A History of Rutianas

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The early history of Rutianas is taught in schools to young children. By the age of seven, most children can give dates and places of events in early history, though many cannot explain why these dates are important,

The middle history is determined as events that occurred from 1034 I.D. until the People's Republic of Arianasol joined in 2319. Children, ages seven to ten learn about the history between these dates. By ten, children can name the Darsons and what they are most known for up until the early days of Arlon Darson in 2319.

The recent history is classed as anything from 2319 to the present. From age ten until fifteen, the children learn about recent history as well as understanding the concept that what they do defines how history will be written in the future. By this time, most children can recite dates, places, and names as well as explain why they need to know them.

History, in the Imperial Republic, is taught from a standpoint of learn what went wrong in the past so you do not repeat it in the future.

Rutianas: The Empire At A Glance
History, Politics, The Dävin and The Prolin
Culture and Social Policies, The Drusche Kindermuseum, Psionics
Military Breakdown, Economic Policies, The Commonwealth of Rutianas
The Rutian Language
The People
The Imperial House of Darson, Emperor Shein Darson, Empress Kennah Darson, WA Ambassador for Swarming Cute Kittens and Rutianas, Lieutenant Arren Kelich, Prime Minister Alistair Ledon
Rutian Race, Comideran Race, Danite Race
The Planets, Colonies, And Major Planetary Systems
Devor, Kendor, Salador, Panor, Schonte, Andian, Jascoi, Teshin, Ordura
Arianasol, Dreva, Elianam, Leidisch, Meritan, Mittlesind, Preissen, Rutia, Sandoval, Schrellsin, Swarming Cute Kittens