Region/The Pleiades

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The Pleiades
Founder Nerdocrombesia
WA Delegate No Delegate
Members 13
 -  of which WA 0
Regional population
 -  2014 estimate 122 billion
Regional HDI 0.650
Region page
The Pleiades
The Pleiades

Now then, eager young space cadet, here is the course we shall pursue to find The Pleiades:

Starting from where we are, we go 33,600 turbo miles due up. Then west in an astro-arc deviation to here, then following the great circle seven radiolubes south by down-east. By astro-astrobal to here, here, and here, then by space navigo-compass to here, here, and then to here, and here. By thirteen-point strato-cumulus bearing four million light-years, and thus to our destination.

...Now do you know how to reach the Pleiades?

Duck Dodgers Pleiades.jpg

Statistical trends

The Pleiades is a medium-sized region, with a thriving community of 13 nations.

In The Pleiades, denizens enjoy their civil rights, although not too much, or too freely. Political freedoms are extended only to close friends and relatives of the leaders of the region's governments. The economy of the region is very strong, with a large number of very powerful trading powers. Income taxes are unheard of amongst the denizens of the region. The region is a beacon of capitalism, with the public sector not existing in any meaningful way in constituent economies. Commerce is a priority for governments, accounting for an average of 6% of public expenditure.

In The Pleiades education, when conducted, is done with sticks and mud. The region is a lawless wasteland, nations regularly being the subject of documentaries by brave filmmakers. Governments make no provision for law and order. Nations within the region are forced to use soft fruit and harsh language in the field of battle, with no government funds being set aside for defense. Due to the lack of any Public transport, streets are packed with cars, bikes, and assorted noisy vehicles.

Nobody really knows about the state of administration in The Pleiades. Observers asked for information, but found nobody was available to take calls. Hospital patients are given credit checks upon passing through emergency rooms, as no government provision is made for healthcare in the region. No welfare is provided in the region. Those unlucky enough to fall into unemployment are forgotten and abandoned. Governments in the region are avowedly atheist - no public funds are allocated to spirituality.

Social inequality is rife amongst the nations within The Pleiades. The landscapes of the region are no longer recognizable as such, the atmosphere being unbreathable and the only jungles being made of concrete.


A triumvirate known as the Directorate, consisting of Yelda, Nerdocrombesia and Kungpaomao, rules the Pleiades. Nerdorombesia is also an accomplished travel agent, but specializes only in trips to The Rejected Realms. Kungpaomao, which has also spent much time in Antarctic Oasis, was for some years first in the World in Income Inequality. Yelda is a menace that has been terrorizing the World Assembly for many years, under many different guises, most notably Iron Felix -- who incidentally is also the famed nemesis of another notorious WA terrorist. Because of the region's small and informal nature, and owing to Yelda's close ties with several Antarctic nations, The Pleiades and Antarctic Oasis share an unusually interconnected functional and diplomatic relationship.