Nation/Banana Federation

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The Federal Banana Republic of Banana Federation
MottoDeo, Patriae, et familia
AnthemNever Red
March: The Eternal Federation
Largest Shorehold
Official languages Platacian
Recognised national languages English, Morkeian, Tagapulo
Ethnic groups (2029) Bananish, Scuroian, Ironian, Platacian, Morkeian, Tagapulo.
Demonym Bananian
Government Federal Semi-Presidential Constitutional Republic
 -  President Sengud Fuerza
 -  Prime Minister Davio Arfinnsson
Legislature Parliament
 -  Upper house House of Delegatesa
 -  Lower house Federal Assembly
 -  Independence 12 November, 1839 
 -  Recognised 27 April, 1842 
 -  470,000 km2
181,468 sq mi 
 -  2026 estimate 72,283,381
Currency Banana (BAN)
Time zone PST
Date format dd-mm-yyyy
Drives on the right
Calling code +27
Internet TLD .ban
a. Formally styled as House of the Most Worthy Delegates of the Federation.

The Federal Banana Republic of Banana Federation is a huge, safe nation, renowned for its keen interest in outer space. Its hard-nosed, hard-working population of 72 million are free to succeed or fail in life on their own merits; the successful tend to enjoy an opulent (but moralistic) lifestyle, while the failures can be seen crowding out most jails.

Banana Federation has a moderate sized government that juggles the competing demands of Law & Order, Defence, and Commerce. It meets every day to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Plantána. Citizens pay an average income tax of 27%. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the Information Technology industry, followed by Arms Manufacturing and Uranium Mining.

Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force. Banana Federation's national animal is the Chocolate milk, and its currency is the Banana.

Banana Federation is located in: Moneylania.



The isle of Plantána was first discovered by a Platacian merchant fleet in 1204, but not thoroughly explored until the expeditions of Enrique Pablo between 1645 and 1653, due to the presence of the hostile Tagapulo people. It was eventually colonised by the Empire of Platacia in 1784. The original colonisation fleet consisted of 2,500 settlers, along with 500 soldiers. The colony was supposed to be resupplied three months after the initial settlement was constructed (which was expected to be done within a month), but due to a war against Organeuit, the supply ships were unable to reach the island for almost a year. This meant that the colonists were on their own for a very long time, and were forced to fend for themselves. For several months, they tried to live off the land, but this did not work, so they turned to the neighbouring Merchant Republic of Scuro for assistance.

Platacian explorer Enrique Pablo landing in Plantána in 1645.

By 1795, the colony was thriving, and had grown enough to become classified as an overseas province of Platácia. Upon becoming an overseas province, they could make their own laws (to an extent), have their own military, engage in diplomacy with other nations (this too, was limited) and overall have more freedom.

Under Platácia

In 1817, it was decided that the island would not be enough, and that more land would soon be required to support the growing population (as the northern and central parts were inhabited by extremely hostile -and suprisingly advanced- natives). So Platacia claimed a small portion of land on the coast near Plantana. This presented a problem, as Scuro had already established a small presence there. So a deal was struck. Scuro would remove their trading posts from the area and allow the colony of Plantana, as it had come to be called, to settle those lands, and Platacia would give them a large sum of money to compensate.

During the late 1820s, Platácia began imposing significantly higher tariffs and taxes upon the colony. They also failed to follow through with the promise that the entire colonial government would be democratically elected by the settlers (at this point, only the viceroy was voted for). This led to most of the population being angered by Platácia. It was the beginning of the Bananish independence struggle.


Starting the the early 1830s, The Overseas Province of Plantana began forging close relations with Scuro and Ironcastle. This concerned Platacian officials, as they believed Plantana was trying to get the two nations to help them in a war of independence - which is exactly what happened. Colonists began to rally around the soon to be idealised General Bananá, who led an insurgency against Platacia, until gaining enough support to seize control of the Overseas Province and declare himself President of an independent nation.

On the 12th of November, 1839, The Overseas Province of Plantana changed its name to The Plantañan Federation, and declared independence from Platacia. The small number of Platacian soldiers stationed there were defeated within a few weeks, but Platacia had already sent an invasion fleet consisting of 12 transport ships, 7 third rate ships-of-the-line and three second rate ships-of-the-line.

Although The Federation had Scuro on their side, and Ironcastle providing monetary aid, the Platacian military was far superior. Platacia had made sure not to allow the colony access to modern weaponry, and Platacia also had the numbers advantage both on land and sea. In short, it would be a very difficult war for The Federation.

The morning that the invasion fleet reached the coast of The Federation, there was heavy fog and they were ambushed by privateers under the employ of Scuro. Then, out of the mist, came the entire Scuroian fleet to attack the Platacian ships alongside the privateers. The battle lasted for many hours, before the privateers retreated and the Scuroian morale dwindled. Platacia broke past the blockade, bust lost four third rate ships-of-the-line and two second rate ships-of-the-line, as well as about half the invasion force, due to the sinking of several transports.

The Platacian soldiers that made it to land established a base of operations and marched for the capitol of The Federation (mordern-day Rivage). The poorly trained and equipped militia was no match for them, and they soon made it to the capitol. There was intense urban fighting in the city for over a week, and Platacia had made little progress in capturing it. So instead, they infiltrated several defensive locations and set fire to them. The Federal soldiers were forced to retreat, and were eventually pushed back to a mountainous region that was the last defensible point before the next city (modern-day Sul).

These mountains were where the famous "Ultimo Basamento" took place. The Federation's militia managed to drive back the advancing Platacian army in months of mountain combat, which the Platacians normally excelled at. Over the next few months there were skirmishes between Federal and Platacian units. Platacian reinforcements were cut off, as Organeuit has seized the opportunity presented by this war to attack Platacia and had blockaded several key supply points.

By 1842, it had become clear that Platacia could not afford to continue the war, and on the 27th of April, they conceded defeat and recognised The Federation as a sovereign nation. Soon afterwards, President Bananá disappeared. Many Bananians claimed to have sightings of him for years afterwards, with claims ranging from him ascending to heaven in a golden chariot, to working as a store clerk in a small town. Regardless of President Banana's fate, he had become such an integral symbol to the people of The Federation, that the country was named after him, being renamed to "The Republic of Bananá's Federation". This name would eventually change to "The Federal Banana Republic of Banana Federation".


Banana Federation learnt from its experience with the Platacians that technology would become the key to survival in this harsh world. They devoated large sums of money to supporting technological advancement, particuarly in industry and military. This is commonly seen as the cause of the country's modern-day technological advancement.

It was eventually decided that the natives of the north needed to be brought under Bananish protection. And so envoys were dispatched to what was considered their capitol (modern-day Plantana). This envoy was attacked just outside the stone walls of the city, and forced to retreat back into Bananish lands. On the 8th of June, 1851, the federation used this as an excuse to declare war upon the natives, who called themselves the Kingdom of Tagapulo. The war was brief, with few Bananish casualties compared to the thousands of Tagapulese killed. Their capitol was taken within two months, and they were soon afterwards annexed into the Federation.

The Former Tagapulese capitol was renamed Plantana, after the island. After inspection of the city, it was realised that it was much better suited to being a capitol than any of the current Bananish cities - It had stone building, large castles, proper fortifications, and very habitable land. It was then that one of the darker chapters of Banana Federation's history occurred - The Great Displacement. Mass relocations of the Tagapulo people were forcefully carried out by the government in an attempt to make way for Bananish citizens to settle in the new capitol. The natives were forced into empty land, and told to build new villages, in accordance with the New Building Act 1846. This, in turn meant that Plantana became solely inhabited by what were considered "civilised" people.

Apart from the Bananish invasion of Tagapulo, the Federation was involved in very few conflicts prior to the First World War, although it did maintain good relations with Scuro and Ironcastle, and sought to eliminate feeling of resentment with Platacia. The policies of scientific and industrial advancement remain to this day, although they have been adjusted for the times.

World War One

In 1914, World War One began in Moneylania when Organeuit, who was allied with Proagivania, declared war on Ironcastle. Ironcastle called both Banana Federation and Scuro to their aid, and both nations obliged. In order to co-ordinate strikes against Organeuit, the Banana Federation-Scuro Combined Military (BFSCM) was created. With the combined forces of the Triple Alleanza, as it came to be called, Organeuit was defeated by October of 1916 and forced out of the war with large concessions.

Although the war in the south was over, in the north the flames of war still raged. Banana Federation supported the modern-day Youthsville Pact nations, including Daminy and Sibaria both Monetarily, and with the Third Federative Expeditionary Force. An armistace was signed in 1918, and the war officially ended in 1919 - the same year that Platacia collapsed.

Interwar Period

The period between WWI and WWII saw a very wealthy Banana Federation. Although some money was spent on aiding Sibaria and its allies during the First World War, as well as direct fighting with Organeiut, more money was made than lost due to the sale of weaponry and other military goods. The economy steadily grew until the stock market crash of 1929.

The Federation was less affected by the Great Depression than most other countries of the region, due to the government's forward thinking and the quick abandonment of the Gold Standard, as well as implementing policies that kept money pumping through the economy. It did take several years to recover from the debt that the large amounts of spending caused, and the inflation caused by printing the much needed money, but by 1931, the Federation's GDP was rising again.

The interwar period also saw Banana Federation's culture become more influenced by Ironcastle, due to the collapse of Platacia in 1919.

World War Two

Everyone could see by 1936 that another Great War was looming, however, the government remained reluctant to launch a preemptive strike against Organeiut, even when they breached the maximum number of soldiers set down in the WWI peace deal by ten-fold. Organeiut was led by a Fascist party that took power in 1933, and had vowed to restore the empire to its former glory. Most of the region saw this as impossible due to the heavy concessions taken in WWI. However, this didn't stop them from diplomatically annexing the Republic of Naiseland or invading Potatona for their oil fields.

However, when Organeiut launched an invasion against Lucklond after they refused to cede land peacefully, Banana Federation, along with a multitude of other nations, declared war. The first few months of the war were spent mobilisng troops, for what was to become to deadliest conflict in Moneylanian history.

Bananish soldiers in an amphibious counterattack against Flazorous forces.

Organeiut was not alone, however. They were allied with the nations of Flazorus and Elensef, causing the Allies to be significantly outnumbered. The Axis of Organeiut, Flazorus and Elenseg occupied multiple nations before the Allies could react, and by that time, it seemed too late. The first direct attack on the Allies cam on the 9th of June, 1940, when a combined force of Flazorus and Elenseg armies landed on the shores of Banana Federation, just 50km north of Shorehold, the most populous Bananish city. They were ultimately driven back when their supplies were cut off due to a blockade by BFSCM naval forces, and a joint counter-attack by BFSCM and Ironian forces.

Despite a few early victories, the overall picture looked bleak for the Allies. That was, until, Sibaira and its substates declared war on Flazorus, bringing in the other members of the Axis as well. The war lasted for several years afterwards, but the war officially ended on the 15th of August 1945, with the capture of the Organeiut capitol after the other two Axis members had been forced out of the war.

Although this war was won, it was to be immediately proceeded by another, the Cold War, due to Sibaria's Communist ideology and refusal to release nations they had occupied during the Second World War.

The Cold War

Banana Federation was the worst effected by WWII of all the Southern Allies, due to the attempted invasion of 1940. This did not stop President Rodolfo Sciarra from rebuilding Shorehold and reviving the nation's economy, albeit with Ironian financial aid. By 1948, there was almost no trace that there had ever been a battle in the city, and even the area around it was beginning to recuperate. The same year saw the formation of the Moneylanian Alliance Treaty Organisation, or MATO, in order to combat the threat posed by the Communist nations of the North.

Despite the constant threat of war looming on the horizon, the 1950s were a time of peace and prosperity. They are renowned for being the only decade in which travel was allowed to Daminy prior to the collapse of the Communist regime there. As the memories of the Platacian Empire became ever more distant, a new generation became much more interested with Ironian society. This blending of Platacian and Ironian cultures caused increasing differences between the lifestyles of Bananians and those in the Platacian Peninsula, while causing greater similarities with those of Scuro and Morke.

The Cold War held few conflicts for Banana Federation, however it also saw the beginning of terrorism in Moneylania. One of the most notorious terrorist organisations of the region Banan Kebab made itself known in 1983 with the Percorso Attacks. These attacks saw dozens dead, as well as rendering the nation's most famous landmark, the 2K Bridge, inoperable for several months. In response, the government deployed forces in Lothi alongside other MATO members less than two months later.

Early 21st Century

The dawn of a new millennium held little change for the Federation. Attempts were made to undermine the then socialist nation of Daminy and assist North Daminy in attempting to gain independence in 2004. This is commonly held as the main reason North Daminy lasted as long as it did, despite overwhelming odds.

In 2017, however, tensions reached boiling point in the Platacian Peninsula, as the Empire of Ritalgia invaded the much smaller Republic of Tenebris. Banana Federation had guaranteed the independence of Tenebris, and in under an hour, BFSCM forces were being mobilised to intervene in the conflict. The war lasted for over two years, seeing almost 100,000 dead in total, 438 of which were BFSCM personnel. In 2019, almost exactly 100 years after the Platacian Empire fell, Ritalgia surrendered, and the government that instigated to conflict was found guilty of war crimes, and remain in a Moneyzone prison to this day.

The next six years were quiet, and saw the election of former President Saggio Uomo in 2020. However, in 2025 the peace was to be broken, as Daminy and Sibaria declared war on Banana Federation, beginning the Damanian War. The BFSCM Navy held back Damanian naval forces for several days, before a large Sibarian fleet forced them to fall back to Banana Federation. Damanian troops landed in Camidglo, roughly 60km north of Plantana. After a few weeks, the defenders had been pushed back to the capitol, where fighting continued for three days, before a joint BFSCM-Ironian counterattack routed the Damanian troops. MATO naval units then blockaded Daminy who, after some time, surrendered, with Sibaria following suit several days later. The Damanian dictator, Moodie Kelovik, was arrested, causing his son, Joel Kelovik, to become the new leader of the nation, and leading to the creation of the Damanian Republic.



Banana Federation's politics are dominated by two main parties: the Bananish Conservative Party, who currently holds power, and the Republican Party of Banana Federation, who leads the opposition. The current president is Sengud Fuerza, who is in his first term, and has previously spent two terms as vice-president.





Climate and Terrain


Culture and Technology

Bananish Culture

