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Serene Kingdom of Auvernia
Royaume Sereine de Auvernia
Motto"Pertinacia fortis defendit"
Official languages Auvernian
Recognised national languages Langues d'oïl, Vallender, English Langauge, Latin
 -  King Charles X
 -  Chancellor Jean Batiste d'Archambault
Legislature Royal Assembly
 -  Upper house Conseil d'Electeurs
 -  Lower house House of Commons
 -  Acts of Union 1482 October 31 1482 
 -  2014 estimate 50,342,943 (10th)
 -  2010 census 50,945,351
GDP (PPP) 2013 estimate
 -  Total 4.3 billion
HDI 0.881
very high
Currency Livre
Drives on the right
Internet TLD .au

Auvernia, officially known as The Serene Kingdom of Auvernia, or the Pays d'Martenot is a transcontinental sovereign nation, by the virtue of various territorial holdings in Victorium, North Gilead and northern Suran. In Valoria, in is located in the central North Sea. On the mainland Victorite continent, the state holds various fiefdoms in Rendaria, under the suzerainty of the Dawinian Emperor. The country has maritime borders Valkany, Wyndemere, Saros, Itius, and Dawinia in Victorium. In North Gilead, the country borders Gilead and Medai. The nation exercises jurisdiction over 14 provinces (divided into 37 prefectures), and two autonomous regions.