Omigodtheykilledkenny–The Palentine relations

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Kennyite-Palentine relations
     The Palentine
Diplomatic Mission
Kennyite Embassy, The 'Burgh
Palentine Embassy, Paradise City
Amb. Susannah Batko-Yovino
Amb. Zara Blackthorne

Omigodtheykilledkenny–The Palentine relations refers to bilateral diplomacy between Omigodtheykilledkenny and The Palentine, two Antarctic countries which share an inordinate number of similarities to one another. Both are founding nations of Antarctic Oasis, both are permanent members of the continent's Regional Defense Authority, both are longtime contributors to both the United Nations and World Assembly, both are members of the United Nations Old Guard and the Unholy Trinity, both are aggressively capitalist/libertarian societies with conservative-leaning leaders, both occur in a slightly futuristic modern-day setting, both revere the mythical American political figure Ronald Reagan, and both have an unfortunate history of meddling in each others' -- and other countries' -- affairs. The Palentine's Empress Jhessan is frequently mentioned in such dossiers, but arguably the Kennyites' ex-VP Antigone Morgan and Ambassador Susannah Batko-Yovino aren't exactly angels either.


The Palentine's Empress Jhessan is rumored to have helped her friend Manuelo Fernanda's re-election campaign in 2010, and former Kennyite Secretary of State Alex Tehrani is reputed to be the father of Jhessan's test-tube twin babies. Jhessan has granted asylum to the fugitive ex-President Fernanda in her Malibu Islands colony, has ignored repeated Kennyite requests to extradite him, and has publicly feuded with both President Sammy Faisano and former Vice President Antigone Morgan. Oh, and there is also a conspiracy theory afoot tying Kennyite Ambassador Susannah Batko-Yovino to The Palentine Emperor Captain Spaulding's mysterious 2014 disappearance.


Apart from their military and economic ties, The Palentine and Omigodtheykilledkenny enjoy an unprecedented, prolific cultural exchange. TV shows, movies, literature and sports teams/athletes from one nation are enormously popular in the other. Jhessan possesses a wide fandom in the Federal Republic, while Fernanda and even Morgan have attained some level of respect within the Empire. The cultural relationship also branches out into cross-national tourism (which is booming), and science and technology. Omigodtheykilledkenny and The Palentine's respective space agencies frequently collaborate on explorations of the Solar System.

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