Montesardo-East Adanzi

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Federal Republic of Montesardo-East Adanzi
República Federal de Montesardo-Adanzi del Este
Repubblica Federale di Montesardo-Adanzi del Este
Flag of the Nine Families The Great Seal of Montesardo-East Adanzi
MottoLibertas Et Patria
("Liberty and Country")
AnthemMontesardi March (Official)
Prospect and Concord (Traditional)
Map of the Federal Republic
CapitalNew Puledra City
Largest Trotskivna
Official languages Spanish, Italian, English
Recognised national languages Spanish, Fillician, Latin, Italian, English
Recognised regional languages Equestrian, High Griffon, Zebric
Ethnic groups Equus Sapiens - 82.785%
Zebras - 8.123%
Griffon - 6.127%
Others - 2.965
Demonym Montesardi
Adanzian (Spanish, f. Monteadanziana, m. Monteadanziano)
Government Parliamentary Democracy
 -  Prime Minister Alexandrite Lavalier Stratzhoof 15px
 -  Parliamentary Speaker Raven Claw 15px
 -  Supreme Judge Silver Watch 15px
 -  Senior Advisor on Policy Silver Breeze Dominique 15px
Legislature Federal Parliament
 -  Upper house Federal Council
 -  Lower house Ponies' House of Commons
 -  Unification 1885 
 -  Establishment of the Freelands of Montesardo December 7, 1886 
 -  Union of Montesardo and East Adanzi August 16, 1891 
 -  455,692 km2
175,944 sq mi 
 -  Water (%) .05
 -  2014 estimate 75,155,079
 -  2014 (INAGE Census) census 75,086,022
 -  Density 164.92/km2
427.1/sq mi
GDP (nominal) 2014 estimate
 -  Total ฿ 11.23 Trillion
 -  Per capita ฿ 280,344.58
Gini (2014)negative increase 57.21
HDI Increase 0.91
very high
Currency Federal Bit (FDB)
Time zone PST (UTC-8)
 -  Summer (DST) PST (UTC-7)
Date format
Drives on the left
Calling code +21
ISO 3166 code MI
Internet TLD .mea, .adan

The Federal Republic of Montesardo-East Adanzi (Spanish: República Federal de Montesardo-Adanzi del Este, Italian: Repubblica Federale di Montesardo-Adanzi del Este ) is a federal parliamentary democracy, located in Pony Lands, that comprises of nine Federal Provinces and one Federal District. The capital is New Puledra City and its largest city is Trotskivna, located in the province of Cazana. Montesardo-East Adanzi dedicates itself to mining and oil extraction, its economy is currently small and of no major importance at an international perspective. However, after the New Duntrot Reforms, Montesardo-East Adanzi is slowly modifying its economic policy from a completely state controlled to a mixed economy. Progress has been slow as government bureaucrats have been against the changes enacted by Prime Minister Alexandrite.


The name comes from the union of the remnants of the old territories of Montesardo and Adanzi. With West Adanzi now forming part of Fillicia, Montesardo and East Adanzi united after The War of Union ended in 1891. This occurred soon after the Montesardi nation united all of the conflicting city states into a centralised republic. The name is attributed to originate from Italian and Fillician vocabulary.


City States Era

While the fall of the Golden Herd brought chaos to Borealia, the surrounding areas near the Montesardi Plains and the Adanzian Mountain range were prosperous, with many merchants and traders eventually fortifying and settling small villages. Of these, nine city states were formed: the Trotsbelden-Skirvpont, Catiyer, Nevarroa, Iandero, Silfat, Auroviel, Jansylvane, Tlajomanco and Cenideros. The nine city states constantly bickered with each other, with only two reaching some sort of recognition, being theTrotsbelden-Skivpont Republic and the Auroviel Principality.

The states were largely influenced by republican traditions, with only three of them being some sort of monarchy or principality system. Trotsbelden-Skirvpont was a Maritime republic that held vast amounts of wealth. The liberty found in the state was regarded as one of the most free during the 14th century, with bright minds and disciplined inventors spreading knowledge abroad. Thanks to this, the city states were regarded to have a vast number of scholars and knowledge in the fields of the arcane and of the region.

Unification Era

After being united as the Central Republic, Cod Poll was made the country's first leader; however, instability ensued from the newly founded country as The Fillician Union declared war on the country and invaded Adanzi, a province of the country. The War of Union or the Great Adanzi War lasted from 1887 to 1891 resulting in the loss of West Adanzi. The government renamed itself Montesardo-East Adanzi in honour of the fallen from the war. Disputes of West Adanzi still occur between both nations.

Soon afterwards, Cod Poll was sent in exile to Virranacce and a Coup d'Etat installed a parliament to reign over the country. The parliament elected Regal Cuff Alamanto as the nation’s first Prime Minister in 1891 after the Convention of Unión y Prospecto was held. Regardless, the country struggled with economic progress and was plagued with rebellion. Conflicts continued to occur until 1920, when an internal political conflict sparked out of control.

The Violet Revolution

Main Article: Violet Revolution

In November 4th of 1921, Sickleworth Mancolt a normal worker of the copper mines had rallied his Earth Pony counterparts and initiated a revolution for more rights for their race. The Central Government immediately deployed the army to crush the rebellion, but a surprise attack on Trotskivna and an underestimate of the forces they were up against led to the conflict being prolonged. The Battle of Trotskivna was regarded as one of the most bloody in Montesardi history. Pegasi (known as the Storm Sylphs), on the other hand continually fought against the Earth Ponies until both races had seen themselves almost annihilated.

A truce was officially signed on April 5th 1928 after almost seven years of a brutal conflict. It was Violetta Stratzhoof and Commander Hans, both from the Unicorn Faction who drafted the peace treaty that ultimately ended the conflict. Unicorns were now the most dominant race in the nation.

The Capitalist Era

After the November Revolt, the unicorns thought it unwise to give power to any of the other species after viewing what had occurred. While this violated the Bill of Interspecies Rights, they insisted that such an action had to be done. Now being the majority specie in the nation, the unicorns installed a Military Dictatorship with Armand du Fillyponté as the head. While some might claim that the rule was harsh, none can deny the economic and social progress achieved during this period. Armand started the nationalisation and modernisation of the copper mines and had various oil refineries constructed to stimulate and move the nation's oil industry.

The Federal Mining Corporation and the Corporación Montesardi de Petroleo (Known as PEMEA) still stand as the result. The Federalismo Tower in New Puledra City was constructed under his mandate which was the headquarters of these state owned corporations. With this, Armand initiated reforms to the country’s educational system as well as the welfare system. Quality of life had drastically increased, as well as significant progress in the national economy with the new Mixed Market plan the country had instituted.

Critiques of the era stated that Armand was appeasing to the socialists with the creation of a welfare state, yet regardless if the accusations where true, the Socialist Coup d'Etat was sufficient proof to demonstrate otherwise. While the years were regarded as the Montesardi Golden Age, they sparked an internal conflict that ensured that the era was at its end.

Socialist Era

Around 1973, some socialist policies began starting an up stir within the population. What first started with protests, afterwards turned into a coup d'etat that knocked down the prior government and sent the old government officials into exile. The socialists managed to take control of the government and installed some politicians to control the nation. Under the direction of the socialist government, they nationalised the mining and the oil industry and began manufacturing arms to invade Fillicia and to have a more firm hoof in regional affairs. After 40 years of this, the nation suffered an economic crisis that led to the weakening of the Socialist Party and the rise of the National Centralist Party to the nation's poltics.

New Duntrot Plan and the Modernization Act

It was evident to the public that following the socialist path was not the best idea, but some were still slightly reluctant to embrace new ideologies. It wasn't until 2010 when Alexandrite Lavalier Stratzhoof and Silver Breeze initiated negotiations with New Duntrot. The New Duntrot Plan was planned to modernise the national economy and to ensure competition with other nations that formed part of the pact.

This plan, however was met with strong resistance from the opposing Socialist Party that claimed that only some adjustments needed to be made to the national economy. Even though much resistance was met, Alexandrite and Silver Breeze pushed the plan through Parliament just barely exceeding 59% votes in favour. The country is still undergoing renovations to its economic structure.

Government & Politics

Parliamentary Palace in New Puledra City

Montesardo-East Adanzi is a federal bilateral parliamentary democracy with the prime minister exercising the role of head of state and head of government. Unlike other democratic systems, the cabinet has been replaced with an advisory that replaces the functions. The current Montesardi government follows the Federal Constitution of 1896 as the basis of laws and political structure. Due to various governmental changes, the constitution has been modified to fit the modern ideals of the nation. Some notable changes are primarily removing the national religion, changing the official national name and major modifications to the citizenship article.

The executive power is exercised by the Prime Minister and the Federal Advisory who make up the government, while the legislative power is headed by a bilateral parliament, the Federal Parliament of Montesardo-East Adanzi divided into the Federal Council and the Ponies' House of Commons. The judiciary does not rely on the other powers and is completely independent, currently the Grand Central Court ensures that the constitution is respected with the legislation and other federal laws, while the Republican Court deals with administrative cases and other types of appeals.

Universal suffrage is granted for all sexes and species since 1896, and every Montesardi citizen who has achieved parental emancipation has a right to vote. Currently, the Montesardi parliament consists of 340 members who are elected every three years in 50 electoral districts on federal elections periods. While political parties used to receive public funding, the Federal Council repealed such legislation in 2010 with the New Duntrot Act.

The political spectrum of the nation is rather diverse in the sense, with right wing parties like the NCP, left wing like the SNM and the ecologists like the EP. Recently, independents have been allowed to run for office, gaining minor seats within the parliament. While the NCP and the SNM continue to hold majority, the EP has grown in power significantly, alongside a political alliance with the NCP forming the Coalition for Progress.

Federal Montesardi Advisory

The Federal Advisory is the administrative body of the executive branch, counting with -- ministers in charge of specific ministries. The ministers are all appointed by the prime minister and can be standard members of various political parties, should the prime minister find it appropriate.

<info from constitution>. The constitution allows the appointment of a Senior Advisor on Policy, who is also the Minister of Treasury, also appointed by the prime minister to assist in day to day affairs with the parliament and the Federal Advisory.

Ministries of Montesardo-East Adanzi Ministers
Ministry of Agriculture Mint Cake
Ministry of Arcane Sciences Amethyst Rivet
Ministry of Communications Bladed Horn
Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Dark Show
Ministry of Economy Misty Platinum
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Emerald Cuff
Ministry of Interior Affairs Shadow Aura
Ministry of Justice Shining Cherry
Ministry of Labour Amber Violet
Ministry of Public Education Crystal Pen
Ministry of Public Health Lovely Heart
Ministry of Public Infrastructure Ornate Chain
Ministry of Public Security Lined Curse
Ministry of National Defence Starky Mist
Ministry of Social Integration Mythic Topaz
Ministry of Treasury Silver Breeze

Administrative Divisions

Main Article: Administrative Divisions of Montesardo-East Adanzi

Montesardo-East Adanzi consists of nine provinces, and one federal district, New Puledra. Each province follows Federal Law and is allowed to enact its own laws should they not interfere with Federal Law. Each province is administrated by a Governor who is appointed by the Federal Council. In the past, each province had their own constitution, but this was outlawed in 1973 by the Federal Council to ensure political stability. Now, provinces are only allowed to enact their own laws, making sure that they do not conflict with Federal Law or the Federal Constitution.

Nevarro is the only province that continues to have a constitution, primarily due to traditions of the area. The province is governed by the Fillician-Venedecian Council that continues to enact laws in the province, regardless if they violate Federal Law. The province of Nevarro has to abide with the Federal Constitution, however.

Name Type Capital Governor Political Party
NP Federal District.png Federal District Federal District New Puledra Signed Dot de Cavalcada 15px SNM
Auroviel.png Auroviel Province East Mandero General Platinum Hoof Seridomé 15px NCP
Cazana.png Cazana Province Trotskivna Silverwing Redview 15px NCP
30px Cordilleras del Principe Province Valerian Plains Farreach Arleinte 15px SNM
30px Lower Atrams Province Siendon Black Talon Riewsweld 15px SNM
30px Monoceros Province Fort Palomino Minerva Salazar 15px EP
Nevarro.png Nevarro Province (Special Administration District) Monte Adamio Brindar Acero Lúbidez 15px NCP
30px Nordame Province Salestre Ardiente Freiscoln 15px SNM
30px North Jansylvane Province Western Falls Brisa Sombreada Decrux 15px SNM
30px Valentia Province New Pindone Lapis Grissel 15px EP

Foreign Affairs

Main Article: Montesardi Foreign Affairs

Currently, Montesardo-East Adanzi is a member of the Coalition of Northern States since 2014. Shortly after joining the CoNS, the Stratzhoof Administration has expanded its ambitions to expand the foreign affairs program. The nation was known in the past for being rather isolationist, due to internal political conflicts. It wasn't until 1950 when the nation sought to establish foreign trade treaties with other nations that Montesardo-East Adanzi. The New Duntrot Reform in 2010 initiated a large foreign affairs program that expanded Montesardi embassy exchange with other nations an obligation, rapidly expanding ties with other nations within the region.

The following demonstrates the current embassies that Montesardo-East Adanzi maintains with other nations:

Nation Current State of Relations Ambassador(s) Embassy Address
25px Fillicia Opposed Pino Blanco Paristna 670 Damstro Boulevard, Nova Sconda Sector, Jalostän
25px Greater Pony Herd Favourable Starbright Tourmaline Acatilo 88 Greenhall International Avenue, Central District, Flankfurt am Mane
25px Lykosia Neutral Dr. Furlong Faustin 7 November Avenue, Soyuz International District, Snowpoint City
25px United Pony States Favourable Velvet Redling Stratzhoof 1256 Cherry Blossom Gardens, Fillidelphia
Crystal Spires Neutral Risky Charm Atika Pending
25px Lubyak Favourable Leticia Xoctchl Almendariz 108 Lukastovan Avenue, Erota
25px Virranacce Favourable Lilly Demanto 340 Sallvané, Diplomatic District, Savaarde
25px Malgrave Favourable Robert Hissey Pending


Main Article: Federal Armed Forces

Branches of the Federal Armed Forces of Montesardo-East Adanzi
Montesardi Army
AUNA Vengador
Montesardi Navy
Estrella Class Destroyer
Montesardi Air Force
EaP-100 Nova

The Federal Armed Forces of Montesardo-East Adanzi are controlled the prime minister during times of peace and times of war, nonetheless, the prime minister also assigns commanders for each branch for day to day control and order.. In the past, a commander in chief was to be appointed, but due to modifications by the New Duntrot Act, the Prime Minister now exercises full control in peacetimes and wartimes.

The commander in chief of the Federal Armed Forces is current Prime Minister Alexandrite, with some charges given to General Alticando. The Montesardi Army is 245,000 strong and is organised with an Army headquarters in New Puledra City, ten divisions throughout its territory, two Pegasi Air Brigades in Monte Adamio, and a Special Forces Command in Fort Palomino.

Admiral Arial Berry Salamante directs the 17,256-pony Montesardi Naval Force, including 2,750 Marines. --PARA NUMEROS DE BARCOS-- Most of the fleets are stationed in the Valerian Plains and Port Villanueva. The Navy operates its own aircraft for transport and patrol with some few fighter planes, mostly used for coastal defence or reconnaissance. The Navy is currently building an experimental fleet with new technological advancements, most information regarding the fleet is classified. The navy also coordinates and controls national oil ships, transport ships and other non-military vessel with some jurisdiction falling under other ministries.

Lieutenant General Alas Doradas Falladas heads the 50,500 strong Montesardi Air Force. Air assets are distributed among four air brigades with headquarters in Trotskivna, Siendon, Salestre and New Puledra City. Currently, infrastructure has been considered outdated with the Federal Government looking to update the air craft the nation has within five years.

After the Socialist coup in 1973 the Montesardi Federal Police were incorporated into the Ministry of National Defence. The Federal Police holds some military function, overwriting that of average police agencies of provinces. Currently, the Federal Police is headed by Commander General Sylestre with a force of 100,000 nationwide.


Cilland Mountain Range in Auroviel

Montesardo-East Adanzi mostly consists of three types of areas, being the plains of Montesardo, the mountainous region of East Adanzi and the coastal regions of Nevarro and Cordilleras del Principe. The diversity ensures that the nation has a rather diverse and abstract agriculture, also with largely diverse temperature spans. According to statistical data from the INAGE, Nevarro is the warmest province of all the nation, due to its coastal proximity and low sea level. The nation has a mix of Tropical, Dry, Temperate, and Polar (Alpine tundra) climates, varying province by province and by elevation.

The climatic diversity of the nation has made it even more of a challenge in attempts to regulate the national weather. The lack of sufficient pegasi and the naturally unstable climatic situation only further eradicates the problem, but after some years, most of the population has grown accustomed to the radical changes in weather and high speed winds.


Main Article: Economy of Montesardo-East Adanzi

Economic Indicators
Nominal GDP ฿ 11.23 Trillion (2014 INAGE)
Real GDP growth 3.54% (2014 INAGE, annualized)
1.9% (2014 INAGE)
CPI inflation 0.70% (2014 INAGE)
Employment-to-population ratio 81.8% (2014 INAGE)
Unemployment 3.82% (2014 INAGE)
Labour force participation rate 51% (2014 INAGE Review)
Total public debt ฿ 7.23 trillion (2014 INAGE Review)
Household net worth ฿ 3.23 trillion (Q1 2014)

Due to the New Duntrot Plan, the nation is currently classified as a transition economy. While progress has been slow, the new economic liberties have lead to a steady rise of the nation's GDP due to the influx of foreign investors. The INAGE has estimated a 3% annual growth rate for next year.

The Central Bank of Montesardo-East Adanzi prints and issues the nation's currency to avoid corruption and inflation under the Bank Structural Act of 2005. Even with these measures in place, the nation has had to employ new methods of avoiding counterfeiting and has recently allowed the Bank of the Montesardi Commerce (BCMA) to assist in the anti-counterfeiting measures.

With the nationalisation of the nation's natural resources, much of the Montesardi GDP is reliant on the output and income of the state owned corporations. Primarily, the nation dedicates itself to the exportation of oil and copper products, which have formed part of the economy since achieving independence. The New Duntrot Plan has allowed foreign corporations to place factories in the free economic zones that where designated in 2010. Recently, the manufacturing and the heavy industry sectors have increased significantly in size, but environmental regulations have made the increase rather small.

Copper mining makes up 35% of the Montesardi GDP and 47% of exports, while oil extraction and production make up 39% of the GDP and 35% if exports, making the nation heavily reliant on such sectors, but a slow transition to manufacturing and high tech has been noticed. --PENDING--



Carretera Federal 73 Nevarro-Mandero del Este

Due to the geographical features of the country, the transport network is vital for the national economy. Buses are now the main means of long distance transportation in Montesardo-East Adanzi, following the decline of the rail network. The bus system covers the whole country, from Monte Adamio, Nevarro to Nuovo Pindone, Valentia (a total of 25 hours).

The nation has a total of 150 runways (30 paved and 120 unpaved). Important airports in Montesardo-East Adanzi include Sanadero International Airport, Diamante Ambegetti International Airport, Di Armonia International Airport, Wheat Fleur Elain International Airport, and the Venecian-Allandmos Metropolitan Airport with a traffic of 9,105,524 passengers in 2014. Trotskivna is headquarters of the Montesardi flag carrier and largest airline, Montesardi National Airlines (MNA).


Montesardo-East Adanzi has a nationwide telecommunication system that provides services to most citizens, including some conflicted zones with Fillicia. TELMEA currently provides services to 67% of the nation, being a formerly state-owned corporation, in consequence of the 2000 recession, some of TELMEA has been privatised to recover from the increasing deficit the nation had. The current system is based on some few microwave radio relay facilities and one domestic satellite system with modern equipment. According to the 2014 INAGE census, there were 7.27 million registered phone lines in use and 12.45 million mobile cellular telephone users, with 75.42% of the population with access to the internet. The Montesardi internet country code is ".mea" and ".adan".


Montesardo-East Adanzi's agriculture focuses on a wide range of different activities due to its geographic positioning and geological features. In the past, agriculture was the most important bases of the nation's economy, now agriculture and allied sectors like forestry, logging and fishing only taking 7.32% of the GDP as of 2010 and employed 12.6% of the country's labour force. Some major agriculture products of Montesardo-East Adanzi includes grapes, apples, pears, onions, wheat, corn, oats, olives, garlic, potatoes, wool, fish and timber. The mountainous landscape of the north limits the extent and intensity of agriculture so that arable land corresponds only to 5.62% of the total territory, while the south holds 13.36% of arable land.


Template:Historical populations


With about 83% of the national population consisting of the Equus Sapiens, most other species are considered minorities and have be treated respectfully. Within the pony majority, unicorns hold the position of the most dominant and numerous subspecies in the nation. Currently, unicorns form part of 53% of the national populations, while pegasi hold 17% and earth ponies 13%.

Humans form a very small minority of 1.2% of the population, mostly found in the city of Trotskivna and Monte Adamio. Most of these humans live alongside ponies with no problem, having a rather harmonious relationship with them.


Montesardo-East Adanzi is officially a secular nation with the modification made to the constitution in 1973 with the freedom of religion and consciousness. Currently, Harmonism is the most practised religion with the general population, consisting of around 78% of the nation's population who registered as Harmonists. In recent years, other religions have grown due to the recent migration of Zebra and Griffin populations. Because of this, their native religions have grown more strength within the country, not to mention the native religions that other species follow.


Main Article: Education in Montesardo-East Adanzi

The current educational system is administrated by the Ministry of Public Education, alongside the Ministry of Arcane Sciences. The regular educational system in Montesardo-East Adanzi is divided in kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, post-secondary, and technical or higher education (university), while the Arcane system is divided in primary magic school, secondary magic school and advanced magic school. The Arcane system only admits unicorns into it, disallowing any other specie or subspecies into any of its institutions. To the contrary, the regular system allows any specie to receive education.

Critiques of the current Montesardi educational system have clamoured for the full integration of students regardless of their naturally born magical abilities, which the MPE has responded by allowing the nation's unicorns to decide if they wish to continue studying magic or to integrate themselves with the rest. They may only do this once they have the ability to handle basic magic that the MAR has approved, this usually means when the individual unicorn has completed primary magic school.


Template:Largest Cities in Montesardo-East Adanzi

As can be observed, Montesardo-East Adanzi has relatively few metropolitan areas, alongside a distributed population as only two cities exceed one million inhabitants. The nation consists more of small cities, towns and villages spread out in the national territory, making the Federal District, Cazana and Nevarro the most populated provinces, holding almost 43% of the entire population inside their respective boundaries.


Traditional Montesardi culture originated largely from Equestrian culture, with some minor inclusions of Fillician culture. As Harmonism is deeply embedded into the Montesardi cultural heritage, the society bases itself off of the Elements of Harmony, various structures built in honour of each individual virtue. Exogenous cultural attributes have been incorporated into Montesardi Culture.

The numerous wars and civil conflicts that occurred at the end of the 19th and first decades of the 20th century marked an age of new ideas, noticeably in the fields of literacy and philosophy. A large-scale secularisation was embedded into the culture of many institutions, noticeably universities. The so-called Villanova Movement brought large figure-heads into the cultural aspect.


Montesardi literature initiated originally from the pony tribes that originated from Fillicia, having adopted their language, later influenced deeply by the Equestrian language due to the colonisation era. Some early writers were deeply inspired by the works of Equimedes, but such works were either destroyed or lost due to disinterest.

Modern era literature found its course after the end of the Violet Revolution, noted poet and author, Quoted Prose Yandarios, and many other Montesardi authors began what would be regarded as the golden era of Montesardi literature. The social situation at the time influenced deeply worded and dramatic works of literature, others dystopian genres, much like the human author Felipe Dorton. The late ages of the Modern Era and censorship by the Fillyponté regime eventually encouraged that the authors flee to either the Greater Pony Herd, the United Pony States, Fillicia, amongst other countries in Poneria.

Visual Arts

Montesardi artistic expression evolved primarily from post-revolutionary elements and the Capitalist Era's heavily influenced the movement. By the mid 1950s, human artists Lucrezio Monticelli and Alana Bertribi; alongside pony artist, Perriwinkle D'Claro helped assist and expand Montesardi painting and architecture into the Northern Poneria. Periwinkle held a much more significant role in the expansion, as her artworks are displayed in the National Palace of Fine Arts in Trotskivna.

Montesardi arcitecture is heavily inspired of Forntianist style, the influence derived from Montesardi architects who visited the Crystal Spires around 1923. Late Colonial Equestrian architecture sill holds significant importance to the layout and planning of house, seeing as the construction materials used remain concrete and bricks, as wooden houses suffered devastating consequences after the Parasprite Destruction of Trotskivna.