Shell Casing

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Shell casing
NationStates currency
Used in Johnified States of America
Introduced June 2003
ISO code SC
Exchange rate 1$C = $1USD

The Shell Casing was devised by the nation of The Phoenix Milita Originally it consisted of brass shells, engraved with TPM's motto and plated with 24 karat gold, silver or copper.

However as more nations adopted, or were forced to adopt the currency as it became the standard currency for those living in (the now dead) region of "American Alliance", the system of using actual shell casings was found to be more and more cumbersome.

The system was abolished and a new paper currency was created. The new shell casings were printed in the same amounts as the old shells were produced in plus 4 larger notes (100,500 and 1000) making the transition easier. Each dollar value has a different tint to the paper (4 shades of blue, 5 shades of red, 2 shades of green, some others) to avoid counterfeiting and all notes have microprinting, polyester strip as well as special color-shift ink

On a side note the practice of carrying hip-pouches, clips or magazines filled with shell casings went out of style as wallets and purses were re-introduced to society. Smaller caliber rounds are still used today in place of coins, and it has become acceptable to clip off the walls of the case, leaving only the inscribed primer area. Vending machines were modified to accept the new "sawed off" shell casings in 2007.

A collection of gold .50 shells (.30 caliber), which were each worth 50 shell casings.

Currencies of NationStates
Universal Standard Dollar / NationStates Dollar
Active International Currencies: Christian Dollar · Euro
Active National Currencies: Canadorian Veykå · Kelssek thaler · Mhuvalja-Ainguximoqrunian Rhuli · Nicoleizian Pound · Redentran Dollar · Sornian Hermel · Yulisian Endo
For a full list of NationStates currencies, please see Category:Currencies.