of Kyoshi Colony March 22nd, 1697 Nova Aldia System
CSDF Military Area 8492 Extra-Solar Territory January 22nd, 1698 Nova Aldia System

Foreign Relations & Military

Aldia has maintained a policy of political non-intervention and isolationism. The United Colonies maintains cordial and friendly relations with other nations in the Facebook Region, with most interaction with the rest of the galaxy through the World Assembly. The United Colonies unofficial motto has been "Aldia will not intervene with the affairs of other nations, and will not be dictated and intimidated by other nations." The Foreign Affairs & Trade Authority (FATA) is the government department responsible for spearheading the country's foreign policies. The Diplomatic Corps is the FATA's collective body of accredited diplomats and heads of mission.

Colonial Self Defense Forces

Ships of the Colonial Navy

The Colonial Self Defense Forces (CSDF) is Aldia's unified military body and consists of the Colonial Navy, Colonial Army, Colonial Air Force, Colonial Marine Corps and the Colonial Coastal Defense Force. It is administered by the Colonial Military Administration (CMA). and supported by a substantial domestic arms manufacturing industry. The Political & Morale Commander of the United Colonies is the commander-in-chief of the CSDF. The commander is an elected member from CSDF HIGHCOM and also serves as a liaison between the civilian government and the military.

A compulsory 80-day military training regime is in force for all citizens, both male and female, who have reached the age of 18 and conscription is provided by law. The CSDF however has been able to maintain above than average personnel without resorting to conscription. The CSDF is capable of rapid deployment in space, sea, air and land thanks to a series of strategic logistical emplacements, allowing Joint Strike Forces and Marine Expeditionary Forces to operate independently without external support for a period of 60 days.

The Colonial Guard is a an organized militia force and is considered as part of the reserve components of the CSDF. Members of the Colonial Guard serve part time in the Colonial Guard and hold full-time civilian jobs as well. In peace time each Colonial Guard unit is placed under the direct authority of a colony's highest executive body, and may be used during times of national emergencies. In war time the Colonial Guard forms the first line of defense of a colony and the United Colonies. It is comprised of two branches: the Army Colonial Guard and the Naval Colonial Guard.


Law Enforcement & Internal Security

JADE Officers & a Drone patrol the streets of an outer colony city.
The Eye, one of the many C&C centers of the Bureau of Anticipatory Security.

The Judiciary Authority, Detainment & Enforcement (JADE) is the primary law enforcement organization of the United Colonies. The role of the JADE is to enforce Aldian criminal law, investigate common criminal cases, manages the prison system and to protect central government and Aldian interests from crime in Aldia and overseas. The JADE falls under the umbrella of the Colonial Affairs & Trade Authority (CATA) and is one of the most powerful state institution. The CATA itself is the Aldian equivalent of a Ministry of Internal Affairs. While the Foreign Affairs & Trade Authority (FATA) spearheads foreign policy, the CATA is responsible for domestic policy. The JADE has a surveillance network stationed in almost every public space such as but is not limited too: security cameras, drones of various types and listening posts. The JADE provides community policing in the Aldian Capital Territory, and the inner and outer colonies. A large decentralized network of colonial police units augments the strength of the JADE.

Bureau of Anticipatory Security

The Bureau of Anticipatory Security (BAS) is the domestic intelligence and security service of the United Colonies and operates under the auspices of both the Department of Justice, Equality & Public Order and the Office of the Attorney-General. The Bureau of Anticipatory Security also serves as a secondary law enforcement agency of the United Colonies. While JADE is responsible for responding to day-to-day crimes, the Bureau responds to high-level crimes such as human and non-human trafficking, the illegal drug trade, cyber crimes, fight public corruption, kidnapping, significant violent crime and to protect the civil rights of all citizens of the United Colonies. To do so the BAS makes use of the JADE's surveillance network as well its own extensive suite of surveillance capabilities namely real-time satellite tracking and tactical assets. The difference between the surveillance network utilized by the JADE and the BAS is that the JADE is authorized to only utilize terrestrial infrastructure whereas the BAS may operate non-terrestrial installations and infrastructure.

In contemporary times the BAS has been focused primarily on the area of colonial insurgency and the threat of incursions from Alien species who have yet to break through pre-industrial age societies. While public support for secession movements is at an all time low, secessionist advocacy groups have continued to lobby local colonial governments to break away from the United Colonies. Some mega-corporations with strong ties with the outer-colonies such as Syntax Corp, Agri Group and Helsman Industries are under close surveillance by the Bureau as they are suspected to have provided funding for secessionist groups. The primary motivation for the megacorporations to support the independence of the outer colonies to be free from the economic & financial regulations of the United Colonies.